Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

[QUOTE=“nined3z;621439”]Yea you’re right things are kinda crazy right now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. It’s quite scary actually. The whole fun in fx is movement. Without movement it’s like watching paint dry. Pointless. It’s like whatever Europeans do, Americans counter, then Asians counter American. Wtf people start collaborating and join the same team for once. Quit being so damn cut throat.

Trade updates:

EJ: +15 pips
EU: +16.9 pips
… and steadily rising.

20+ pips per pair would be excellent. The data was not amazing, but these where definitely good trades. Tomorrow should be a great day to trade. I’m considering throwing EN and GN into the mix if they give me good setups. Those two bad girls love to move, and I love movement.

A little secret to my motivation (and possibly my success in the future) is by finding motivational videos that help me continuously strive to be a great trader! And these videos… are not about trading! They are for entertainment purpose and give one an idea on what the rich and famous actually spend their money on. Some of the things are quite hilarious, some of them appalling!

Video I am currently watching:

The Fabulous Life of Arnold Schwartzenegger!

The Fabulous Life Of Arnold Schwarzenegger 2003 - YouTube

I must apologize to D pip for me acting as arrogant as I had earlier. EJ was not a good trade. Range was too high it appears, I was acting hasty. lost 2.2 pips in EJ, However, my EU call was spot on. I took 19.7 pips in EU.

Personally, I’m getting SICK of this slow ass movement and price consolidation that has been going on this week. Like literally sick of it, so I say Fook all the slow ass pairs, and I am trading EN and GN tonight. Signals seems pretty legit, relatively low range with what appears to be some nice movement. These pairs move a lot naturally, So if I do not take at least 50 pips from each tonight, or lose 50 pips either way… I will be in rage tomorrow. I can’t stand a slow moving currency market. I’m better off watching paint dry. I would rather get margin called than have no movement, at least that gives me reason to research and solve the puzzle.

Anyways, enough of the bs onto the actual trades:

Todays trades… High movers in the Currency world.

EN and GN

GN I longed at 1.95259 could see some decent draw down due to its volatility
EN Short at 1.60466

I do not normally trade these pairs, but the data shoots out the same as any other with typically a larger potential for draw down. Regardless, I like the closeness to zero these trades are showing. So, due to this I am reverting to a rather distant stop loss of 100 pips for each pair. Trade well, Have a great Thursday. Once again, I will be back to post during American.

I fear EN was too close to zero and I thought I had reversed the signal on it (too close to zero results in signal reversal) GN looked healthiest… And after watching the market and seeing how correlated the two are today, I’m not as confident in my EN trade.

I’m going to let the trades play out, fortunately I placed the EN trade in my smaller account and GN in the larger one. They could become uncorrelated at any point today thus my decision to let them run.

Ah, looking everywhere for blame but yourself. Stop blaming the market. Stop blaming your broker. Oanda doesn’t give two craps about stop-hunting your $10 account.

Your system is literally no better than a 50/50 coin toss, and yet you praise yourself when you flip a winner as if it were some sort of accomplishment. When you flip a loser, it’s always conveniently not your fault.

GN + 20 pips.
EN -50 pips

Going to hold EN and see what happens. GN was a good trade and I am pleased with her so far.

Closed EN. Cutting my losses short with her.
GN is looking really good. Looks like I am going to take 50+ pips from her. Nice

Make sure you’re always trying to make more on your wins than your losses. 1 Win should hopefully cover 2-3 losses.

You too huh? I do well people blast me, I make some mistakes… People blast me. I’m getting annoyed of baby pips. I think I am going to just make my own site and upload my journal on to it and disable all comments.

For the record I put 1/3rd the amount of units into my EN trade than I did my GN trade. Pips don’t matter, lot sizes do.

GN: +43.2 pips

GN: +71 pips and rising.

I hope I’m not grouped in with Trollington lol. I just treat others how I want to be treated is all.

Good call on GN. Behind on my charts as we speak though. Took a L on EU yesterday that could of been avoided had I been awake, price stalled at my entry for 7+ hours while I slept then stopped me out.

GN at a Sell Signal right now, but I’m not seeing the sell pressure. It’s off hours so it would be odd to see that anyways. At this strength, the bulls could blast through it as they’ve gained great momentum, normal for GN EA etc. I’ll keep a close eye on it.

I’m holding my long til close today. Spread is ridiculous right now anyhow. I’m really thrilled. I drew the candles that my math represents and this is an astounding breakthrough.

I’m trading off of price rejection. It’s funny how as I was in the beginning stages of trading system 13 (late march), I recognized the pattern that produced 100% accuracy and I only focused on that pattern. To this day that “pattern” still hasn’t been defeated, she is just rare… She doesn’t occur every day. I never fully could wrap my head around how to fully comprehend the math… Little did I know I am a visual learner! After actually drawing the candles, putting the math next to them… And noticing the results… I should now be able to trade multiple patterns successfully.

Today is a good example, GN was a great trade and I drew the candles to confirm. Yesterday, if you sum up all the buy candles and sum up all the sell candles like I did on page 14, you would notice the distinct negative price rejection that occurred all day yesterday. Clear and obvious sign GN would buy today.

 Now... the acceptable ranges of price rejection is an ongoing study. After today's study session, I have much more drive to put the time into that extensive side of research. Just like anything their are acceptable boundaries hence why I lost the trades I have in the past few weeks. BUT there is an acceptable range that produces a high probability trade. All I have to do is map out at what level (percent) price rejection turns into price expectancy.

If u want help making a website let me know, I do it for a living and would love I help!

That would be amazing! I am very interested. PM me and we will need to get in touch via skype, or email, whichever means you prefer.

I closed out of GN: +40 pips

I decided tonight I am only interested in GN. My mind is rather blown/blank tonight. I kinda blew it earlier with these candle stick drawings and the connection they have to the mathematics I designed. I personally can not wait for the weekend so I can recover as well as decide how I should go about my research. Hopefully this weekend will get me closer to the edge I desire next week. This has been an ongoing project for over a month now and to be honest I haven’t spent much time connecting all the dots etc until today. I may have developed the concept, but fully understanding it and learning how to properly apply it is one thing.

Anyways, My GN bias is Long. As far as price rejection goes, It appears that there was more price rejection long as opposed to price rejection short on a one minute bias yesterday. Normally this would incline a sell. But I have seen very similar patterns before in the past month due to experience. It shows that price over rejected going long throughout the day thus exhausting its ability to resist its attempt to climb further Long. Just to be safe I placed a limit order:

GN Long @ 1.95432

If price happens not to fall and hit my order yet it climbs with minimal draw down today, I will not be upset. I want more time to properly analyze as many days as I can to deduct as much information as possible over the weekend.

I do not know the true range/limitations of price rejection, I only know from experience certain patterns I have traded. So, it would be unwise for anyone to follow my signals. Like I said, every day is a test to me, and this project is ongoing.

still going through your journal daily. but haven’t any idea how to do it… no video no excel spreadsheet… sitting aside :34: when you will share. thanks in advance

[QUOTE=“classix;621758”]still going through your journal daily. but haven’t any idea how to do it… no video no excel spreadsheet… sitting aside :34: when you will share. thanks in advance[/QUOTE]

I have been struggling for the better part of a month to answer your very question. I greatly appreciate your support and will need a little more time to consider what I should do.

Before falling asleep, I adjusted my limit order to enter at 1.95532 to take spread into account. It got hit of course, but 1.9433 would still have gotten hit xD.

GN currently: -9.2 pips

I got so busy last night didn’t get to setup any trades, nice +40 pips on GN!

I am almost at 50 posts so then I can PM, :wink: