Let us make Trading Simple & Profitable

not sure if u are Psy… i’m waiting for at least 4 - 6 weeks of public postings… then i’ll go ahead an try to figure out how to set it up if it seems to have any potential.

out of curiosity…it seemed to do well last week… how did you manage risk? it seems Anaida doesn’t really use stops many times according to him, so, i’m wondering how did u decide to take profits/losses?


Initially I put SL at the trigger candle(TC) high or low depending on long or short. That didn’t work out too well for first 2 trades and then when he explained more about the AnEx, I put it at 3 pips below the high or low and entered immediately after the TC rather than waiting for it to cross the high or low of the TC candle.

Based on his explanation of using the EAs I am not using it by the book but it yielded me a total of 120+ pips for the 9 trades that won last week. I could have gotten more if I hold the trades longer.

This week though is a different story. I also feel that it will not do too well in a ranging market especially one that ranges within a tight band as the indicators only display entry signals when it’s too late. I however suspect that AAnEx is more suited for a ranging market as it is more longer term hence the reason I was asking him about it.

And yes I will never trade without SL having learnt my lesson well! Maybe when I am more confident of myself and the strategy I MIGHT try it but no way Jose will I not have a SL for now. :slight_smile:

Dear Dale and Jay,
I did not start the live calls either to prove Jay wrong or as one more sale pitch. After I replied to Jay today early mng, I thought about this for some time and decided to give it a try … more to convince myself that i can do this as well.
SO PLEASE DO FORGET IT IF YOU THINK I’M GONNA MANIPULATE MY LIVE CALLS JUST TO IMPRESS SOMEONE. When i advice people to accept few loses here and there, when i do loose here and there, i do nt think Jay will hang me, if he finds tht i do loose and my signals also give few wrong signals.
Yes, in the beginning, as this is something new for me and this also needs time be regular, to be consistent in posting and to reply for any questions, i might be little slow and might not be regular. Gime 10 days and you will have very regular and consistent updates from my end.
And yes, i have started a 3000$ demo account, where i will be taking similar calls like live account calls (though at a lesser lot size) and will post that statement also regularly.
Gime 10 days, gime a BREAK. Everyone on the planet, every thread starter is not here with a wrong intention.
Dear Psylence, gime one more day, my head, my stomach is stil nt upto the mark. If posible, wl post something fr u in da nite r early mng.


Sorry. I cannot help myself. There are two things I NEED to ‘get off my chest’ here. I’ve tried hard to ‘stay away’ but I can’t!!! LOL!!!


Ever since this thread started I’ve been wanting to post a single post that says “Let’s not”!!! LOL!!! Get it??? The title of the thread is “Let us make Trading Simple & Profitable”. “Let’s not”. LOL!!! Oh well. I guess you have to be here to appreciate it!!! LOL!!!

Second (and more importantly):

What I’d like to know is when do we get to the ‘simple’ part (let’s forget about the ‘profitable’ part here for a moment). I mean: I just read psylence’s last post. Taken out of context (or maybe even IN context): it’s sure starting to appear to me that the simplest part of this trading system (or ‘these trading systems’ i.e. I’m not even sure anymore ‘what is what’) is downloading the EA (EAs???)!!! LOL!!!

Whew. Alright. Now I feel better.



Hehee…reading it a second time and I can see why you feel that way! To be fair it is not difficult but it is not THAT easy either. I hope I didn’t make you even more confused now.

Hey Dale,
The first time, i sat in driver’s seat in a car, i thought the same - OHHHH every one says its so easy to drive, but with ONLY TWO LEGS, i hv 3 ops … LOL i thought.

Its 22 years that i stopped feeling tht way LOLLLL.


I doubt that is possible bearing in mind the complexities of Forex Trading.

