Let do an experiment part two

Hi Guys, hope everyone had a good weekend!
Adam I said wouldn’t it be nice if it was at 70%! Over the course of a year it will probably even out. However I think that when you take the dailey swing of any pair you will see the a 13 pip profit with a 25 pip s/l would be above 70%. The reason is because almost any will swing around 50 pips a day. So you are more likely to see a 13 pip profit before a swing low then you are to see a 37 pip swing high. Of coures if you use indicators as simple as support and resistance or even fibos. Then I think that you can increase the .5 to up to over 80% and hitting 70% on the others should be easy.

As far as tonights trades we are buying at 1.3638 our s/l is set to 1.3613 the t/p’s are 1.3651, 1.3663 and 1.3675

Lets keep this winning streak going. And don’t forget to place your order on this system, get them while supplies last because the next print the price will double.

No time tonight, but I’ll tell you how propooko is doing, (renamed sytem 2)

Last night’s EUR/GBP long was still with us, and today was CAD/JPY short, EUR/JPY Lng and NZD/USD long

EUR/GBP stopped out + 5, CAD/JPY stopped out for +5, EUR/JPY stopped + 20.5 pips, (lucky that it exploded into +41 profitability and I was there to see it and change the SL) and finally the creme dela creme of the night, NZD/USD which took profit of 52 pips.

Propooko ends tonight up 15.9% after just 12 trading days.

And on that note I am afraid I may not be able to handle 7 systems, I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown with all the work required to set up each system each day.

I am currently pre-studying for next semester and organic chem and so many similar systems is driving me mad.

So I will be killing of system 6, which uses only the Awsome Oscillator, since it is too damned similar to system 4 which is pretty close to system 3, (all these systems pretty much say to do the same things anyway.)

Thus I will be also killing off system 4 and letting system 3, the most succesfull of the technicals represent traditional forex technical system and leaving Propooko, since it is kicking ass and I hope to retire off it.

Also System 1, Bazooko’s original concept can stay since it is on a comeback and thus validates my view that statistics will make it profitable, and thus gurantee Propooko good standing.

Finally I will allow Modipropooko to survive as well.

This is system 2, but with higher Reward/Risk ratio, currently at 5:1.

I decided this because currently NZD/USD long is 102 pips and climbing to a take profit of 125.

This system shows promise in that, if luck is with me and I buy into a currency such as AUD/JPY last thursday, and am on the right side of the trade, a large enough TP could yields 300-400 pips, a reward/risk of up to 16:1, meaning that a losing streak of 10 in a row would suddenly become very profitable.

Such an oppertunity I must pursue so this is what I have decided.

System 1, 2, 2.A and 3 will continue to be tested, with no eliminations, all summer.

Then on August 31, the last friday of the summer, I will pick the most profitable system to continue to trade for the proceeding months.

So good luck to all. With Forex you never know, Bazooko’s system 1 suddenly is about to close in the black and my 5 trade/day system collapsed with 9/10 trades in the last 2 days stopping out.

So may the best system win, and may we all learn something from this madness.

Personally I am rooting for system 2, I have even set up a seperate blog for tracking just it.

Bazooko has inspired me that money and risk management alone is all the system one will ever need.

Well I’m glad I won over one person. Although I have to admit I do not like the name propooko. It sounds like what happens in the bathroom after too much Taco Bell. You said you set up a blog but forgot to tell us what it is. Also one word of advice, I know you like oanda. Why I have no idea. Try out strategybuilderfx.com they offer a micro account just like oanda but the main difference is they only have a price list of 4 digits to the right just like everbody else. AND most important when you close down your computer you dont lose all of your charting indicators. So you don’t need to reset them every night.

On to tonight, I have to tell ya touch me if your cold because I am HOT. Yep another night with all wins. That puts 2 of the 3 just 1 win away from turning a profit.

Tonight we had teh heads come up and we will be buying at 1.3717 our s/l will be 1.3688 and our t/p’s will be 1.3730, 1.3742 and 1.3754

happy pipin

To Bazooko :

When you have finished your experiment I will be very interested in reading your post giving your final anaysis and conclusions. I do hope to learn much from it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Kind regards, Tymen Wortel, Perth, Western Australia.

