Let us make Trading Simple & Profitable

Something very fishy!!

Where are Babypips’ admins??? this thread is clearly a dubious sales pitch in a newbie forum. :eek:


I like how he thinks he’s being so generous offering free trials too. Is that not the most common and “provable” marketing strategy to sell something since like forever. Apparently he’s doing this because he wants to share his knowledge and give back…for $1600 a month.

So whats babypips getting out of this? Hard to believe they would allow such a transparent scam to continue.

I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a scam.

As for BP Mods, they’ve probably checked out the first few posts, seen that free keys were offered and therefore decided that no action was necessary, because everybody could check it out for free and make up his own mind about its feasibility.


“Let us make trading simple and profitable”

Most irritating signature 2012 award goes to…

lol, good one. :smiley:
Well, at sixteen hundred bucks a month it surely is profitable for somebody.


Dear Mr. Jay,
"post 90 day’s of real time trading calls, and prove it. You can’t, Real time signals for 90 days with profitability each month."
I did not start this thread with ANY intention of live calls / Stats for that matter. We started this thread about an EA and we are sticking to that.
"don’t post some “after trade” nonsense… i can cut and paste on paint with the best of 'em too."
It wont take more than 10 min.s time to download the EA’s and test whether we gave the actual graph / pattern or copied, colored and all that blabla. Thts so much about that graphs i posted to explain the indicators.
Will you buy any product / service because someone is happy with it, someone is doing a very good job out of it or will you buy because you tested it, convinced with the functionality of it?
"Now I make a GREAT income using a price chart, a new feed, some horizontal lines, and my brain."
Now there - “MY BRAIN”. Does not everything start and end with that - MY BRAIN? I if i post my Stat, i would have used MY BRAIN. How will that help any one in whatever the way? Even to use any EA, any and / or every trader needs to use his / her brain.
"If ANYONE other than the OP has used this EA for 3 months and wouldn’t mind putting up some sort of evidence that this EA can profit for even 90 days… i’d like that, as I’m sure the rest here would too."
"If your here giving something away just to help out…great!"
"Well, stats wouldn’t convince me either…thou i would just like to hear pros and cons from others…but…LIVE, REAL TIME trading calls here WOULD convince me. lets see the winners, and the losers…lets see how well it works in real time, in such a way that cannot be forged or faked or photoshopped or whatever."
Is it not that simple? Download the EA’s, test them in [B]REAL TIME[/B] to convince yourself, than expect others to post the stats or anything?
Are we pressurizing any one to use our EA’s? Are we holding someone to ANY RANSOM that after using our EA’s FREE FOR THREE MONTHS, YOU HAVE TO BUY OUR EA’S? If a newbie can use (FOR THREE MONTHS) the EA’s and make money out of it, why [B]any one has any right[/B] to scare them off?
What scam are we doing by giving the EA’s FREE?

The DEFENSE rests.

"I did not start this thread with ANY intention of live calls / Stats for that matter. We started this thread about an EA and we are sticking to that. "

So, this means you won’t post live calls. My only surprise is that you bothered to post such a lukewarm argument.

Not sure if you noticed…but babypips is a forum for TRADING. not computer programming. not marketing. If your computer
skills and trading skills are good enough to write an EA…then darn it… PROVE IT

If you want to code random bits of code that simply show squiggle lines…go market this as “modern art” or “mathmatical creativity” don’t go posting up on a trading forum that your EA can actually do anything. because it can’t. You likley can’t trade. I’m betting you majored in marketing… or maybe public speaking.

I know of three people who created REAL, WORKING, EA’s with LONG TERM money making potential. One sold his for 1.3 million. Another sold his to an investment bank for over 20 million.

I know of at least one person on this forum that uses an EA for a full time income. I asked him how much to sell it…he said something along the lines of over 1 million.

You defense failed. you provide no proof. just marketing gimmicks. If you can get 100 bozo’s to try your EA for 3 months…and if it runs “hot” for those 3 months…bam. u got em. a quick $1,600 X 100 = $160,000.00 U.S. Dollars.

And heck…some will pay the money even if it DOESN’T run well… just barely BE…because what your really selling is hope. False hope. And I despise false hope. It’s disgusting to me to see people attempt to build an income off of selling false hope.

