Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

[QUOTE=“nined3z;621837”]I got so busy last night didn’t get to setup any trades, nice +40 pips on GN! I am almost at 50 posts so then I can PM, ;)[/QUOTE] :smiley: sounds good. Those are some rather stupid requirements if you ask me. So you make sites for a living yes? Could you make a site that had a forum as well? I would have to pay for hosting and all of course, but if can match/ exceed the amount of views I am getting here on BP, we could make some money off of adds to help find the site :slight_smile: GN looks nice. Despite the retardely lame spread, I’m up 25 pips right now.

Yes I can make it with a Forum no problem, and of course much much more :slight_smile:

I’m a reseller for hostgator so I can take care of that as well, you would just need a domain but they are pretty cheap.

That sounds awesome! Email me at theleg0nd at aol.com. I will send you my Skype their. I’m sure we can come up with something fantastic and possibly a catchy name! I took a few courses in high school on web design, but it’s been a while lol.

Legond how old are you btw ,?

You in collage or uni ?

[QUOTE=“Libertysilver;621874”] Legond how old are you btw ,? You in collage or uni ?[/QUOTE]

I’m 23. I’m not in school right now. I did go to North Georgia College and State University for a semester, and a technical college for a few quarters after NGCSU. But it didn’t take long for me… I figured out what I wanted to do. Trade professionally for myself. Unfortunately their is no school for trading, even if their was I probably wouldn’t go. I’m an original thinker kinda guy as you can see in my thread lol. What’s up?

Trade result. I closed out of GN, not going to hold through the weekend. Since spread is already widening, I went ahead and took my profits

GN: +31 pips

Not a bad week for me. I’m pleased.

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;621876”] I’m 23. I’m not in school right now. I did go to North Georgia College and State University for a semester, and a technical college for a few quarters after NGCSU. But it didn’t take long for me… I figured out what I wanted to do. Trade professionally for myself. Unfortunately their is no school for trading, even if their was I probably wouldn’t go. I’m an original thinker kinda guy as you can see in my thread lol. What’s up? Trade result. I closed out of GN, not going to hold through the weekend. Since spread is already widening, I went ahead and took my profits GN: +31 pips Not a bad week for me. I’m pleased.[/QUOTE]

Nice nice , you seem like a young trader I just though I ld ask , how long have you been trading for ?

I started practice trading stocks at 18, then moved to Forex in January of 2012 I believe. After losing upwards of a grand in forex, I began building systems with a friend. The large losses my account shows represent me trading without a system (prior to mid to late 2013). The first simple systems my friend and I built had little math involved (I have always been the math guy now that I look back lol), then come last year about this time… I started only building mathematical systems completely on my own. Pretty much spent most of my social life over the past year diving into statistics, spreadsheets, and data.

My family thinks I am obsessed. Clearly I am, but I do enjoy other activities and do not test data 18 hours a day like I did all last summer.

And here I am today after thousands of hours, wins and losses… A solely mathematical system with absolutely no indicators or fundamentals. My dream I suppose you could call it. Completely original, completely unique with an astounding amount of trial and error, research and development xD. Despite what others that read this thread may think, I use very simple math. The most in depth I go is inverse.

A quick peak at the rates and how they closed today… Wow. 80 pip spread on GN? That’s rediculous! Thank God I got out and in profit.

I have been attempting to comprehend exactly what my approach to forex has become and I am really starting to grasp the validity of the concept plus how I intend on applying it to its utmost usefulness.

These patterns in price rejection not only indicate future price indication, but the strength of future price direction as well as price compliance as I call it. The pattern I traded in GN today, for example, was was good for x amount of hours (until 15-20 mins before today’s close). But this pattern indicated a shorter window of opportunity (Noticeable in the 1hr data spreadsheet) that price would comply to it’s intended long projection AND when price would begin to comply. So… The window of opportunity was a short one, but a valid one nonetheless which is noted in my 31 pip profit. My drawdown was an estimation, hence where I placed my limit order for entry. The closeness to how far the market actually went before it reversed long was surprisingly an excellent suggested start for the window now that I look back at it. I’m proud of myself. I have loads to work on as far as patience goes, but I feel like with a much more well drawn out plan of action in terms of research, I should be able to create a better entry and exit set of rules as opposed to just entering at open and holding until close.

