Let us make Trading Simple & Profitable

Mr. Yunny,
We made few words in bold to clear few things and we do not have any other intention.
Like every professional trader, we also learnt the basics of trading through BabyPips and as a thanks giving, as a tribute and as a respect to BabyPips for its contribution towards Forex Trading Community,
We hope, it will suffice to clear our honest and just intentions.

Let us make trading simple & profitable

Mr. Carter, here are the right steps to use AnEx.

  1. AnEx has two windows - a top window & a bottom window. First thing to watch out for is if, in the bottom window, the yellow & green lines are below the red line (ADX - Average Directional Movement), marked in red and valued at 22000. If the lines are above the red line, it indicates the volume in the market, that FI’s are trading, there are lots of buying & selling activity happening etc. Higher the volume, higher the opportunity to make profit. If the lines are below the ADX, that indicates that the volume in the market is less and market will be directionless in this period. Ofcourse, this leaves few profit making entries, but the emphasis is to cut down the loosing trades to the maximum.
  2. In the top window, there are 4 lines, one in Green, one in Yellow, one in Red and one in Green.
    Green line is the EMA - Exponential Moving Average. When the candles are above the EMA, the market will go up and when the candles are below the EMA, market will go down. It will help the trader to know if he is with the trend or against the trend. This will not only help to take a trade, it will also help to plan the exit strategy. As i mentioned in an earlier post, If, for example, the candles are above the EMA, i will wait for good number of pips as i’m with the trend. But if i’m short when the candles are above the EMA, even at a smell of danger, i will immediately run from the trade. The reversal is true if the candles are below the EMA.
    AnEx works on Moving Averages. To take every new trade, one should watch for the cross over of the Red and Yellow lines in the top window. The candle where the crossover happens, is called as Trigger Candle (TC). If after the crossover, the Red and Yellow lines are going up, its time go long. But we should go long IF AND ONLY IF THE CANDLE AFTER THE TRIGGER CANDLE BREAKS THE HIGH OF THE TRIGGER CANDLE BY 3 PIPS AND MORE. If after the crossover, the Red and Yellow lines are going down, its time to go short. But, we should go short IF AND ONLY IF THE CANDLE AFTER TRIGGER CANDLE BREAKS THE LOW OF THE TRIGGER CANDLE BREAKS BY 3 PIPS AND MORE.
    White line is MA4. If the market is in uptrend and the MA4 touches the low / beginning of the candle, one can make good profit or loose very less. If the market is going down and the MA4 touches the high / beginning of the candle, one can either make good profit or loose very less.
  3. Every Green arrow says GET READY TO SELL. This helps in two complete different ways. If we have not taken a position, Green arrow advises us to be ready for a POSSIBLE Short position. If we are already in a SHORT position, it advises to aspire more pips. On the other hand, if we are in a LONG position, it cautions us for a POSSIBLE REVERSAL.
  4. Every Red arrow says GET READY TO BUY. This again helps in two complete different ways. If we have not taken a position yet, Red arrow advises us to be ready for a POSSIBLE Long position. If we already have a long position, it asks to wait for more profits. On the other hand, if we are in a Short position, it cautions us for a POSSIBLE REVERSAL.
  5. Dash board is in the top right of the top window. It gives us an indication of Market Movement in different TA in different TF. Every Green colored box indicates upward movement and every Red colored box indicates downward trend. By observing the Dash Board, we do not need to keep switching over between different time frames.
  6. Please do trade 30 Min and 1 hour TF, to give the market more time to support our trade.
  7. Wait for the correct entry signal to trade than trade and expect for the market to support us, will be right trading strategy.

Mr. Carter, I have tried to be as in detail as possible and I hope i have answered your question.

Let us make trading simple & profitable

EU in AnEx - 10/1/2012

Let us make trading simple & profitable

EJ next resistance levels are at 98.40 / 98.81 / 99.38.
It is always better to trade 30m & 1H when the market is between the support & resistance levels and to trade 15m when the market is either at the support / resistance levels.
Let us make trading simple & profitable

Hello. And where have you been??? I’ve been missing your posts. Anyway: it would appear that life has ALMOST returned to normal. I’m just trying to think who else is still ‘MIA’!!! LOL!!!