Yet, someone will buy your false hope. And even if it costs them their last dime…someone…somewhere… will give it to you. And you will actually CONGRATULATE yourself for this accomplishment!

I can’t even post what is on my mind, because I’d be banned.

I can prove what I do every single week, month in, month out. I know of others on here would could likley do the same.

But you can’t. period. I can’t make it any more clear than this. Or you “wont”. which IMO is even worse.

The emperor wears no clothes. And in spite of how loudly he yells about his new fashionable suit, there is…very
plainly, nothing to see except a naked old man who wants others to believe he appears to have something he does not.

mutual funds provide audited track records of past performance. Hedge funds nearly always do as well. You could always enter the automated trading championship…and try to win…but…oh, ya… you would need to actually have something that COULD win. A real bot that actually works will stand up to the scrutiny of large financial institutions, and will be willingly bought and sold for millions, not your rent money, or your google adwords money,or your overseas “rent a coder” money.

I was 100% right. You can’t prove it. you’ll just jump up and down more yelling about how your doing “us” a favor by encouraging us to drink the Kool Aid.

Again, I’m left only with a viscerally disturbing reaction while gazing on at your “new clothes”

I wish I could protect those who give you their money, but alas, I’ll end up taking some of it from them anyway, so maybe I should be thanking you. After all, your gonna help me buy my new penthouse apartment with all the money your “customers” lose…eventually.

I’ve found, on the level, that traders, as a whole, tend to be brighter than average. Your gonna have to do a lot better than hoping you can get 100 folks signed up for 3 months…and have a “hot run” if you want to make serious money.

Oh…actually, wait. I have a suggestion…why don’t you TAKE UP TRADING??? you can make a fortune, sleep better at night knowing you took peoples money FAIRLY, without the need for your overseas programmer, or without being publicly exposed for being…less than you promote yourself as.

I even know of a good site from which to learn trading at… it’s called babypips.com. Why don’t you check it out, and then post more when you know how to actually trade.


P.S. As far as “what right does anyone have to scare them away” in reference to your 90 day free trial. Just to spell it out perfectly clearly. I, and any others here who choose too, have the right because your 90 day free trial is hypocrytical. You state it as if it is HELPFUL for others…when in fact, it is in ENTIRELY self serving. It’s building rapport, and building your “sales funnel”, and on the off chance you get lucky…it will make you a lot of money…but, will never make anyone who buys it a dime over their “trading career”.

My right to “scare” others a way is really just a right to expose how this type of nonsense works. Jim Jones gave away “free Kool Aid”… his followers would only be so lucky to have so many cry out a warning before accepting his “free” offer.

test post…retracted OP because it was misplaced

since OP already said he is giving away his EA… why don’t move this thread to Free Forex Trading or Expert Advisors forum???

Dear Mr. Jay,
I have started a thread for live calls on EU, GU and EJ.
Let us keep this thread for what it was started in the first place - EA.


What was it started for? Why did you start it in a newbie forum?

Ok then! I’ll be watching, ande will hold all comments, both positive and negative until after 3 months of results. Then, I will either humbly apologize…or, likly not say much, as nothing would need to be said.

I do hope u know what your doing… if so…i’ll very likly be a customer myself. Time will tell, but I applaud your step towards transparency…and i will refrain from further commetning on this thread since you are trying to show what you have really works.


Whoa! Just came back from a nice weekend and this thread is rocking!

Anaida, I am a newbie and for me to be able to fork out US$1600 [B]EVERY[/B] month must either mean I am out of my mind or I am earning way more in excess of US$1600. At the moment after 2 months of live trading my account is down almost 40%. :slight_smile:

Unless I can make at least 5 times what you are asking after 3 months, I will most definitely not be able to buy your EA. Personally US$1600 is a LOT of money and I suspect you must be one of the most expensive EA’s being sold online.

What I can say however is that your EAs have given me a new perspective to indicators. I still don’t like them because they lag but I’ll reserve judgement for now and will wait till after 3 months.


I will be tracking your live trades and I am also using both your EAs. Let’s see how this pans out after 3 months.

