Let's Say thanks to ICT for his Dedication to educating us!

Ok weekly, yes I misread… So 12% monthly… How much did you have to pay him to join his room?

$199 Euro a month which is about $320 for me.

Do you know how many subscribers he had?

Come on Banker we are getting off the subject. Let’s just give ICT some credit. The man has done a phenomenal job of teaching well rounded mechanics for technical and fundamental analysis.

sorry but, i don’t even understand your point anymore. That some people look at fundamentals more, and others less, sure not a problem in the very least. isn’t it always like that. if i want to go to another city i suppose i could read the departure schedule in the train station, or i could sit in the field looking at trains and attempt to jump into the one i see directly passing. something i will never try :18: but there’s people who run the trains and people who read the schedules, so what?

Uhm ok… I’ve stated my point pretty clearly. Perhaps you should go back and read through the discussion???

If you are not extensively analyzing fundamentals, not basing the markets bias and direction off of fundamentals, and are placing most of your emphasis of your trading decisions purely on chart patterns and price action… Then you are doing exactly what professionals don’t…

That’s my point.

The result of ignoring fundamentals is that you have no clue why price is moving, you have no clue whether or not a pattern is going to succeed or fake-out, you are just hoping that if you trade the patterns enough times, you will come out top due to a pre conceived notion that the pattern gives you an edge. The markets change, patterns don’t behave the same over long periods of time. … And trying to guess if price will respect a S/R level or break through it isn’t guessing anymore when you know the fundamental context the pair is operating in when it reaches that level.

Sure some may look at fundamental more, and the others less… 90% of the posts and threads on this forum suggest most would fall in the latter category… Otherwise I wouldn’t be trying so hard to explain this.

Banker are you doing a myfxbook at the start of the year? I recall ICT challenging people (yourself included), and Jezzode I recall actually stood up, but I didn’t know if you wanted to or not.

The day he made that challenge, early October if I remember correctly, I told him I would make a myfxbook the next day and start right away… Otherwise I wasn’t going to wait around for him dragging his feet… For whatever reason he insisted he had to wait until January rolls eyes … So I’m not going to wait around for his schedule to line up

i would love to see what a fundamental trader can do. whether it’s impressive or not. as you already said, there are pretty much only technical traders here, so i would like to get some perspective and see what is possible. pull yourself together and join the challenge please. for the sake of education. or if you don’t want the challenge, just a myfx account to follow would be nice as well. to see how long your average trades are and all that.

If I made one I would make a thread to go with it, no point just putting up trading performance without the justification… So if I ever make a thread, the myfxbook would be included.

so, will you?

Yes, come on Banker, this would be ridiculously cool to see you start a thread with fxbook. Not being sarcastic at all. I would love to see this.

Woooooooooooooooo bub…

Let’s get facts straight here. Before you start puffing up like you some how stuck me in a corner and you looked like you drove the beast away… I in fact said get a head start. I meant it when I told you and Jezz both… as you would need it.

I am doing the live bit regardless of who wants to measure themselves against it. The challege is my own… not against anyone in particular. So with all due respect… if it was anyone dragging their feet here… Banker it was and is… Banker928.

Dragging feet… lol as if. :35:

Title it… [B]Technically ICT Called Me Out… Here Is My Fundamental Response[/B].

I will subscribe immediately. :57:

This is your chance to provide substance to your posts and opinions. Otherwise… anything you say beyond this post is pointless now isn’t it?

Who said… “Let’s start this tomorrow”… I did.

Who said… “Nah, I can’t… I’m waiting 3 more months”… You did.

Who drug their feet…?

You are the one who turned it into a challenge by asking me and jezzode to post our myfxbooks… That was your prerogative …

And I am not here to chase anyone away… I’m here to point out the forum is seriously lacking emphasis on a MAJOR component of trading.

So you are declining I take it?

In case you haven’t noticed… I have been busy with other tasks and I told you get the ball rolling. If you seen my recent videos and market analysis and you second thought it… I can respect that. However, standing on the point I politely then told you I would gladly take your offer up in the new year… and now trying to make it appear I was unwilling altogether?

Simply say yes Michael I would be interested in doing it. If not… I and everyone reading understand. I am not trying to be obtuse or rude… but I did accept your offer and my calendar tells me you should have taken the previous weeks to pad yourself out…

Simply put… yes or no? I am a busy man today. :wink:

Your chance to have me a part of your challenge past when you said “no… I’m waiting 3 months”.

Ill watch yours with interest, just as you’ll watch mine if I post mine down the road… But as far as a head to head competition… You blew that chance.

Again… Three months ago I said “yes” you said “no”… You declined. End of story.

:slight_smile: thanks… I understand.

GLGT :57:

Didn’t know drugs could be used in one’s feet :wink:

Heroine is commonly injected in toes.