Knowledge to Action Forex Course

Hi All

Wow, this is a great website with so much wonderful info. I have recently visited a Knowledge to Action Forex seminar in London - this was a brief intro to the world of Forex ending with them offering you a 2 day course in Forex trading with support of a trader coach for 6 months. Course costs £2000 - has anyone had any experience with these guys? Its an awful lot of money to cough up and I just wonder if they are as good as they promise? They are the only training centre in London apparently to offer a Live Trading floor. Any comments/views will be much appreciated!

ive seen the booklet these guys hand out, to be honest i’d save your money (nothing against them at all). I could copy and pate the stuff on babypips and charge you 2k for me to read it to you in a class.

Anyway back to my point, go through the school and then either build your own method based on what you have learnt or adapt something from one of the threads on here. you do need to spend some time on your education thats for sure.

Anybody that has been trading for a while will tell you , its something you have to experience and be doing yourself thats when the real tests begin.

I am off to one tomorrow so I will see what they have to offer then make a decision. The question you need to ask yourself if you are a complete newbie at Forex is, “Have I got £2000 to aid my education”? or do I have more time to read through Babypips school, plus all the free resources which are available on the web, this forum, Investopedia, Stockcharts, ect?

Plus spending money on one to one tuition maybe helpful if you have no discipline to trawl through hours & hours & hours &… (you get the picture) of websites, ebooks, this holy grail, that holy grail, ad nauseum.

I will also ask the question tomorrow, “Why pay £2000, when I can get most of what you offer for free”?

This has been discussed recently here:

you can spend 2k on a course, but never learn what you learn yourself from trial and error.

Thanks for that, very good read. I am well armed for tomorrow. :smiley:

Thanks all for the views and feedback!

I would love to hear your views on the course! I agree with you that one can spend hours trawling the internet and find several contradicting opinions. Taking a course and seeing it done live is good for introduction and gaining some confidence. I hope you enjoy the course - looking forward to hearing about your experience.:slight_smile:

If only that where true :frowning:

Greg Secker has a nasty habit of sending solicitors letters to those trading sites where bad reviews are published. Consequentially, many of the factual reviews by actual customers are deleted leaving only the testimonials posted by his marketing team.

Stil, its a nice little earner for him.

Thanks for the info - no wonder I’m hardly able to find any reviews of the course on the internet! Lets hope daisychain shares some insight with us :slight_smile:

Arrived early to have a word with somebody, only 2 there, but spoke to one,
"Question, why pay 2k for course etc."
A. Education with Pros one to one rather than fishing around with idiots on free sites etc. cannot be beaten.

Seminar was basic. Knowledge to Action is a training company. They big themselves up, rather a bit OTT in my opinion. (Smells a little of Kleaneaze the pyramid sales company.)

I would say to any newbie, (& I did in the lobby of the hotel, Hi to John & Phil, hope you found babypips ok) immerse yourself in free info from this site (babypips school) also Investopedia, stockcharts, Action Forex, et al.

Trade on a demo account or small live account to get the feel for the markets, brokers platforms etc.

Then pay Knowledge to Action 2K for their pro, a personal coach to hone your trading skills, their 3 proprietary systems, 3 days in a trading room environment, plus lifetime weekly charts rundown. But be prepared to roll your sleeves up & work your *&se off & ask as many questions as you can think of to get your 2K’s worth out of them.

no wonder I’m hardly able to find any reviews

You didn’t follow the link to the site where the guy reports on his whole experience, then others make comments as well?

I would say to any newbie, (& I did in the lobby of the hotel, Hi to John & Phil, hope you found babypips ok) immerse yourself in free info from this site (babypips school) also Investopedia, stockcharts, Action Forex, et al.

Trade on a demo account or small live account to get the feel for the markets, brokers platforms etc.

Then pay Knowledge to Action 2K for their pro, a personal coach to hone your trading skills, their 3 proprietary systems, 3 days in a trading room environment, plus lifetime weekly charts rundown. But be prepared to roll your sleeves up & work your *&se off & ask as many questions as you can think of to get your 2K’s worth out of them.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience - I guess one has to realise that your not gonna get all the knowledge by simply paying for a course! I’m now starting to look in Investopedia & Action Forex etc. Thanks once again, much appreciated!

The problem is that everyone’s a pro nowdays, so it’s almost impossible to know for certain who’s the 0.1% not telling porkies.

Paying for the course is fine I have no problem with that, but it is the timing which is the most important detail, (similar to entering a trade really :slight_smile: ) OK a newbie is a blank canvas with no preconceptions of trading, the only problem with that is the information overload will be immense in a 2 day course, in fact most of the information would go over the top of a complete newbie’s head.

Get some grounding 1st, trade a little, make the usual newb mistakes, overtrading, too much risk, impatience, greed, yada yada, then bite the bullet & take the course. :slight_smile:

I would agree up till your yada yada…

Its quite amusing to do some digging into Greg Seckers background, particularly some of the claims he makes about his former employment.

Again thank you all for the advice - very very useful for a complete newbie :D:D

Simba- now you’ve got me curious, will try to dig a bit more into Greg’s background:eek:

Focus not so much on WHERE he worked, but what he DID :smiley:

Every person is different, with a different personality, so we have individual preferences for different methods of learning.

I’ve attended two presentations with Greg Secker and one of his staff. It wasn’t for me. Its for beginners who know nothing about trading. But then, I am not that keen on some other recommendations people have provided and opted to get privately trained instead.
I am sure some people will benefit from Secker, and some will not. Ultimately trading is about what [I]you[/I] do with the information you have access to. You can have the best trader in the world teach you, and it still doesn’t guarantee you would be a good trader!