Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

[QUOTE=“nined3z;617159”]I think you should continue your journal, it has at least helped me realize patience through placing a good trade but because of my own emotional knee jerk reaction I ended up with loss. Happy trading![/QUOTE] Thanks for the support man :). That can be pretty hard to find around here sometimes xD. The key to success lies within you. Forex is a real test of character in my opinion. Even the most strongest willed can eventually lose the strength to carry on. I failed so hard in the past, I’m still amazed I haven’t lost the determination and will to carry on through thick and thin.

No problem at all! I too wont give up until I can comfortably trade through good money management and more calculated trades instead of impulse trading my account into zero lol.

[QUOTE=“nined3z;617164”]No problem at all! I too wont give up until I can comfortably trade through good money management and more calculated trades instead of impulse trading my account into zero lol.[/QUOTE]

Easier said then done xD, took me over a year to get the impulse trading scratched out. As far as money management, lol don’t get me started haha. I built this system for max risk. So I trade max risk. If accuracy cuts off I will stop trading until I get it “fixed” I have no interest in low risk systems. I Have plenty that work great and are profitable lol. To Each his own though :wink:

Yea I know it won’t happen overnight for sure! I’m just a few months in to demo trading, spent a few months just looking at charts and following them. Funding the real account with spare cash weekly so its ready when I am :slight_smile:

Ah. Sounds smart! Already have more patience than I did when I first started xD. The second I deposited funds I immediately started trading xD

I’m going out in a few hours and decided I want a break from Forex until tonight, so I closed my trade. Trade went well.

EJ: +70.4 pips profit.

Look at you… You are killing it! nice trade…

Yea, It is difficult to trade then updating a journal. I did journaling my trade but in a paper for myself. It took me about 1-2 pages long when I started lol…Its like I am writing a noble… its just to much. Then I keep it short and sweet. Now, I hardly write a journal. Now, just thinking about it… maybe I should but not in athread though …maybe just for myself.

Keep it up!..I guess I have to start working now since it seems that the challenge is ON :wink:

xD. Yeah journaling can totally suck I admit. Keeps me up and additional 20 mins at night, but someone said there is a positive correlation between successful traders that keep a journal and success itself. Read it somewhere here on these forums. I never really thought about it or noticed it until I actually started one. If your moral gets low, its nice to go back and see how well you did, and how much you have improved :). The challenge is ON huh? It’s only day 1, 20 something more trading days left to stay consistent O.o. Good skillz to ya! Can’t wait to see how well you do this month!

Absolutley! Journaling your trades is a big help. You will find what your bad habits are when you take the trade and you can correct it later on. I did all that when I started and I can actually write a book about it lol because I write every little details in my trading book. As the weeks/months go by, I have found what I needed to fixed and I was looking at the wrong way. It is advisable to do journal trades. It is just a lot of work but its necessary and it can help you in a long run…

Thank you and you too… see what we can get this month!

You go girl!

Someone was hating a lil at first, then she realized we actually do have a lot in common minus risk management. And the one trade a day thing, I sometimes split my position into two trades, I still view it as one though lol.

I have journals and notebooks full of original ideas. Probably thousands of pieces of paper lol. After I am successful I intend on doing just that, writing a book about my journey best part is? I’m going to give it out for free at that point I could care less about money. I just want to open readers ears and minds and hopefully give them some insight about “conventional” wisdom and how I think if it worked so well, everyone would be rich :wink:

Haha! ah…no, we probbaly have just a tiny itty bit in common but not a lot lol…Split in one position into 2 it means 2 trades lol. I dont know, I am not good in math. You figure it out.