Ok question time. :slight_smile:

AAnEx :

  1. Where do you enter? Only at the yellow intersection or along any of the red and blue line?
  2. Where do you put your SL and TP?
  3. How do you use the AAnEx range indicator?
  4. What is the white S&R lines(are they pivot points)? And how to use them?
  5. What is the M and R divider lines at the right edge of the chart?
  6. Any other things we should know in using AAnEx?


Good morning.

I hate the fact that we have to sleep. It’s such a waste of time isn’t it. I mean: just look at all the ‘overnight action’ I’ve missed now!!! LOL!!!


If nothing else I have to applaud you for taking up the challenge of posting signals and trades every day for the next three months. I know I myself wouldn’t be able to ‘keep that up’ for longer than a week at most!!! LOL!!!

That being said: I personally don’t see the point of this exercise (as Dale ‘ducks’ under his desk while typing to avoid Jay’s ‘wrath’)!!! LOL!!! If this IS just one big giant ‘sales pitch’ or ‘scam’: it’s REALLY easy to post trades etc. AFTER THE FACT. I know FOR SURE if I was interested in these EAs I’m not going to go and cross check the times of the signals and trades posted with the charts. And not to mention that such posts can be edited AFTER THE FACT too.

My suggestion (and has been suggested previously by others): why not connect yourself to something like myfxbook and post a link to your trading stats (something like that). Of course: I’ve NOT A CLUE as to whether or not that type of stuff can be manipulated. Maybe use TWO DIFFERENT providers (I’m sure you can get TWO different EAs that connect to two different providers running at the same time)??? As far as myfxbook is concerned: from my OWN testing I DO know that somehow they verify the price data with the data from the broker (you have to give them your MetaTrader ‘Investor Password’ or whatever it’s called so that they can log in to your account at your broker and verify the data. At least that is my understanding.).

Then again: $1 600 per month (eventually) is by no means ‘chump change’. I can rent TradeStation WITH ALL the REAL TIME Market Data for just under $400 per month just to give you an idea (and that’s not ‘play play stuff’ either). So maybe you should do BOTH even although it’s a lot of work.



Dear Psylence.
Its the question time for AnEx ONLY at present, till we introduce AAnEx properly, might be after a fortnight.
I do not want any confusions there.
PLz bear wth me till den.


well dale…the cool thing is, if a trade is posted “as it occurs”…it’s pretty easy to check a timestamp and see if price really was there within a few moments of the post. I know i’m somtimes off a pip, give or take, from my posting and my actual execution…and sometimes, i’m also off a minute…give or take… but, sometimes pending orders i put up get hit too…and those of course are never “after the fact”…and for me, i try REALLY HARD to post in less than 60 seconds of execution.

So, it may not be perfect…but it can be REALLY REALLY GOOD! And as far as “editing” goes… that’s why we get the email silly! lol if i get an email…it’ll show the original post. If every post turns up edited or something…well… we know whats up.

but, for the price he wants, this requires obviously a higher degree of “vetting”. I know the first trade didn’t go so well (at least the one he posted up on my thread)…but, so what. I took a loser on eur/nzd tonight (albeit tiny), and will likely take another on nzd/usd. However, i made good money tonight in the end. So as long as we see postings within a minute or so, and u get an email notification of a post… then, that’s pretty good IMO.


Yeh, yeh. Alright. I didn’t think about the ‘Instant Email Notifications’!!! So have a GOOD laugh now!!! LOL!!!

They’re very ‘handy’ actually. I’ve ‘caught out’ at LEAST one or two people in the last few years who have posted on a thread and then changed their minds or edited their original post!!! LOL!!! And they think ‘huh: how did he know that i.e. I deleted that post’!!! LOL!!!



I don’t get it? If you want us to wait until a fortnight then why post AAnEX and “sell” the idea that AAnEx can get you more pips then AnEx? You also did briefly explain AAnEx in earlier posts. This ties in with my point about how the whole thing have not been explained properly which IS the reason for the confusion.

Last week I used both EA’s and out of 13 trades 9 proved winners. Today so far out of 4 trades 3 losers and 1 got me 3 pips and that too because it seems like it will hit my BE which is why I quickly bailed out with 3 pips if not that will also be a loser. I think it is going to be a rough and long 3 months it seems.

P.S. Am I the only one testing this?