Anyhow back to some relaxation and then back to some research later. Have a great weekend!

Been talking to the professional web designer Nined3z. Plans are in motion to build the site, I’m thrilled. Can’t release the domain name until it is purchased… but the name is solid! Professional, catchy and straight to the point. Unlike Babypips, my site will be much different. Most likely we will have forums, which will be a great feature. I am going to run some idea’s through Nined3z about site goals in the ongoing weeks. We will not be educating people about Forex in a conventional manor like baby pips. Rather, we will be encouraging non traditional, unique approaches to FX that will not be found elsewhere on the web. My goal is a math based approach, and I will be contributing sample spreadsheets… Possibly workshops and definitely videos on how to get started using excel and market data to make simple and advanced spreadsheets. Most likely, I will not be sharing my particular “edge” but will give some critical insight and how I got started as an Excel trader and will be leading/encouraging new traders to take my approach to Forex. Hopefully we can get some crews on board that are willing to program strategies into custom indicators that will be useable in MT4 free to members. If we can grow the site well enough, I would like to offer positions to programers, possibly administrators and of course the web designer himself, Nined3z (he will be getting a large cut of the profits for his dedication and original idea to start the site :)). Lots to look forward to in the next few months/year. Even if Nined3z decides he no longer wants to build the site, or help, I have other web designers (plus me) who can and will build the site :). So that being said, It will happen. However, those who do come to my site seeking traditional knowledge about FX will be directed the baby pips, which I am sure baby pips would love.

Onto today in FX. I have reviewed the information again and I believe I will be using Thursday data to predict Friday and Sunday as 1. Appears to work well in back tests. That being said… I am still very long oriented on GN. If the price is right today (no stupid 80 pip spread BS) I will be re longing GN or possibly looking for an opportunity in EN.

Will be back later with an update if I get in. Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to you too, Brother!

Hey man,

Congrats on the progress… Keep at it and you’ll go far. Most people don’t get it; all you need to do in Forex is work hard and you’ll get where you want to be. Refine, refine, refine. It’s really that simple. Happy holidays.

Practice makes improvement,

Thanks everyone! Finding the perfect domain name is killing me. I have a few right now, but I haven’t found any that really click yet.

Looks like their was no entry on GN and it’s highly unlikely one will show face. At least my analysis appears it will pan out. I’m already in a long position in EN on a sub account from Friday. Trade looks good, I am green.

Tonight I’m going to consider my options and possibly check out some other pairs. Will see how I feel when the time comes. Until then, enjoy the rest of the holiday :slight_smile:

GN tanked! I saw an opportunity to go long and I just took it.

My entry:
GN long at 1.95434

Good decision and I am happy with my analysis.

GN currently in profit: +3.5 pips and rising

GN update. I’m thrilled!!! Excellent trade!

GN: +51 pips and still rising XD

It’s looking like a good start to this week. Will be back later when its time to post results :slight_smile:

GN Update: Closed trade with +53 pips profit

It would appear my time on baby pips is limited. The site is on its way! The domain name has been purchased XD. Lots to look forward too :slight_smile:

Anyhow, I was pleased with yesterdays trade. Today I am interested in a GN Short. I expect heavy draw down before entry, So I placed a limit order for my short at 1.967. Seems reasonable based on the hour chart and completely doable before price reverses. So their is the possibility I will have no trade today if GN reverses before hitting my limit (unless I enter during American at a different price). I am confident in my analysis and will be back in the AM with an update.

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;622211”]GN Update: Closed trade with +53 pips profit It would appear my time on baby pips is limited. The site is on its way! The domain name has been purchased XD. Lots to look forward too :slight_smile: Anyhow, I was pleased with yesterdays trade. Today I am interested in a GN Short. I expect heavy draw down before entry, So I placed a limit order for my short at 1.967. Seems reasonable based on the hour chart and completely doable before price reverses. So their is the possibility I will have no trade today if GN reverses before hitting my limit (unless I enter during American at a different price). I am confident in my analysis and will be back in the AM with an update.[/QUOTE]

Buy low sell high

[QUOTE=“Libertysilver;622319”] Buy low sell high[/QUOTE]

True that lol. I highly doubt I will even get a trade today. Nothing is moving