High leaverage is very risky and hits stops loss immediatly and. It not use properly can wipe out your balance. Leaverage of 1:50 is more flexible than
1:200. In 1:200 if we place our stop loss 30 pips above or below of current price. then if stop loss hit it will severely damage the account.
But if we use leverage of 1:50 then we can put or stop loss more than 50 pips
for from current price. It may be that market goes 40 pips in opposite direction
and then resume in our favour then in 1:50 stop loss will not hit. But in 1:200
it will hit our stop loss and will make us stopped out.
Too bad you cannot pay bills with pips.
i want to know which leaverage is more risk, 200:1 or 500:1