That is nice to give away freebies… Unfortunately, not everyone will be rich though. It takes a lot of work, the attitude, determination, a character are just a few to be rich. Though, being rich might be a different definition into other people…Some being rich through wealth but others are surrounded with people that they care the most or in a spritiual level… you could probably have it all, I dont know…so it depends whats the definition of rich to someone…

Haha. You are quite something. I desire wealth to help those in need, to chase after other dreams of mine and to buy time. Time has a cost unfortunately, that’s why we have day jobs until we “retire” right? You are right about all the determination and hard work etc. In realty that means nothing, some people chase forex there whole lives and never succeed. Watched this awesome tv series on wall street (can’t remember the name off the top of my head) and there was a priceless quote in it. “Wall Street takes the worlds brightest minds and constantly smashes them into the pavement.” Reality is harsh, only .5% get to be the top .5% after all ;). I have other means than just trading, and I know you don’t have to be financially “rich” to help others. I just want to open some of my own charities and organizations to help those in need, especially for children and people who suffer from depression. Being spiritually rich and rich through those you surround yourself with I agree is much more important than any amount of money. I’m not just saying this to appeal to anyone, but hey, only God knows right? You are right we are just so so much different :stuck_out_tongue:

It is a great aspiration to help those who are in needs. Not a whole lot of ginuine people do that now a days. Good for you. Sometimes they just want to build charity or foundation for “tax” porpuses and claims that “hey, I help.” but the truth is they just do that to cover their “ass-sets” lol.

Oh I know, Wall Street is a very harsh environment. They will used and abused you. People work their are evils lol thats why I dont work or trade at Wall Street… I trade using my phone .would that count? lol

You already know. Lol. Personally I would rather donate to charity than give to our corrupt government anyway. But that’s besides the point. I don’t trust most charities, I would feel much better at night knowing all the money I invest into my own charity goes directly to those in need not the people who run it. Would pay them out of my own pocket and I would still oversee things. I trade on my phone too xD I just get my trading decisions from my laptop xD

Looks like my EJ call would have been good for well over 100 pips today. My patience has been wearing thin the past two days… I might need to just turn off my phone after I place the trade at night, put my stop… not do anymore updates throughout the day and wait til midnight to close the position like I am accustomed to doing. I’m not crying over lost profit, I’m just mad at myself for deviating from my 24 hr hold time. The whole system was designed to take Open to Close, not Open to half way through the day. Oh well, tomorrow I will work on my patience. Be back in less than 3 hours for the new trade.

This sounds similar to the Slingshot where by I take profits at close of entry bar. I looked at managing my stop to look in profits on big moves but this proved to be no different then letting price do its thing & take profits at close where ever that maybe. Its the long term data I’ve compiled that’s put my mind at rest.
Stick with it, regardless of wins or losses. You need to follow the plan 100% if only to build confidence in your strategy.

I appreciate the insight. You use data as well? I have a lot of confidence in my system, I just need to regain my patience to stay in til daily close. It can be hard to see a trade up 70 pips only to close up 40 pips. Guess it’s more of a greed thing I need to work on til I can come up with a better exit strategy. Remember that 426 pip day in eu in 7/13? That day is exactly why I would like to stay in until close. I haven’t exactly figured out the very large movers just yet… Today’s EN is a prime example, en moved more than ej, but ej had a much smaller drawdown which was more attractive to me at entry. However, Ej still moved over 100 pips today which was original system goal months ago… To hit 100 pips a day. I have since lowered my standards a little, 50 pips or more is good enough for me considering my current risk level.

17 mins and I get to see what today looked like in data form. I’m pretty excited!

Looks like I found what I was looking for. Not too sure on the drawdown, but most likely less than 20. Daily movement should be decent…

Todays Trade:

NJ Long @89.367

Well I’m off to sleep, Will be back with an update in the am.

It’s pretty obvious I was wrong today. I need to pay more attention and be more selective, I keep trying to get that through my head. The statistics I pulled for, NJ looked very similar to my “golden statistics” I have been finding in the market and trading off very successfully over the past few weeks, However I did notice a discrete difference, and should have gone with my gut last night. I thought something was a little fishy, but It was late, I was tired, and I thought the stats where convincing enough. Due to my high risk, My account took a hit lol, but nothing I can’t recover from to achieve my goal by the end of the month xD. I have some things to do today, But I am going to post the exact statistics I traded off of in this journal in a little bit to help me become more aware of exactly what fits my idea of a good trade and what doesn’t.

Anyhow, NJ -63.4 pips

I’m out for the rest of the day. Just to let you know market, You always try to fool me, but In the end I am always going to end up kicking you ass :wink:

Stick with it. It seems all you need to do is find away to control emotion a little bit more. Unfortunately this is part of trading.