Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

Yessir, I’m a work in progress. Will be posting those stats I was referring to earlier in just a little bit, gotta finish working on my car first

Those statistics I promised. Read page 14 in this journal if you want to know what these actually represent. These are the end result of a year of hard work thus far, and the results from these three formulas are what have been giving me the success I have had lately.

I pulled the three best recent trades i have made including my losing trade today to point out where I believe I went wrong last night.
USD/JPY[/B] resulting formulas from 3/27/14 to trade 3/28/14:

Total of 1348 mins of data used to calculate results. Only 1348 mins actually had a positive or negative open to close movement in pips.

1m data from 3/27/14

Sumb+Sums:44.37190026 (will only take a position if this integer value<100)

1hr data from 3/27/14

Sumbuy: -4.953264993
Sumsell: 4.7334026057
Sumb+Sums: -0.219862387

Reason for the long trade I placed: Sumb+Sums> Sumsell (largest integer value)… Means market will long on 3/28. Also, sumb+sums on the hr data was a low integer value (means low drawdown and possibly high movement). Plus, sumb + sums was between ±1 so I did not look at it for directional purposes per say.

[B]EUR/JPY[/B] resulting formulas from 3/31/14 to trade 4/01/14:

Total of only 1374 mins used to calculate results. market only had a positive or negative movement in pips for this many minutes during 3/31/14.

1m data from 3/31/14

Sumbuy: 14.65683079
Sumsell: 6.824065295
Sumb+Sums: 21.48089609 (will only take a position if this integer value<100)

1hr data from 3/31/14

Sumbuy: -0.504247219
Sumsell: 1.3570172718
Sumb+Sums: 0.8527700532

Reason I took a long position on the 1st of April 2014: Same valid reasoning as above used to trade UJ… only difference is: Sumb+Sums> Sumbuy (largest integer value)… Means market will long on 4/1/14. Also, sumb+sums on the hr data was a low integer value (means low drawdown and possibly high movement). Plus, sumb + sums was between ±1. Plus, Sumb+Sums on the HR data was positive (another good indicator for a long position).

[B]NZD/JPY[/B] resulting formulas from 4/01/14 to trade 4/02/14 (Today’s trade):

Total of only 1365 mins used to calculate results. Market only had a positive or negative movement in pips for this many minutes during 4/01/14.

1m data from 4/01/14

Sumbuy: [B][U]0.482785319[/U][/B]
Sumsell: 14.44007636
Sumb+Sums: 14.92286168 (will only take a position if this integer value<100)

1 hr data from 4/01/14

Sumbuy: -0.1258764
Sumsell: 1.57150337
Sumb+Sums: 1.4456269399

Reason for long on NJ for the 2nd of April 2014: Much like the previous two only difference is on the hr Sumb+Sums > ±1 (not a big deal, typically just drawdown related like I previously stated). So I longed NJ because Sumb+Sums >the largest integer value: Sumsell. The hr data looked good for low drawdown (which by the way, look at the chart… on the dailey, NJ Barely drew down).

Now why do i think i lost NJ? Check out the underlined blue integer value in the NJ stats in the 1m results. Look at all the other stats in the other pairs I traded successfully. Notice anything in particular? I do. This value for NJ (Sumbuy 1m to be exact) is a very small integer value less than 1 but greater than -1. Due to this, the Sumb+Sums result on the 1m data was hardly any greater than the greatest integer value Sumsell! Because of the very low difference between those two results previously stated, I think this is where I went wrong and why I lost my NJ trade. I will make sure there is a greater spread tonight and will post the eq’s for all to see. There are other possible reasons I lost NJ, but I go with my gut instinct first before I run through a thousand other possibilities.

Remember, I have been doing this for a year now and have gotten pretty good over time at identifying what caused me to lose mathematically. After all this pattern Identified took a lot of hours to notice over a months worth of data. And I am still learning how detailed/in depth the pattern really is. If a perfect system exists people, the pattern that always repeats itself would not be very easy/simple to spot. If it was, Everyone would have a perfect system.

Anyways, be back later tonight for tomorrows trade assuming the data allows me.

For whatever reason my computer is acting lame. Will have to post the stats tomorrow morning. Lots of really cool looking data tonight. Been waiting for a particular pattern to show itself and it finally did a few times in a few pairs tonight. Was tough to figure out which pair to trade, so many look nice for tomorrow. Lots of movement for certain.

Tonight’s pair:
EJ Long @ 143.06

Heading to sleep will be back with an update during American Session.

Life of an Algo trader lol. It’s always very easy til it gets rather difficult. No stress, I’m not even worried about it. The pattern I choose to trade EJ was a risky trade and I knew it to begin with, looked to good to be true and at closer inspection I can see why EJ shorted. No big deal. Down roughly 60 pips, this time though, I’m holding til close tonight. Got plenty of margin, and the opportunity to hold through the weekend depending on what the statistics suggest. If I get another long signal granted I can correctly interpret the data, I will place another long at 4/4 open. Be back later, Happy trading!