Hey Yosh,
Actually Fx trading (any trading for that matter) is very easy. Either you go long or you go short and close your positions in profit, what you deem fit. And yes be prepared to loose here and there, more or less.
Then we try complicating it by thinking what pairs, what TF, support and / or resistance levels, pivot zones, FA, TA and so on and so forth.
I read one of a seasoned member commenting in baby pips only that till the time he worried about LONG / SHORT, he made excellent pips. But as soon as started thinking about all these stuffs, his profit came down drastically and he modified the strategy again.
To be frank, even now I’m not sure why should complicate things by terminologies like LONG / SHORT. Why cnt we just use BUY / SELL.


Dear Psylence,
Few things about using AAnEx.

  1. Enter LONG whenever you get BLUE line in the Candles window and enter SHORT whenever you get RED line in the candles window.
  2. As i mentioned in an earlier post, to catch the trend at the earliest use 15M TF, when the market is either at Support or at the Resistance level/s. In all other times use 30M and 1H TF’s. But, DO NOT ENTER AS SOON AS YOU GET RED OR BLUE.
    Wait for atleast 3 BLUE VERTICAL BARS to be formed in the AAnEx short term indicators (15M TF) and then enter LONG. Same is true to enter SHORT. And your TP zone depend on the AAnEx medium term indicators. If you are entering LONG, when you get BLUE line in the candles window, AAnEx short term indicators are strong in BLUE and AAnEx medium term indicators are alos strong on BLUE, that means you are RUNNING THE TREND. In that scenario, if you catch the trend at its birth, you will get 150 - 350 pips / trade. But be preapared to keep the TRADE OPEN, for 3 - 5 sessions, 2 - 3 trading days. On the other hand, if you are LONG, when the AAnEx medium term indicators are RED, that means, you are against the TREND. Try to book 45 - 70 pips profit. Few times, you might have observed in AAnEx that there are blank periods even in AAnEx short term and medium indicators. That means, MARKET IS DIRECTIONLESS. Again, wait for a proper confirmation to trade.
  3. Any Resistance or a Support levels is accepted to have breached if and ONLY IF, the market moves 12 - 18 pips and beyond the earlier support / resistance level. If (few times), the difference between 2 levels are very less, its better to wait for a proper confirmation to enter.
  4. As you are aware, Price action / S&R levels are dynamic. Few times, you should have observed in AAnEx, S&R levels are either blank / blur / overlapping etc. That means, the market has not yet defined the next course of action with regards to the new S&R levels. Again, its better to wait for a proper confirmation.
  5. As AAnEx is a MEDIUM / LONG TERM TREND CATCHER, you can have 30 - 55 pips SL strategy. But again SL strategy again has to be dynamic, depending on whether you are with the trend, against trend, TF that you use, the time you are entering the trade, lot size, account size etc.
  6. Do not go LONG at the resistance levels and do not go SHORT at the support levels. If you do go LONG between two R / S levels (because the pips difference between two levels), book your profits around 12 - 18 pips.
    Please shoot the next set of questions after you use AAnEx over few sessions, few trades.
    Please also share your experience / doubts on AnEx as well, as you are using AnEx over 10 days now.

Happy trading.


Few more things about AAnEx.
When you are LONG and the candles are above the BLUE line, market will keep going up. Even if the candles fall starts falling towards, it will just a ZONE, where few traders are booking their profits and very rarely will it be a reversal point. When the candles are falling TOUCHING the BLUE line or falling below the BLUE line, observe the AAnEx medium term indicators either to keep the trade open or to book the profit and re enter LONG, when the candles start going up towards the BLUE line and start forming above the BLUE line again.
Opposite of this strategy is applicable for SHORT position when the line is RED in the candles area.

Happy trading

Wrong and right signal in AnEx

Please observe the two SHORT wrong signals that AnEx gave and how minimal the loss was.
In the second image, AnEx gave right entry signal for LONG and observe the profit.
And also observe that in the first image the candles were above the EMA, indicating the market is in uptrend and AnEx gave SHORT signal.
Please note that these are the actual signals and they are not morphed.

Happy trading

In your first screenshot, the 1st TC is not valid as the subsequent candles doesn’t go 5 pip(you mentioned 5 pips for GU and all else is 3 pips) below the low of the TC. The second TC might yield you around 10 pips profit. AND if you want to be really tight about your strategy you shouldn’t be shorting because the EMA is below the candles. :slight_smile:

But, I understand that rules are flexible and you can use them as you deem fit since you are very familiar with the EA.

