Learning Forex from SunTzu

Hello, I’m David.

While reading the book "Art of War’ by Sun Tzu, I noticed that if the Forex market is considered as a battle ground, and if we can define the similarities, there is quite a lot to learn that would be very beneficial to your trading plans and your systems.

The Art of War is an old book and has a lot of translations from the original text (old Chinese), this accounts for the differences you might find if you search for the book online or in book stores. I will have attached two different copies of the book as i would love you to read it.
Sun Tzu - The Art of War by Sun Tzu (1983).pdf (54.3 KB)

Hy David,
the book is brilliant, i read it many of years ago and repeat it always-you can use the principles in many fields!

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I think of price action in military battle terms.
Slope is angle of attack
breakout is max momentum
military crest when action slows reaching to top
dispersion zone when shere is price action most likely to go.
and so on!

So I will kick start…

“…Therefore measure in terms of five things, use those assessments to make comparisons, and thus find out what the conditions are. The five things are The Way (Moral Law), The Weather (Heaven), The Terrain (Earth), The Leadership (The commander) and Discipline (Method)…” from Art of war by Sun Tzu.

The Way: This is, understanding the goal and aim of your trading in very clear terms: This are my own goals in the order think they should be:
Forex goals:
1 Long term survival;
2. Steady growth of capital;
3. Making high profits.
Remember, your goal is to trade well, not to trade often…

The Weather: This means seasons, and I liken this to, Ranges, Consolidations, side ways movement of price, trends and so on, also best trading times of the day, week, month and even year.

The Terrain: This is understanding the battle ground, here understanding the markets; What are the most important things to know abut the market? What makes price move? Who makes price move? How do you make money off of this market? How do you win? What is the real contention? Who are you opposed against? and so on…

The Leadership: This refers to intelligence and skill; This is the point you now start to develop your strategy and plan to win. Most of what you do here is learn and build strategies based on information.

The Discipline: This to me one of the most important, this talks about Organisation, Command and Logistics. Build a plan, have reaction for perceived actions, let it be clear and stick to it.

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Yeah I do agree, It finds relevance in a lot of fields. @Kashmaster

Wow that is good @midwest , I didn’t even think of those.

thanks for the copy mate. will give this a read once i am done with the school of babypips pipsology

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In the Forex war it’s intelligence vs. stupidity and/or ignorance.

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or the patient vs. impatient

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Yeah, but let me show you a video it tweak your understanding of the market a little, I think this video explains it quite well…


This is just a summary of Market Sentiment from a retail point of view?

It’s a great filter - but not the key to become profitable… If you follow this in isolation then you’re finished.


No sh1t - point out the issues and don’t point out the tried and tested approaches. It’s just an approach to consume youtube viewers (as clearly mentioned in the last 5 mins of the video)

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Lets face it, forex like life is a gamble, the folks that learn to make an consistently positive edge become the winners.

The winners usually make sure the odds are in their favour first, they don’t trade for weekly income because they already earn a salary and they have a much more professional approach than most retailers do. They don’t get caught up with useless indicators or flashing buttons…! and only use information that’s relevant

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Very relatable to FX, id also recommend the Book of five rings.

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oh Jesus, here comes the whole “is forex gambling” scenario

Bacon, its interesting that your email letters correspond to a radio station, frankly I just go away, not mad just go away.

I always love checking out new things so super thanks for this @d_deekay1! :smiley: I’ll check this out reading out. :smiley: “Art of War” is sounds very intriguing. :wink: Haha. :slight_smile:

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There’s quite a difference between gambling and trading, one is based on hunch and luck the other is based on plans and systems. Yeah it is true that majority of traders are just gamblers, but trust me no profitable trader sees the forex market as gambling. Another difference is that gambling is for fun and excitement, trading is for profit. To understand this, could you read ‘Trading for a living’ by Elder Ray

Sorry midwest - i’m not following what you’re saying?

Thanks for sharing the pdf. Will definitely read it.