  1. Bazooko, I would appreciate your advice on naming the system. Perhaps Randomized Money Management System, RMMS, pronounced “rims”?

  2. I am keeping a blog of system 2 at http:forexmadeeasystatistics.blogspot.com

  3. Oanda does let you save your settings, you just have to go Tools and “save current layout”.

Also micro accounts are not enough. I don’t care if a broker lets me open an account for $200, if they make me trade micro lots then I can’t practice money management.

Oanda lets you place any lot size you want. For example if I only have $50 to trade, and want to go Long EUR/GBP I can place an order for 100 EUR/GBP and have it be worth 2 cents/pip, so I risk 1% with 25 pip SL.

Can strategy builder do that? I am not being sarcastic, I honestly don’t know, perhaps they can.

Anyway I plan to start trading with a $50 account at Oanda at first and everytime I double it, I will add that much, so from $50 X2= $100, I add $100 for total account for $200.

After only 3 doubles will be up to an $12,600 account, and be confident that my system is good enough to save my money come the great global depression of 2014.

And as for stating prices in tens of a pip, that is not a bad thing, 1-2 extra tenths of a pip can add up over time.

Besides that Oanada has the most use friendly set up I have ever seen. They have the take profit and stop loss set up right when you place your initial order (and it also tells you what profits and losses your SL and TP make, so you don’t accidently set a 250 pip stop loss) and have a pip calculator right there so you can instantly know what size lot to trade.

Forex Made Easy: Money Management Is Everything

Please check it out and take part in the poll. I would really appreciate some input from my fellow Forex traders.

I have spent 5 hours so far on the damned thing and would appreciate knowing that my hard work is appreciated by someone other than myself:)

Oh, and since they don’t make available a hit counter, the only way to track how many guest I get is with the poll, so please visit and vote.

Oh, and the Poll is at the very bottom.

Tymen I dont know how long this will go on, I think at least 3 months to get some decient data.

Adam what you are talking about with oanda is a micro account. If you have a micro account you can trade (nzd/usd) down to $0.10 a pip. Sure 100 pips will only get you $10 but that is a micro account. As far as the other stuff you pointed out, maybe I was too hard on them. I tryed them for a few weeks and it just confused me so I went back to my mt4 program. I do not think you can beat them. Buy the way what happened to your report tonight? Or do we have to goto your blog for that? I will look at it tomorrow, the kid made me play cpu games all night long so I cant tonight.

As for the Updates, tonight the fx gods were not on our side. This is just more reason to believe that this system only works with a canidian coin. All three lost. And tonight the Eagle has landed so we are selling at 1.3666 the s/l is at 1.3691 and the t/p’s are 1.3653, 1.3641 and 1.3629
We still have a good chance to put 2 of the 3 into a profit range this week.

First of all I apologize for not posting the update. My mom was on the computer all night.

Second, Bazooko, ironically, I tried MT4 trading platform, and found it completely befuddling. Personally I find Oanda platform and charts very intuitive but I guess its because I’m used to it. To each his own.

Ok, here is the update for yesterday.

system 1, well it is struggling as is Bazooko’s, but no longer beyond saving.

Stop loss last night, with the day before seeing a stop loss proit of 10 pips.

So far this sytem began with 7 losses in a row, then 2 consecutive gains, then a loss, then a gain, then a small 10 pip gain and now a loss, making it 4-9, and down 2.7%.

system 2, 2A,

today consisted of 3 long trades,


The bottom 2 stopped out for -25 pip losses, and EUR/GBP long is still in play, down 3 pips or so.

I have had luck with this pair before, so hopefully it turn around and enters a uptrend.

system 3, all quiet on this front, no crosses on 5, 10 day ema, so no go.

But good news is that after last weeks rocking winning streak, (6 out of the last 9 trades were profitable) this system is now #2 at 6.6% ROI.

Now I’m off to update the blog, please visit it and vote in the poll at the bottom.


system 1, today’s short trade stopped out.

system 2, 2A

Long, EUR/USD up 1 pip as of now
Short GBP/CHF stopped out
Short AUD/JPY take profit
Long EUR/GBP: still open -9 pips

hopefully Euro will strengthen overnight, there are some promising signals that it will, but maybe I’m reading to much into it.

system 3, still quite today, no action.

Remember to visit Forex Made Easy: Money Management Is Everything and vote in the poll.

