Kudos from a Babypips competitor

Trading Strategy Guides (TSG) has rated Babypips among the Top Ten Forex Blogs.

I’m not sure to what degree TSG competes with Babypips, and I’m not sure that “blog” is the correct classification for Babypips (or, for that matter, for several of the other top-ten designees).

But, be that as it may, here is the TSG banner, and their review of the Babypips site.
(Click on the images to enlarge them.)

To see the rest of the TSG Top Ten list, click HERE.


Thanks for sharing this, @Clint! We really appreciate it. We’ll continue to work even harder to further improve your time and experiences here!


Congratulations BP!!! :smiley: Haha. :blush: Super happy to be part of this community! :smiley:

Good stuff. Thanks for sharing this, @Clint!