We all know where this is going. It’s just that I was ‘headed off at the pass’ with the ‘mods’ post which was posted before I had the time to ‘roll up my sleeves’. That being said: I think the intelligence of the mods and the members has been somewhat underestimated. Anyway: I was waiting for an ‘in’ and I think it’s just been provided!!! LOL!!!


Thanks for those licence keys. I’m sure they’re being appreciated. I just have one question: what happens on 2012-01-20??? You know: when the licence keys for the EAs expire???



Mr. Dale,
We generated the license keys for 15 days only (not to provide any “IN” thing or any thing for that matter), as we are not sure how many might or will use the software’s. As you might have observed, no one had downloaded either AnEx or AAnEx, nor anyone has asked any doubts etc. It is one thing to talk like one certain Frisco and completely different thing even to appreciate the effort of one certain Roark. Who is John Galt?
That being said, as i committed in my earlier post, WE ARE COMMITTING TO OFFER AnEX & AAnEx FREE OF COST FOR ALL THE BABYPIPS MEMBERS.
But are we wrong or are we expecting too much, if we expect our efforts and EA’s to be little respected, though they are offered FREE? This is the only reason we limited the usage time of AnEx & AAnEx.


Hello again.

Well first: I’ve no idea why you’ve ‘liked’ my previous post. But thanks anyway (it’s good for my ‘stats’)!!! LOL!!!

Second (and before I ‘go for it’): I have NO idea who or what you’re talking about. Who is ‘Frisco’, ‘Roark’, or ‘John Galt’??? Are these people I should know???


WHO CARES ‘how many might or will use the [B]SOFTWARE[/B]’ if it’s FREE FOREVER??? I mean the way I see it: you’re just making a lot of work for yourself i.e. having to generate new licence keys every 15 days not??? LOL!!!

Now while you MAY or MAY NOT be ‘on the level’ let me save some new traders the trouble of having to ‘decipher’ what MAY or MAY NOT be going on here (and my apologies if this ‘rains on your parade’):

IT IS NOT UNCOMMON, in this business, for EAs or software to be FREE FOREVER. That is true. HOWEVER: EVENTUALLY (USUALLY) there comes a time where even although the EAs or software are FREE FOREVER you are REQUIRED to open an account at a specific broker (or even at various brokers). Why??? Because even although the ‘good samaratins’ are supplying the EAs or software FREE FOREVER: they’re either A BROKER or an Introducing Broker FOR A BROKER (or MANY Brokers) and THAT’S where their money is made. Now while theoretically there is nothing wrong with THIS practise: it all depends on whether or not such EAs or software are profitable and that such profitability can be PROVED because remember that if it’s A (‘bucketshop’) BROKER then YOUR losses are THEIR profits. If it’s an Introducing Broker: they make commissions whether you MAKE money OR lose money (and the higher the frequency, and the larger the size, of your trades the more money they make). So JUST be aware is all.

I guess the bottom line is this: if these EAs that are FREE FOREVER are profitable then post at least two years worth of results (and NO PHOTOSHOPPING) and then, well, you’ll be taken seriously. Then again: given that they’re EAs then traders should be able to backtest them themselves using MetaTrader’s Strategy Tester (unless of course backtesting has been disabled which, as you MUST know, is a function or ‘switch’ in MetaTrader). (Of course: relying on MetaTrader’s Strategy Tester??? Well that’s a topic for another whole seperate new LONG thread).

Am I ‘close’ here??? LOL!!!

On a PERSONAL note:

You SURE DO have a LOT of indicators on those charts!!! LOL!!! I dunno??? Too much for me to comprehend anyway. I mean: there’s nothing ‘simple’ about what I’m seeing. Maybe it’s just me who is ‘mentally challenged’??? LOL!!!

But here’s a bit of friendly advice. Seeing that YOU have gone OUT OF YOUR WAY and PROMISED and GUARANTEED that these EAs are FREE FOREVER: if I find out that you ask any member here for even $1 I’ll ‘jump you’ FASTER than I would Jessica (well maybe not THAT fast but most will get what I’m saying here)!!! LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!! It would have been a TOTALLY different ‘story’ altogether if you’d have come out and said ‘these EAs are FREE FOREVER IF you open an account with Broker “A” but if you DO NOT open an account with Broker “A” then they will cost $9.95’. I know of at least two other ‘outfits’ that do exactly this and there’s no problem with that. They make it quite clear from the start (and by the way the said ‘outfits’ are only providing utilities for MetaTrader and not trading systems or indicators and there’s a big difference there too).

