King Dollar, President

I ran across this article. Very interesting.
For those who don’t know the reason why the USD is being bought up right now, then read on.
Very insightful, I think.

Oh, by the way. It is totally incorrect about our military being mobilized for a national quarantine. That was a bad rumor. Fake news. That’s unconstitutional. The individual states do the implementing of things, like, closing non-essential businesses. During this time. So, just disregard that bit of extreme.

Learn something about our USD. Like how the carry trade was working. Etc…


Hi Mike,

Interesting read, but I suppose I’ve become a little cynical over the years with regard to USD strength/weakness thinking up ahead.

That same poster less than 3 months ago said:

The natural direction of the dollar is down based on the global balance of payments, and it’s just a question of transient forces occasionally holding it up for periods of time. The main transient force, tight U.S. monetary policy, just ended.

Likely we all have our own take and it’s difficult to place an understanding in shifting sands, I well remember back some years, indeed it seemed an ever increasing circle of debate on how and why the USD would become de-throned.

Anyways, just putting my memories into perspective, here is one one those guys in action.

It last 7 minutes but about 2 mins gets the picture :slight_smile:


Edit: actually about 2 seconds gets the message

Hi Peterma.

I hear ya.

Reminds me of this article, recently, from Clint.

But, I really do appreciate hearing the other side.