Oh and for the record, EJ has drawn down over 60 pips several days in the past only to completely reverse direction on the daily. I’m not confident this will happen today. The odds appear slim to an extent, but I’m sticking to the rules regardless of how many pips it costs me. I still have to wait til 12 to make the decision to get out or stay in according the the stats.

Normally I do not do this, but I’m still highly confident in the statistics. I opened another position in AJ. The statistic’s last night on AJ should have made it my first choice, however, since it’s back around open I decided I could still enter a long

AJ: Long at 95.883

Let’s see what happens, Asian session tonight is where I expect some moves. Be back later with some updates, plus those statistics I promised.

Time for some updates:

Looks like I am at break even for my AJ trade. AJ is up 4 pips from open today, so so far my math is good on that pair, assuming it holds. Nice.

Ej: -51.8 pips. not as red as she was earlier… not bad, will see what happens come asian.

will post the statistics later on

I’m thrilled! Ej is on the move, and I am steadily recovering some pips! What a thrilling day. It is becoming more and more probable I still have a fighting chance today, well me and the system xD. I will not be trading this pattern again unless I get in way after open next time. However, AJ on the other hand, still a solid choice.

AJ: +8.7 pips
EJ: -46 pips

No color on this post… Updating from the phone :frowning:

Good call on the AJ I went with it as well, it helped in recovering from a -40 pips on EUR/USD i suffered. But I did learn from it which is what is important. Normally I would have pulled out when it hit -70 pip :34: but studying it a bit and not just reacting on emotion allowed me to minimize my loss to -40 pips.

I’m still riding AJ lol. The stats on it looked good, not amazing but definitely tradable. Good work on minimizing the loss. I have minimized my ej trade fortunately, but I am still in.

When EUR/USD is on the moved , try looking at USD/CHF as well… I have found they are correlated at times. So if I sell EUR/USD, I buy USD/CHF. These is what I did earlier so I can recover my -54 pips lost plus 28 gain. Not sure how often it occurs but this is what I have observed so far… So keep that in a look out :wink:

[QUOTE=“PipNRoll;617942”] When EUR/USD is on the moved , try looking at USD/CHF as well… I have found they are correlated at times. So if I sell EUR/USD, I buy USD/CHF. These is what I did earlier so I can recover my -54 pips lost plus 28 gain. Not sure how often it occurs but this is what I have observed so far… So keep that in a look out ;)[/QUOTE]

Hmm interesting , thanks I will surely check it !

Also I think AJ just made that move !

No problem…I dont trade crosses or exotic pairs so I dont know. I stick to the major pairs… but yes, another pair to look at…

AJ is an Exo? Nice. I trade exo’s and majors I suppose

AJ is Yen Crosses, silly… I should take you back to BP School lol

Currencies Are Traded in Pairs | What is Forex? | Preschool

Oh look at that… Preschool!lol

Look what you said hun. The eu is the most volatile and liquid. I’m just pointing out EJ is more volatile and liquid. So is EN, and GN. Of the majors EU is is the most volatile and liquid correct, but that wasn’t in your post miss. Lol

Look at your post above. You said and I quote " AJ is an Exo?" so I provided the link from BP school (Preschool) and found that AJ IS a Yen Crosses… I am just answer your question with a verified link …Sir lol

So formal haha. I like your class. I don’t pay attention to names lol. I went threw some of the bp school 2 years ago but didn’t pay attention to categorizing to pairs so much. I’m more interested in what the pairs have to say mathematically than if they are majors or not. I looked at the avg daily movement the most when i started trying to trade daylies. Which is why I personally trade the top 10 most volatile. Although I prefer yen pairs the most and try not to trade EN or GN as much (too volatile for my personal taste). I’m not as much an eu fan as much anymore… Doesn’t move enough compared to the yens. But I do check EU regularly.

Alright. Update time. I pulled the data slightly early, no worries.

4/3 results:

AJ: +10 pips
EJ: -60 pips

I’m sticking with EJ tonight, not chasing her or anything. Got a pretty nice set of data. Hopefully relatively low drawdown. Will see in the am though. Upped my position size a little (kinda like a loss contingency plan so to speak lol. Not too much added risk, however enough to make up the loss from yesterday and hopefully make a nice lil profit of a dollar or two :slight_smile: ).


Shorted at 142.465

Be back in the am. Happy trading.

Hey mate, curious if you use support and resistance levels at all in your system. I know you pull data from a bunch of pairs and take only a couple trades per day - do S/R levels or recent price action have any weight in which ones you consider the “best” and decide to trade for the day?

[QUOTE=“jadd806;618078”]Hey mate, curious if you use support and resistance levels at all in your system. I know you pull data from a bunch of pairs and take only a couple trades per day - do S/R levels or recent price action have any weight in which ones you consider the “best” and decide to trade for the day?[/QUOTE]

Good question. Right now all I use is the mathematics from pg 14 in this journal… No indicators, support or resistance, or anything else for that nature. Hope your trading is going well :).

Trade update: I’m only up a handful of pips right now, ej is on the move. News must have just come out. Will post a more concrete figure in a little bit.