Good night and good luck to all.

Hey adam I have one thing to say about your charting experience with mt4 vs oanda. I’m right and your wrong. Sorry I had to give you a verbal thrashing like that but you asked for it.

Last nights trades were bitter sweet. The 5.-1 and 1-1 accounts were winners and the 1.5-1 lost. Tomorrow will be tricky because the NFP comes out in the morning. Well for tonight George came up and we are buying at 1.3668 the s/l is 1.3643 and the t/p’s are 1.3681, 1.3693 and 1.3705

I think we can still pull a profit on the week.

system 1, I tried something a bit different tonight and used random integer generator to decide buy/sell and it came up sell.

Well so far that has proven unfortunate, as EUR/USD short trade is down 10 pips as I write this.

System 1 is down 3.6% so far, which is pretty good considering how terribly it has done.

So despite a terrible run of luck, Bazooko’s message of money management still holds. Even now this system is 2 good trades away from being in the black, and if you can lose 7 in a row, you can sure as hell win 7 in a row too, and that would make this system a champion, so better luck tomorrow EUR/USD.

system 2,
today say AUD/JPY short, which stopped out for 25 pip loss
USD/CHF short, which is up 4.8 right now
USD/JPY long which is down .9 pips
EUR/GBP Long from 2 days ago is still with us, down 5.2 pips

Looking at the 1 hour charts shows USD/JPY still in uptrend that is starting to weaken.

EUR/GBP is now in in moderate uptrend that is strengthening and gives me hope of an eventual TP for this one.

USD/CHF is also looking like a strengthening down trend which gives me hope of a TP tomorrow.

And speaking of TP, EUR/USD had TP today, so system 2 has achieved a new record balance of $1,160.26, a 16% gain in about 3 weeks, pretty good I think, especially if you happen to own stocks;)

system 2.A same as system 2, except EUR/USD is up 41 pips, SL is now +21 but no TP.

this system is up $13, or 1.3% in about 2.5 weeks and has been a great disappointment. It was supposed to take advantage of larger movements it stumbled into by accident, and it has, at one point taking profit of 100 pips and almost locking in 125 off NZD/USD short, but that ended with +44.

Perhaps system 2.A can prove itself within the coming month, by hitting a 125 and then 150 pip TP, but if it can’t I can’t see how it can possibly compete with system 2 and 3 which are solidly trouncing it.

system 3, just sitting around and earning interest for now. EUR/CAD short came close today but only touched didn’t cross.

Also I XXX/JPY pairs are about to cross, so action is coming for this system, though by the time it does I fear it may be too late, but hey, we’ll see.

That’s all for now, and don’t forget to check out:

Forex Made Easy: Money Management Is Everything, the official blog of system 2.

Please vote in the poll so I have some idea how many people visited the blog,(so far 3 after 3 days, not a bad start, but I am hoping to get at least 12 at some point, may have to start canvasing other baby pip forums) and also feel free to commment on your own thoughts regarding the expirement.

Good Night and good luck to all.

Hey adam in regards to system 2A dont worry about not getting a big win. When you are in for the long term trade you will only have a handful of wins over the coures of a year but man will they be big.

Last night, I don’t know how to explain it, it was freakin unbeleiveable!!! We went 3 for 3. The system is pulling around and we aren’t even relying on the canidains any more. It looks like we can pull a profit in the next few weeks or even days.

As for tonight George came up and we are buying at 1.3704. The s/l is set at 1.3679 and the t/p’s are 1.3717, 1.3729 and 1.3741

O.K. guys we are on a roll so lets keep it going!

Ok, here is the update for Friday, it is early but as you’ll see there is no point in waiting.

system 1, random integer gen didn’t improve luck, said “sell” Euro today and that trade stopped out.

system 1 is batting .250, 4-12 so far.

Thanks to proper money management system 1 is only down 5.6% despite loseing 4 in a row.

Perhaps better luck next week.

system 2, well my projections about last night were way off.

USD/CHF short and USD/JPY long both stopped out, very disappointing, what’s worse today’s trades,

AUD/JPY long, GBP/USD short, and CAD/JPY short all stopped out as well.

That’s 6 stop outs in a row! Very disappointing.

