KVB, good broker

Did some one hear KVB before? It’s an ASIC regulated company and Hongkong listed. The spread is very low. Sounds great. Did someone ever try it before?

No I haven’t yet. But try also to visit loyalforex they are also good :smiley:

KVB? My friend just opened a account over there. They offer lots of CNY pairs as well. It’s awesome if you r interested in the economic in China.

I thought I have seen this question before? I suggest everyone stay away from this broker.

why not hava a try first? Remember give us feedback anyway

If you receive a simple warning to stay away from a broker, I think the best you can do is STAY AWAY. Forum is the best place to find fellow traders who have used certain brokers, so I often take their warnings seriously.

Did you try it before? Why say stay away?

Can they offer microlots trading? If yes, try it.Follow your heart, mate

They can offer mini account, which can trade microlots. They got regulated as well. Sounds good