Anyway: your COMMITMENT (to whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish) IS INDEED admirable. Just don’t be fooled by the name of this site is all (‘BabyPips’)!!! LOL!!!

BUT DO NOTE: if I’m WRONG about ‘you lot’ I’ll be the VERY FIRST to post an apology in HUGE BIG RED LETTERS. That’s only fair wouldn’t you say???



Hi Dale, I feel that your post here is a bit too “strong”. I can see why we need to be cautious and defensive over such postings but I think there’s a couple of assumptions and the overall tone on your post that I feel is unwarranted.

E.g. That the EA’s must be profitable for 2 years. I do not think the OP had made such grandiose claims that the EA will make you bucket loads of money. On the other hand his purpose(from what has been posted so far) is to assist newbies(like me) with their trading by having an EA. Hence the reason I suspect why he put this in the Newbie forum.

I personally am not a fan of EA nor indicators but I think we should cut him some slack and see where this all ends. I am not trying to defend him nor offend you but I feel unprovoked posts like yours just sours the “family-like” atmosphere of babypips forum which I’ve really grown to like a lot.


Dear Dale,
We are so very to disappoint you, but we are not promoters / IB’s / agents of any Broker, ECN, STP or bucket shops for that matter. We promote trading, as that is what it is all about, we are all about and Baby Pips (grown up and outgrown from the name long back though) is all about. Therefore it is upto the trader to decide with which broker he / she trades, though that broker should offer MT4 as our software’s work only on MT4.
We do care, for our own good and to grow the future Software’s, how many use AnEx and / or AAnEx, as their inputs, suggestions etc will assist us to develop ourselves and our strategies. We never and nowhere promised or committed that we will generate licence keys every fortnight. Depending on the interests of the users / traders, we can make it quarterly as well. On the other hand, why we should have licence keys worth, say a quarter, when someone might or might not need it. We have a lot to invest, little to spend and none to waste.
By the time, I personally, understood WHAT NOT TO DO in trading, 3 months had gone by, by the time i understood that TA is better than FA to make money daily, I had blown 8000 $ on training, materials etc, by the time i understood MA’s, S & R levels, pivots etc, i had blown away 5 credit cards and it took one full year to understand that with all that knowledge you might have with you, its still a waste if you do not earn and if you do not earn do not earn consistently. Now to the present scene, our software is intended to make even a novice earn, while they keep learning as Trading is more about the Psyche and with every penny earned, confidence grows and SUCCESS BREEDS MORE SUCCESS.
Its easy to teach as well to understand when something is in picture, in black & white and software’s are all about that. It is easy to see and analyse if the crossover happened and if the high or the low of the trigger candle is broken than to analyse the factors that decide the movement in the market and that is what our software’s are about - to see simple lines, to understand easily and to make pips, consistently.
I did like your post because of your elderly concern that spammers should not misuse the credibility or the ethics of Baby pips and that is what is always expected of senior and seasoned traders and we also learnt the basics through your kind of people only.
And at last, yes you need not know Frisco, Roark or John Galt. They are all protagonists of a world famous philosophical book “ATLAS SHRUGGED” by Ayn Rand and Frisco with all his honest intentions will always be SARCASM personified !!! LOL

Let us make trading simple & profitable

Dear All,
Im so very sorry, a big sorry at that, that i forgot to mention in any of the previous posts that neither AnEx nor AAnEx is a Turbo software’s, meaning, though they do give entry and exit signals, the trade has to be executed and closed manually.

Right entry and wrong entry.
Observe in this chart there are two crossover’s one at TC1 and the other at TC2.
Taking entry at the TC1 (going long) will be a wrong entry as the candle (3) after TC1 did not break the high of the TC1.
Taking entry at the TC2 (going short) will be the right entry as the candle (4) did break the low of TC2 by more than 3 pips.

