Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

So far trade looks good. Not as much movement as I would have liked, but draw down was exceptional.

NU: +12.5 pips

Hey man. EA profit me 100+ pips, the long was correct for the both of us. I’m getting a sell signal at these current levels. I don’t know about your overbought/oversold system, but my RSI is saying overbought too.

How’s that 1HR system coming along?

Remember that first sheet I sent you? I think thats the same sheet I trade now. Dude. Good notification on EA. pulled the data… was expected to have high draw down today… which it did xD. It should short for the day! I just entered.

Second trade for the Day:

EA Short: (on sub account) at 1.47802

as far as the hour setups go. its going to take some further testing but it seems like it will work decent. Problem is If I can’t pull the data super quick get the signal and enter immediately I miss the trade… Take GN for example. I pulled the data for 01100 and right after I got the long signal and looked at the chart… GN already longed 20 pips from hour open! But yes, EA looks solid. I am pretty much at breakeven and I just entered.

Yeah, maybe it would benefit you for there to be drawdown while you crunch the numbers, allowing you to get in at a better price. IDK. I see your problem though, price quickly rallying as you would have predicted before you actually calculate it.

But yeah this EA would be extremely profitable if can close nears the lows today. China has numbers coming out tonight which always correlate to AUD, might be the catalyst we need.

Yup. Sounds good to me. I saw the china news as well. Besides, check out EA on the hour chart. It rose a lot very quick. spiked… what goes up that quick must come down, and it is often pretty quick as well. I expect heavy moves during Asian tonight. Can’t wait to find out! We going to take some pips today!

Absolutely! I got a signal on AN for a long, so if EA is indeed going to fall, my AN signal is correct. Hope everything plays out well.

The odds are on our side! My trades are looking fantastic. Very much appreciated for the EA signal check. The math lined up very well for it to short today. I’m already green xD. On my chart it appears I shorted it at the close of the last green candle. It looks beautiful! Risk to reward looks amazing on this one. I put a 30 pip stop on it to be safe. Wouldn’t want the news spike to take it out. I haven’t pulled AN data, but it makes plenty logical sense to buy depending on where the price is on it. I need to pull up a chart. What price did you get for EA?

anyone else stop reading when he used the wrong there?

[QUOTE=“IyaJenkei;621132”]anyone else stop reading when he used the wrong there? [/QUOTE]

Original post removed. Fighting with these noobs just gets my journal trolled. LOL. I’m just going to ignore these members, continuously report them and get them banned eventually.

On a side note I’m going to post some trade updates.

EA: +16.1 pips
NU: +9 pips

I have a stop set at 1 pip from BE on my NU trade, I could care less it it gets hit or not, but NU will not take a penny from me today period. I expected it to rally some prior to the news announcement, but if I get stopped out I will just get a better price later on if it presents itself. Be back later with trade updates. Happy trading.

Yeah My SL is around 25 or so. My entry was 1.4787, great risk:reward indeed.

I’m glad the trades are working out perfectly. Will definitely test some more pairs tonight and not skimp out like I did last night. If I where extremely serious, I would pull all the pairs before I got to sleep… Write down the high draw down ones plus the expected direction, and also write down the low risk ones (from open) with high movement and take one of those trades before I go to sleep… Wake up and take the high draw down/ reversal trades when I get up during American. Seems like a good plan.

I’m pissed. Stupid Oanda widened the spread and took out my SL on NU. F U Oanda. No reason for that bs, price didn’t even come close to my SL. I put an order in NU at .866 short. Hopefully Oanda will act childish again… And when the news releases spike NU up and hit my order before NU drops. Otherwise one account is done for the day. Took +1 pips. Pretty sad.

EA on the other hand… Solid. Excellent trade. So far:

EA: + 20 pips

I’m still really pissed at Oanda for pulling that BS on me. I hope you are reading this Oanda. I am going to take MILLIONS from you. I mean MILLIONS. And if you shut my account down when I make my money I will sue you.

Anyways. I know EU will end up long today So I longed it. I’m hoping to take at least 10 pips from this trade, but I wanted to make sure I got in before the spread widens in 5 mins after the news comes out.

My Entry:
EU Long @ 1.38132

Thats funny sht bro, because Im sitting here, complaining about Oanda , not lolin.

The exact reason I dont use limit orders, and usually dont use stops. Just seems funny when sht happens like that…

I cant even tell you how many times my limits JUSt get touched, enough to trigger, to swing negative within 10th of a second…

So, today, Im going to use limits, because “pros” do, so I hear…

Now, I get to sit here, and I BEtcha my stops taken out, and then right down to where my limit was triggered it will swing within, hummmm, 2.5 seconds,

BS is right…
the BS spread widing is robbery… They sit and get a collective zone, and take out a whole fk load, im sure of, crooks…

Yeah I agree with you. I f’in hate them. But there just is no other broker until you go ECN which blows. FXCM blows as well. They are just as crooky AND they have less capitalization.

I’m super duper angry at Oanda. I knew NU would drop like a stone. Sure enough… It did. Once again. FU Oanda corporation. I’m going to make so much money off you Oanda that your capitalization is going to go to zero.

Anyways. It feels weird. I am long EU, but short EA. Both are green. Weird. But hey, the data never lies, I just fail to listen to it sometimes. Really workin on that. Will see what happens.

Hope your trading is going well?

It will be going well after I quit…

Almost had enough of this sht to be honest…

Only the top 2% succeed. I won’t ever quit, but I have had several breaks for months sometimes. Maybe you need time to reboot, and come back fresher than ever? Anyhow regardless of what you do, do come back and check up on me. I will be here. I couldn’t quit if my life depended on it. Somehow I am just drawn to it like a painter to a blank canvas. I too may need a break if this broker bs keeps happening.

I got out with profit, but Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg,

SMH, Would of had +6 pips, but got out asap, because Im brainwahsed with danger

I was right about AN, rallied for 60 pips and the China news hasn’t even released yet. It could go further.
Thing is, our EA trade is heading back to our entry. Not worried about my SL but was hoping to give myself more of a cushion heading into the news event.

About the Oanda, it happens to the best of us. I’m not exactly sure how to avoid it besides placing my SL in areas where price would have a hard time reaching. Stop Hunters smh.