Larry Williams Smash Days

Does anybody trade Larry Williams Smash Days successfully? And which instruments do you use it on?

I’ve put it into an algorithm and backtested on the NAS100 which seems to have great performance. What else would it likely work on? Forex doesn’t seem to work well, and that makes sense because he was a futures trader so probably not creating systems with FX in mind.

This is risking 2% per trade.

I thought DAX would have a similar performance, but it doesn’t work well over the last 4 years (I don’t have accurate data beyond that). FTSE100 doesn’t work, and I’m not too surprised on that one. Gold and Silver don’t work.

So does anybody know what else works with this strategy? Or any other proven rules based strategies that work well with automation? I’ll give free copies to anybody who helps develop winning strategies with me. No more USA indices, they’re too similar and that means concurrent signals with similar results.

My aim is to create a portfolio of strategies that I can run simultaneously to have reasonably low risk per trade but putting all of my margin to use.

I’ll be putting the smash day into action and updating here with results in the future

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I think @tommor (tagged) would be the person to ask, if anyone is: he’s posted plenty about “Smash days”. :slight_smile:

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I am not using Smash Days as such but I have developed and am using a related strategy on the Nasdaq100 (only). This simply involves setting a buy at the High AND a sell at the Low of every D1 bar. Exit by stop-loss if the oppoosite range extreme is reached, or at the first profitable Close.

Win rate on the Nasdaq100 is at least 80% after a month at most.

As to why Smash Days and my bracket trading work well on this market, it can be summarise as high volatility. Historic Volaitiility of the Nasdaq100 is about 1.38. This is the same as the CAC40 and compares with the Dow Jones at 1.14, DAX at 1.22, and the FTSE100 at 1.07.

Forex volatilities are way lower: EUR/USD = 0.61, and even the Dragon, GBP/JPY, only manages 0.73.


Are you trading that strategy live? Do your results match your backtest? Something is definitely wrong with when I backtest that because it’s nowhere near 80% win rate. Neither are smash days, but smash days work better historically, so I’ll stick with this.

Thanks for the CAC40 recommendation, I’m downloading data to test that now.

Got some work to do before I can run multiple bots on one account, probably won’t have it done in time for tonight but should be able to get it done for next week.

CAC40 doesn’t work either. I guess it just runs on NASDAQ then. I’ve made the edits to one bot, got the other to go and then they can both run live. We’ll see if it goes as spectacularly well as the backtests. Or more likely spectacularly badly…

Yes I’m trading it live and the results of live trades match the charts. I don’t understand how they could not since the trades are driven by the charts and the trader has no input.

I am only trading Nasdaq100, tha CAC is volatile but I can’t think of a reason to prefer it over the Nas.

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i just finished his book this morning, smash days are interesting the setup has great potential. I haven’t back tested yet but from your results it seems his strategy is good

It doesn’t work well on most things. And actually, if I trade his exact rules, it doesn’t work well on what I use it for. My results are a slightly modified version of smash days with different rules for selling vs buying.

1st automated smash day trade. A cynical person would say there’s some manipulation going on here. Especially since I can’t find any chart anywhere else where it went down this low, to the exact number required to stop me out…