Learning session about profitable system

What you mean by that? You mean janpec1000 has a paid service?

It looks a long time but in Forex trading it’s not a big deal to learn advanced level. Actually there is no ending of time to learn Fx.

I think you have to work for a strategy with a long time that can make you profitable. and besides focus on the money management.

It’s okay. But means not we have to wait for making profit till 15-20 years. Forex is uncertain and risky but also profitable. According to me, if we work consistency with great discipline of course within 5 years it is possible to be a minimum good trader.

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But I focus on money management, I used risk-reward 2-1. If I risk 30 pips, I want profit of 60 pips. But if majority trades are lost, it doesnt help me much with risk-reward money management. Thats why I say I need a good trader to teach me. He will understand what is wrong with my trades, because I dont understand that, I dont see it, and I will continue to lose again.
When someone makes money already from forex and mentors you, its easy. But when I try alone, I think I never will have success.

Wierd to see this thread pop up all of sudden 3 years after. On a topic of discussion trading does take a while to get profitable if you are starting from the ground up, building the strategy that you really want and suits your personality, however there is overall quicker way to get by finding the mentor. Sadly finding one is very difficult and also not a guratanee that strategy will fit the trainee either.

I hear many gurus out there telling how their mentors changed their lifes many years ago. I want to say that too in the future. I just cant make it alone. If I could I would make it in 5 years by now, but I failed.
Can you help me with a strategy? And then not realy mentor me, but at least take a look at my trades and tell me when I made a bad trade and why. I need things like this, thats why I did not make it alone.I need someone superior if I want to become successful at forex.
Please help me end this 5 years misery!

IulianForex i understand the struggle it took me a while to get to profitable point and every single profitable trader that i know essentially had to put as much if not more time into it than myself, dont be discouraged by 5 years time that is normal, if you got that far at least it shows you have passion for it which is absolute must to get it done in this game. In general its the hours tha you put in that count not the years itself becouse it can drastically differ between two persons with 5 years in markets if one only has put 15 minutes a day versus other few hours.

As for mentoring side, what i learned over the years is that if you really want to teach people to trade you have to lead them by their hand almost literally . Its not enough to just throw learning material or to check every month once what is going on, it really has to be hands on to keep person always on correct road and keep changing as fast as possible on getting the corrections to mistakes.It takes dedication both from mentor and especially student, most traders underestimate what kind of dedication that means, its not just about learning strategy over weekend and then starting to trade next week which is what most do, its about doing hundreds of hours of historical research of pattern that you want to trade, doing statistical analysis to trully get the performance of pattern (expected DD, expected success rate, cut % rate etc) all that takes to get it right and stable on live markets, especially for very frequent short term strategies like the ones i trade.
It also helps a lot to have a job where you have flexible access to computer on daily basis, usually 9-5 jobs are not a great fit, its possible, but you would need to put all the extra free time into learning if you want to get it done that way.

You have to ask yourself how much you want this, and by that i dont mean how much you want to make 5k a month, thats not the question. It means how much are you willing to put significant hours in study and dedication to get profitable and it has to be passion to markets to drive you not just monetary side. Most people will not be willing to put in the time needed i have seen it over and over again.

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I was spending 4,5,6 hours a day in front of charts for this 5 years. Because I really want to be profitable. But I dont know, something is not working, and I dont know what is that. I take a break of 6 months for some serious health issues I had. Now is all good, and I am ready to look at charts again.
ShouId understand you are scalping if you say you like short term trading ? Or maybe you are day trading?
Yes, I want and Im willing to put the extra free time into learning. I can be very happy if Im make guaranteed 500 pips every month. I only want to be with positive pips at the end of month, not with negative. :frowning: And I am not ashamed to say I need help.

Yeh thats normal, getting profitable is like seeking all of 100 pieces of puzzles one can spend years and collect 90 of them, but if you dont have all of them its very likely that the game doesnt work yet and the worst of all is “you dont know what you dont know”, meaning you dont actually know in advance what you are missing, until the day comes when you do collect that puzzle. It might be the most frustrating part about trading and something that quits the most people, becouse you simply dont know what you still need to conquer as opose to other proffessions where you know exactly how much time and exams you need to cover until you get the degree and decent potential to land career.

By the way your profit should never be unit specific to the asset, but always % specific of your account. If you want to express units then only allowed are R units, the units of risk (eg SL distance relative to asset pip/volatility distance). So many traders focus on getting profits in pips, which means that they neglect the proper money managment and equal weighting of positions, what happens in such cases is that traders have trades that leave very different impacts on account, lots are static but since price structures have different volatility that means youll hit once loss of 10 pips on X lot, other case 30 pips on X lot, and your trade to account % impact will be all over the place ranging from 1 to 5% or more.
One of the most important things to do (especially until you really can start to tell difference between higher and lower probability setups) is to equallity weight the positions. To do that you must use dynamic position sizing, whether its lots in FX, USD in equities and else in other markets.

As for my trading i am generally short term to very short term trader, most of my trades are from 10 second charts on options, the rest is M1 from FX and equities. The key advantage of very short term charts is that you can build high % gains in very short amount of time and also be consistent every single day which cannot be said for low frequency strategies. The downside of high frequency trading is ofcourse…its much more difficult, it requires thinking 3 steps ahead, have 100% understanding of what you are looking for and ability to make quick decisions (which comes with practice).

Wara, you look confident . its okay. how much you can earn by trading ? are you already successful trader ? if you are how much time you have passed ? please elaborate

Its true sometimes our risk managing approach not works when particularly majority losses and market moves at random. But this happens not for all time. and I also sometimes feel I need a Forex mentor who will monitor my trading and guide me to avoid unfortunate loss. but practically there is no mentor which can reduce your loss , he just can ensure some good advice nothing without it. So depending on a mentor blindly is not a good task I think. We have to depend on our skill and live experience.

Got your point. But I think even though a mentor cannot reduce losses by trading in hand but their proper guidance can make you different than others. But the big deal is you found the real Forex Mentor or not. Lots of Forex teachers or mentor is available in online and most of them are found to be scams. I always vote for a Forex mentor .

Hey, wara. Still I have never found my answer that I asked for from you. Thank you

I was late , sorry. Peter, I am not a successful trader but I have a capability to earn minimum 20-30 pips with successfully. But honestly sometimes I fall a great trouble in particularly during news and losses. And I have been trading actively in this trading place from 2014.

Nice. By the way, Can you please ensure about trading Lot size?

Peter, for avoiding unfortunate risk I always like to trade with small size of lot. But there is proper money management plan. So easily I can avoid losses maximum time.

Forex Mentor can bring some good point but to make profit with reliability we the traders have to be experienced first of all by practice. So, focus on trading than a Mentor.

Some unfortunate losses and unsuccessful trading can make us discourage and emotional , if your trading guidance by a professional Mentor there is a great chance to come out from recent losses very rapidly.

That would be great! Please allow me in your team.