But when I checked a histogram of my days so far I found 6//15 had been 2 wins, 1 loss, while only 2 had been 3 losses. Since each should be 1/4 in the long term I can expect some more luciprop, (“devil’s 3”) days ahead.

On the plus side, days in which I was 3-0 are also 2, so I should see more of those as well, with 1-2 days pretty much where they should be.

Any way, out of 47 closed trades over the last 16 days, this system is 23-24, 48.9% wins.

Throw in the fact that EUR/GBP long is up 13 pips and 3hr and 1 day charts so continued strength, and you can see that the power of statistics is strong.

If EUR/GBP long can reach 20 pip profit, (was only 3 pips from that), then this will be the 24th win, making system 2

50% wins, 50% losers as I expected.

In terms of pips it has made 240.8 pips in 3 weeks, which amounts to 80/week which has resulted in 10.62% ROI in 16 trading days, which comes out to .609%/day, or 356% annual returns, assuming 250 trading days, or assuming 313 trading days, (meaning trades are placed on sundays and friday’s) 567% annual returns.

Of course I expect those numbers to drop as time and data points accrue, but I still hope that 200% returns can occur, so as to double my account every year, even if taxes are 50%.

system 2.A, well the stopped out trades of system 2 occured here as well, which would have crushed this account, EXCEPT FOR THE EUR?USD TP!

That’s right! System 2.A had it’s first TP at 5:1 Reward/risk ratio!

That one TP boosted my account by 5.13%!

And prevented system 2.A from dipping into the red!

Instead its up 1.61%, though after 16 trading days, that’s only 36.67% annually assuming 18 trades/week.

Still, I am very hopeful in this system, let me give you an hypothetical example of why.

July 25, my system randomly chooses AUD/JPY short, I get in at 105.5.

By end of the day I am up 80 pips, set SL to +40.

Check back at close of next day, am now up 550 pips, set SL at +225, trade is still open today, with guranteed win at 9:1 reward/risk ratio.

Though, I wonder whether it would not be better to tighten the manual trailing stop loss when you get that big?

I mean to give up hundreds of pip like that?

Maybe I should increase SL to +55% of profit at 100 pip profit, 60% at 200 pip profit, 65% at 300, 70% at 400 and 75% at 500.

This may limit one’s potential profits, (GBP/JPY recent plung was over 1200 pips from top to bottom) but who can complain about 200 or 300 pip profits?

So I will officially adopt the new manual trailing stop loss rules for system 2.A and system 3 as well.

Though for next week, the TP for system 2.A will still only increase to 150, and continue to increase by 25 pip increments for as long as I manage to hit them, but now there is a better way of locking in profits as I approach TP.

system 3, still no trades, a bit of a dry spell, but what can you do? I’ve learned the you can’t force trades and trying to get into trades where 5 and 10 day EMA are moving in parellel and 5 day barely crosses are terrible trades.

I now stricktly wait for real, overt crosses, instead of waiting for 5 day EMA to barely cross under or over and RSI to be 50.2 or 49.8 or some such.

Should keep the trades quantity lower but the quality higher and the profits more consistant.

As a reminder, this system is up 6.6% in 16 trading days, which comes to 249% annual returns assuming the trend keeps up.

As a final note please remember to visit the official sysem 2 blog at Forex Made Easy: Money Management Is Everything and vote in the poll.

So far I am up to 3 confirmed visiters, which is not bad for a 3 day old blog, but I would like to see that number reach 12 by the end of the month.

Adam my question on system 2 is why are you short usd/chf and long on usd/jpy? The 2 pairs move in almost 100% opposite directions. You might be better off doubling 1 pair or buying or selling both pairs. If you buy both at the same time your are really just throwing your money management systems out the window.

Another thought you have a good amount of data after only 16 days and are talking about changing your rules. You need at least 2 months of data and perferable 3 months befor you can say if a system is good or not. Since all systems are subject to down turns a few weeks does no good because your test is too small.

Bazooko, I know that going long USD/JPY and short USD/CHF seems crazy, but first of all, that is the system, second, if they move in opposite directions, I win.

Remember SL is 25, TP is 50. So if 1 stops out and 1 TP I am ahead 25.

Second, what do you mean change rules?

I haven’t changed the rules for system 2.

And as for declaring it a winning system, I have not done so, I am mearly optamistic at this point.

