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Hello, My name is Andre and I am new to the Forex Community. I have a background in Real Estate investing and looking to branch out to other forms of investing.

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What you would be investing in, is learning to trade successfully. That will cost you a lot if you don’t treat it as a new business venture. There is no short cut.

Best of luck.

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if you do same mistake again and again there is no chance to come out losses from trading at all. have a perfect journey

Welcome Andre! :blush: I’ve always been curious about real estate, but I assume you need to have quite the capital to invest there. :sweat_smile: What other trading options have you been looking at? :smiley:

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welcome to this community , have e very good journey on there.

this community is really friendly , feel free to ask any question you need to know, i hope you will enjoy this kind of environment .

Forex isn’t an investment. I don’t know why people think of it that way. It’s a job.

Welcome to the forum. May I ask something regarding this, I’ve been meaning to get into this world, How does one start that? Do you have any good Website / YT channels / book recommendations? I’ll be grateful if you can mention.