Let's Say thanks to ICT for his Dedication to educating us!

I have been a follower of ICT for the last year. I have seen a big change in my trading, and the way i view
the market’s. I think it’s pretty amazing the someone can take so much time and effort to help his fellow Man and Women, and not ask for anything but just a satisfaction of us having the Ahh Ha! moment is enough. His vids are full of so much info, and the effort he puts in is remarkable.

I am asking all the ICT crew to post there feelings here so he can find the strenght to keep his energy flowing.

Now i will dry my eye and start trading again



Morning RidetheTrend :slight_smile:

and Amen to that…

Personally, if ICT sees this - I want to ‘Thank You’ Michael sincerely for your very generous spirit - it is very much appreciated I know by many of us here; you do an outstanding job and even more so, are incredibly humble with it…

I’m sure many people will chime in to share their sentiments…

Happy Trading and wishing all you wonderful Pipsters a Fabulous Weekend :slight_smile:


PS. I now have a puppy and my life will never be the same - my 4hours daily of forex have been dramatically reduced!!! lol - but she is adorable :slight_smile: Honestly, I don’t know how you folk do it with full time jobs and kids (ST - I don’t know how ‘you’ do it :))

I’ve had MANY of the “Aaaaaah haaa” moments that RideTheTrend mentioned from watching ITC’s videos. Surprisingly, a lot of these aren’t regarding the actual main content of the video (don’t get me wrong, it’s all brilliant stuff), but it’ll be a passing comment, just a small subtle insignificant comment that Michael just glosses over that leaves me with my finger in the air, a light bulb above my head & a big “Aaaaaah haaa” echoing around the room.

It’s a genuinely great thing that Michael is doing, offering everyone that helping hand & asking for nothing in return. He’s a true inspiration & I doff my cap to you kind Sir.

Many many thanks Michael, you’re a true scholar & a gent!

PS: Happy New Puppy Jessey!

I will thank him after I made my millions :smiley: I have already thanked him for his works no need to continue thanking him. Besides I am not getting the one on one session with him after the new year. I didnt think I had to dress up for Halloween I figured my mug shot was scary enough

I know your pain Bob: looking back on the thread, yeah we wore the same disguise but I think that our fishermen outfits were top notch. We both clearly hate fishing but these are the lengths that we go to all in the name of fancy dress. And what does ITC go & do? He overlooks our fantastic trick or treat entries :stuck_out_tongue:

I regret not posting a picture now, yeah Michael would be doing the most basic of basics with me but I’d surely progress faster. Ah the joys of hindsight!

Good luck with the million$ mate!

+1 for that and +1 for thanking Mr Huddleston for fast-tracking my trading career by a decade! :smiley:

Great idea RtT… Thanks ICT. I don’t post much because I’m still slowly going through all the material you have produced but the weekly / daily reviews, live trades and Trader plan stuff is just awesome (not a word I use often). I’m still demo trading but over the last few weeks I’ve made 9 trades and seven were profitable, 2 just under BE so overall very positive and not like before. I’m trading infrequently, waiting for the setups I’m happy with and seeing good results so far. Also calling what I think might happen in certain circumstances I spot even when I don’t demo trade it and I’d say that I’m right more than wrong. That’s from just spending a few minutes during each day staying logged into what’s happeneing and keeping up with your work. I’ll post more when I think I have a more positive contribution to make, but just so you know there are some of us lurking in the wings, learning from your teachings and getting better. Thanks again ICT and all who post, PPFX especially, love your stuff too and yes Wales is beautiful… Billy

Dont worry the world is going to end by then anyway :smiley: on goes my tin foil hat back to trading :wink:

This is a very nice gesture… thank you.

Hey RTT, great suggestion, I’ve been keeping my head low for the last eight months with heavy work commitments, but trying to keep up with the latest vids & posts.

Well now that might change for the next four months as I have quit my job in NZ & moved to Eastern Europe as I had planned for a while, here it’s much cheaper to live so I don’t need a job & I can dedicate my time to all things ICT & give it my best shot.

I would not have done any of this if it wasn’t for Michael’s dedication & generosity, once again Thanks ICT & hopefully I can be one of your success stories! :slight_smile:

Dear ICT

I would also like to thank you. I can understand that all of the people who make it in forex either doesn’t see why they need to train any one els or they don’t have the time or energy left. I don’t think every one learnt forex on the internet on a forum some where and feel the need to return the favour.