48 trades is obviously not a large enough sample size to determine a system’s worth, but extrapolating annual returns based on 3 week’s worth of data is fun, and obviously they will change as more data accrues.

You have to understand that right now is a very stressful time for me. In the last 2 weeks I have lost $2,000 or so in the stock market and though I am confident this subprime scare will pass, and that the shares I am buying now will prove a wise investment, in the back of my mind the fear of a long term recession, followed immediately by the end of cheap oil and thus depression, wiping out my funds, is always present.

So system 2, is really my best option for a lifeboat, a place to move my money if this correction turns into a meltdown like in 2000.

I will obviously wait 3 months before opening an Oanda account and trying live trading with the sum of $50, so as to keep the stress during the first few months of live trading down.

But to see a 10.62% gain in 3 weeks when I have lost 15% in the stock market in the same time, well that is very good preliminary news from where I sit.

system 1, Long EUR/USD, -1 pip so far

system 2, 2.A, once more a luiprop day, 3 stop outs,

today trades all long, NZD/USD, GBP/JPY and AUD/JPY.

Ironically had the spreads not been so large until Japan opened the JPY trades would have come out 10 pips ahead each, but by the time I could go long on them, at 8:00 PM eastern they began to move against me straight away.

I must say 9 losses in a row is stunning, but that is the reason for the demoing. If this system turns out to be a dud that got lucky for 2 straight weeks, better to find out that now than when real money is on the line.

system 3, no trades today, though I did find out I screwed up with EUR/USD, which should have gone long last Thursday.

Don’t know how I missed that.

Better luck tomorrow, I hope.

Adam if the 2 pairs move opposite and you play them the opposite, that means that you are doing the same trade. Try the math X-(-X) is the same as X+X. If you are long on usd/jpy and short on chf/usd that means that if jpy goes down then chf will go up and you will lose 2 times. Now if you went long on both and jpy goes down then chf should go up so you would win on chf and get stopped out on jpy.

What I ment about changeing the rules was that you said you are trying something different, don’t do that until you have proven your system good or bad.

As for last week we had a pretty good week here are the results.
system w/l (week) w/l (total) balance
.5-1 4-1 16-8 2001.00
1-1 4-1 10-14 1891.07
1.5-1 3-2 9-15 1951.02

Remember all 3 started out at 2000.00 not bad considering the bad losing streak.

So for tonight we sold at 1.3816 the s/l is 1.3841 and the t/p’s are 1.3803, 1.3791 and 1.3779

But I haven’t changed the rules for system 2.

And that is why I have no choice but to go long USD/JPY and short USD/CHF, because the system is based on random currency pairs, each trade risking 1% of account.

So there will be times when the random integer generator comes up, Long, USD/CHF, Long USD/JPY and long USD/CAD.

If the dollar weakens I will lose 3% of my account on such a trade, but if it strengthens I will gain 6%.

That is the point of the system, 1/day you make 3 random trades, not looking at charts or indicators, and just trust that money management and the long term power of statistics gives you long term profits.

I have been doing it this way for the last 18 trading days, so to do otherwise would be changeing the system.

Well good news for some, apocolyptically bad for others:

system 1, good, up last I checked, +15.6 with SL at +5

system 2, 2.A Apocolyptically bad!

another 3 stop outs! 12 In a row now! Sure EUR/GBP long TP last night, but who the hell cares!

I think I may know why though.

Today’s trades were, EUR/JPY short, EUR/USD short and USD/JPY long.

As you can see the first 2 trades bet against the EURO, and lost quickly.

3 days ago USD/JPY Long and USD/CHF short also stopped out because they were also correlated.

In fact the problem system 2, 2.A have is that, though there are 16 pairs to choose from at random, 5 out of 16 of those are EUR/XXX, 3 are USD/XXX 3 are also GBP/XXX and then throw in all the ways the back currency can also line up and you can see the problem.

More often than not what has occured is correlation and so far system 2 has gotten lucky, that most of those times the outcome for TP in not 1 but 2 correlated pairs.

Now the luck has turned and a whole sale slaughter is occuring, with 4 straight days of 0-3 trades.

So while I shall continue to test system 2, I will make the following change.

System 2.A is out, and instead shall be a new system in which only non correlated pairs are traded.