Let us make trading simple & profitable


Well: I’ve just read my post again and I don’t see anything ‘strong’ in it??? Sorry: just my opinion. And if my post has offended YOU: then I apologise TO YOU. But I’ve ‘been around’ and let’s just say that I’ve learnt to ‘err on the side of caution’ and THIS thread, no matter how appreciative of it you may be, has ‘something coming’ ‘written all over it’. Come to think of it: I never even used ‘censored profanity’!!! LOL!!! All I’ve done is explain but ONE POSSIBLE scenario. Wouldn’t you rather be AWARE of what’s POSSIBLE??? As for my asking for two years worth of statistics??? Even THAT is not a long enough period but it’s a start anyway. And having these EAs, I hate to tell you, is not going to assist you with your trading I assure you. For one thing (in this PARTICULAR case): these EAs are compiled .EXEs so EVEN IF they’re consistently profitable you’re not going to be able to work out what they’re doing. So you’ll have learnt nothing other than how to run an EA in MetaTrader.

Bottom line: the thread starter has made some ‘promises’ and ‘guarantees’ and my post ‘holds them to such promises and guarantees’. That’s all.

And, well, trust me when I say that I AM ‘cutting them some slack’ because no I DO NOT know ‘where this ends’ (although I’ve a ‘feeling’). That’s why I said I’d apologise NO problem.

Now if you you want to see some ‘souring’ posts where I WAS provoked: feel free to ask and I’ll post the links!!! LOL!!! Then you’ll see just how ‘nice’ I’m being here. LOL!!!




There were some posts posted WHILE I was posting my previous post.

So MAYBE I’m wrong here. I hope so. For every new trader’s sake. No other reason I assure you.

Unfortunately (or fortunately which remains to be seen) this is how my mind works:

New member signs up in January.
New member immediately starts posting charts detailing some ‘black box’ EAs.
New member preempts input from suspicious people like me with an explanation to the Administrators.
New member then starts mentioning licence keys.
New member has only posted on this one thread.

EVEN ASSUMING that this thread is ‘for real’: I don’t think anyone can be blamed for being suspicious given the above.

But, it would appear that, the general consensus is that there’s nothing to worry about. Great. That gives me some spare time. Now where is that DAMN Jessica …



Just want to clarify few things so that we can continue with the goal of helping the newbies.

  1. Even before you came on this thread, Annie had mailed me about possible deletion of this thread as she also thought this is an advertisement thread and i had replied her about our intention. So there is no question or our attempt to preempt suspicions from you to Mod’s / Admin’s.
  2. You are true that THIS IS OUR ONLY THREAD. With our own responsibilities to trade, to train and our own family responsibilities, this is the maximum we can do and in this thread itself, we try to help newbies as much as possible.
  3. As far as your regular “WHERE IT MIGHT / WILL END”, please allow us to be frank and transparent. As we have already stated, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY COMMERCIAL INTEREST EITHER IN LETTER OR IN SPIRIT IN THIS POST. But as i did mention in a previous post, we have a lot to invest, few to spend and none to waste, the day we feel that we are not contributing in any way to this thread or to traders, we will close this thread, but ofcourse with lot of pain.
    We hope we can put all this to rest now, so that we can concentrate to contribute to the thread.


No worries.

Just don’t make me regret my ‘Like’ and have to ‘Unlike’ your post is all!!! LOL!!!

Just make money (and help others to do so too without them having to ‘lose their shirt’)!!!



Totally agree with the helping others make money while making money part! :smiley:

The way I see it this thread will go poof in another 10 days when that licence key expires 1/20/2012

Worried? Dale? worried? I for one am not the LEAST bit worried.

more liquidity for me!

Lets see a 5 year back test on any of the 4 major currency pairs. C’mon. Convince us people.

oh wait, it’s not “turbo” or whatever. guess u can program the whole thing, but can’t add one more itty bitty thing to backtest?

At any rate, i hope the whole freakin universe uses this thing to trade.

more dead money for me


Dear Bob,
Whether this thread will go Poooof or not does not depend on the expiry of licence key on 21/1/12, but on the interest or the lack of it, that this thread generates.


My apologies I must have missed the page where you said these EA’s will be free for all babypip members forever. That disproves the point I was making. You have my blessing carry on