I know most people either think you have a lot of money and the small things you pay for teaching us are things you actually use like for example pricecharts.com etc… But there was once a time where you didn’t make anything from forex yet you paid for your books that you refer to and you paid for the courses you took from the people you mention in your videos like for example Larry Williams.

I can only imagine how much it has cost you to get to where you are. Books, teachers, losses and not to mention the time it took in the trail and error stages.

So I would not only like to thank you for what you are doing for us now but every thing it took for being able to teach us what you do now.

Thank you ICT for sticking with us although we might never know what it actually took from you to be here and is taking from you now to stay here.

What you have done is actually make this the safest bussiness to invest any time and money in in this stage of ecconomy… Need I say more :slight_smile:

Thank you ICT!


A big, massive ‘‘THANK YOU’’ from me too.

Words are not enough to describe the appreciation a feel, Sir!

You’re not only the Greatest Trader and Teacher I’ve met, but a phenomenal person too. A real Role Model, Real Inspiration in all aspects of life!

Thanks to you, I’m not only a better trader (about to finish my first profitable year), but much better human being too. I’m more calm, patient, generous, wise, etc.

I can go on and on and on, describing how you changed my life and thinking for only a year, but will leave it for another time. Now will finish with this:

Thank You Michael.

…oh, almost forgot to say: ‘‘Thank You’’!

Just given’r a bump up. I think we are a few hundred light!

Now a days, very few people in these world who live a life with ‘’purpose.”

Purpose is the engine that moves you forward in life; passion is the fuel for the engine.

I have read somewhere that says, “ to live with purpose and passion is indeed a choice. You can choose if you want to succumb to the wants, needs and wishes of others, or choose, for yourself, what you want out of your life.”

ICT’s dedication to educate and to teach others with passion is one of his purpose. ICT’s focus is on what he can do for someone else, without considering what he will get out of it. Therefore, he will be rewarded (if he doesn’t yet) in ways he will never expected.

I believe Mr. Michael Huddleston is one of those few people whose living the life with purpose.

And so I am aspiring to be when the day comes…

Thank you.

i found amazing guidance and inspiration in Michael’s teachings, in his passion and dedication embodied in every video and response that he offers. I feel like Michael is tuned into the mind and psyche of the trader and knows what to say, when and how to explain it so that words becomes engraved in strong and profitable principles. While not a newcomer to forex at the time i discovered ICT, the impact of his teachings on my ways have been, and continue to be, amazingly profound and effective.

In a business that is tough, deeply misrepresented and obsessed with speed, ICT has found the strength to tell it how it is and show the trader how to walk on the good path. He is really unique.

ICT, my deep respect and appreciation,

I have started to methodically go through each video, taking notes, I only thought I had begun to understand this business, now I know I know nothing - by the time I’m finished I know I will know a lot.

Thank You ICT.

Thank for your outstanding contribution to make trading a little more easy and enriching our forex knowledge.
Much obliged

Hey ICT - I dont think there’s much I can add to whats already been said suffice to say your dedication is simply outstanding. There arent many people who would put in the effort that you do for no other reward than to see your fellow travellers make a better life for themselves. If you were a Uk citizen I recommend that you be knighted - arise Sir Mike! :slight_smile:

I as well want to thank you ICT, for giving so much wisdom. It’s as if you are showing me the light at the end of the tunnel.
I was lost and now you are showing me the way. I must say I have just been following you for few months and I still need to go over everything another 10 times at least to get most out of it. It’s impressive how easy it all seems when you show the videos! In addition, that you do it all for free.
Thank you very much and may God bless you!

What more can be said? I agree with everyone in this thread, the amount of work and dedication that goes into your work is simply unbelievable.

I know how long it takes me to do my own analysis and the effort required, never mind creating market review videos, timeless training material AND livestream sessions. Simply outstanding!

Good mentors in any discipline are hard to find, you are one such mentor. Someone who “just gets it”. The knowledge and insight you impart is seriously impressive. I’ve been using your teachings/techniques/ideas for only a short time now and their value was illustrated immediately. I’ve only just scratched the surface and I want more! Every day I learn something new from your work. You know you’re reading/studying the right material when that sort of thing happens!

Thank you for all your efforts ICT, they are completely invaluable!