Agree with you on your second screenie.

P.S. 5.4 pip spread for GU is A LOT!

5.4 spread is HUGE. thts not actually my broker. Thts just a demo account on BFD developers, which i use only for explanation purpose.
U r RIGHT about SHORT and EMA


Dear Psylence,
As you want to use both AnEx and AAnEx, please note that whenever i open a trade, i might have taken AnEx and / or AAnEx for an entry signal. So closing of a trade also depends on both AnEx and AAnEx.
Initially, you will be / might be in confusion. Give yrslf enough time, give both AnEx and AAnEx some time. Once you get used to using them both, u will certainly understand wht I’m trying to communicate here.


Using MA4 in AnEx.
Dear Psylence, MA4 was not part of AnEx initially. We keep doing R&D about different MA’s and we found out MA4 to have relevance with AnEx, if used as a simple MA and used at the beginning of a candle.
One rule of AnEx, that i never discussed (as i wanted someone to ask me) is that if, by the time open the trading terminal, the crossover has happened (irrespective of the TF) say 5 - 8 candles before the EXISTING CANDLE, you should not take a trade.Here MA4 came very handy. If its an uptrend, you are late by say 8 candle (after the cross over) and the MA4 either touches the beginning of the candle or MA4 has a difference of 5 - 8 maximum pips from the LOW OF THE CANDLE, you can still go long. But you can make 8 - 12 pips, depending on TF and other things. So one can [B]use MA4 to trade candle to candle[/B], which actually reduces the risk by some good %.
For SHORT POSITION (in DOWNTREND), the MA4 should either touch the opening of the candle or should be 5 - 8 pips away from the HIGH OF THE CANDLE.


One strategy tht i have been successfully using, during RANGE MARKET, is to increase the lot size and aim for less profit, say for example .25 lot size and 10 - 18 pips profit. If you get a strong signal in AnEx in 30M / 1H, this is easily achievable.


I realised that having too many windows with your EAs running can be a major bog on my MT4 performance. It gets very laggy a lot of the time.

I have 15 charts open at any one time FYI.

I normally have 10 windows and i never face any problems.
I will have 5 in AnEx and 5 in AAnEx - EU, GU, AU, EJ and Silver.


Hi Anaida,

First the good news, I think your EA has potential even though it can be daunting, difficult and complicated to use because there’s so many things to look and see on the screen. AnEx is not bad but still not as easy as it seems. So far since Monday I’ve made a total of 11 trades and 5 losers and 6 winners but total pips won was close to 150 pips and lost was around 70 pips.

I believe with more practise and confidence there is good potential in this. To anyone else reading this please note that I classify myself as a newbie still so take my comments with a pinch of salt. :slight_smile:

Now the bad news, IT LAGS! I can’t stand it! I am trading live with a naked chart with S&R lines only and I use price action and I am able to catch the reversals a lot earlier. I believe if I came from an indicator background I would LOVE your EA or if I am a total newbie your EA might be godsend but I am neither of those.

Unfortunately, I have been spending a bit too much time on your EA to the detriment of my live trading. I will still be using your EA but only when time permits(I also have a full time job) and if I am happy with my live trades.

Keep posting here though about how to use your EAs and mistakes and tips and pointers. I do log in to BP almost everyday so I will contribute to this thread where necessary otherwise I am taking a step back with regards to testing your EA.

Many thanks for the helpful info though!


Dear Psylence,
These EA’s are developed more for newbies (i did mention this earlier as well) so that they can keep earning, while learning new tricks of the trade and the nuisances as well.
All the best for your trading career.
I do not think this thread needs me any more. This is my 1st post in more than 24 hours and thanks to u again for this post as well.
Will contribute to this thread IF I FEEL ITS NEEDED.

Happy trading.
May God always keep in u in pips and profit.


Madhava S. Shastry (not Anaida)