Specifically these:


Each day, I will use random integer to choose buy or sell for these. SL 25, TP 50.

I will rename this system 4.

system 3, changed SL to 50 and lowered leverage to 2:1 because 25 pip SL is too tight for a 1 day chart that is useing a swing trade system.

3 trades, short USD/CAD, GBP/USD and long CHF/JPY, so far all trades are deep in the red.

USD/CAD down 36 pips, CHF/JPY down 8 pips and GBP/USD down 13.1

Hopefully 50 pips is enough to give the swing trend enough room to kick in and bring profits, we’ll see.

system 1, second win in a row, but only 5 pips each time.
this system is down 6.1% in 3.5 weeks.

I will continue to track this system through the end of august, but I have pretty much written it off as a failure.

system 2, 2.A

First of all, I decided to keep up 2.A, on hopes of scoring a TP of 150 pips this week.

Today was AUD/JPY long, EUR/USD short, and GBP/USD short.

EUR/USD stopped out for 4.7 pip profit, the rest stopped out.

Thus ends the 14 trade losing streak, though the damage is severe, system 2 is now up 4.5% after 3.5 weeks.

system 2.A today has EUR/USD and EUR/GBP long still active. EUR/GBP has a SL of +40 but the system overall is down 6.2%, so a TP now would only break even.

system 3, I’ll admit it did a fine job, with GBP/USD stopping out with 76 pip profit and USD/CAD short and CHF/JPY long stopping out for 25 pip losses.

Overall this system is up 6.8%, it would have been higher had I not used 4:1 leverage on this round.

system 4:

Non correlated pairs, 4 random trades/day

I’ll give you a quick rundown of how the first 8 trades went down.

Day 1, AUD/JPY short, EUR/CAD long and GBP/CHF long all stopped out for 75 pip total loss.

Only NZD/USD short TPed at 50 pips today.

Day 2, All shorts today, and AUD/JPY TPed, while EUR/CAD stopped out at 10 pip profit and the other trades stopped out for 25 pip losses.

After 2 days, and going 3-8 this system is down .47%.

Overall I must say that I have reached that point in my forex study in which many people throw their hands up in frustration and quit.

I won’t, no matter how bad it gets, until the end of August, but I must say the recent 14 losses in a row has absolutely destroyed my confidence in system 2.

Granted the system is still profitable after, what can only be described as a 1 in 16,384 probability event.

I would like to view the last trade’s 5 pip profit as a sign that the worst is over, that the sunshine of profit shall return tomorrow, and that system 2 has weathered a monumental blitzkreig of losses and come out ahead, but honestly if the rest of this week is a shower of luciprop days then my dreams in Forex will be pretty much dead forever.

This last April I was introduced to FOREX by a friend and became an obsessed lunatic.

For 3 weeks I pretty much spent all my free time learning and testing forex systems.

After, impatiently losing initially on most systems, I would quit and move on to another, until I determined after 3 weeks:

  1. Hope Springs eternal, every system fails and wanton desires for riches causes you to tweak every system just so in hopes of finding a winner.

  2. There is no winner, Forex is like alchemy, no one really wins, at least not the retail investor. It would take a powerful billionaire or institution and currency manipulation to make money long term.

  3. Any wins are pure luck, no system can replicate success.

  4. Forex is a temporal black hole, you can plan on spending 15 minutes checking the market and lose 2 hours before you notice what happened, thus students and people with real lives have no business in forex.

NOW I KNOW THAT THESE CONCLUSIONS ARE FALSE, which is why I returned to FOREX this summer, determined to be patient and find a system that truely worked.

I was most excited about system 2, as it literally requires 5 minutes/day to use and seemed foolproof in concept.

And up to the point that it was up 16%, its peak after 2.5 weeks, I was ecstatic, thinking I could move sell my stocks, eventually, and move the money into system 2.

But now I am struck with the realization that, if system 2 loses 4 more consecutive trades, it will be in the red, and unless system 3 proves a winning system, I will be forced out of Forex for at least 8 months.

So I humble myself now, before the gods of statistics, probability, money, risk and trade management, please return to me your favor!

Don’t let my hopes and dreams of financial security through forex wither and die so pitifly!

Have pity on truely humbled mortal and end this rein of statistically improbable terror!