Learn everything about forex

Hello, I’m Victor
I’m new here and interested in learning everything about forex

You can learn forex from many sources on the internet.

Welcome welcome. :blush: How did you find out about forex? :smiley: Hope you enjoy it here! :blush:

Welcome and good luck on your journey. Make sure you get stuck into the education section here and practice practice PRACTICE.

You can practice on a demo account to learn.

You need to learn all the basics of forex to reduce the risks in this market.

Go to the educational section where you will find everything about trading.

Hello. Start trading in a demo account which is the right choice for beginners.

Your in the right place buddy !
The school here is a top resource and when you’ve learned some of the basics you can start applying it on a demo account. Good luck :+1:

To make money from this market, you need proper knowledge and skills.

Knowledge is compulsory to make a good career in this market.

Start with the school of pipsology! If you want, you can also watch YouTube videos to understand the market more clearly.

I would do plenty of research to get to grips of it all there’s the useful education section on here and there’s plenty more wishing you best of luck

Learning is a common thing in this market.

Welcome to the community, Victor. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.