Let's Say thanks to ICT for his Dedication to educating us!

Dear Michael,
also would like to thank you for all what you are doing for us. I’m attending your school more than one year and feel very happy and privileged. Despite my results are not consistent yet, i know that with tools you gave us it is matter of time.
Thank you again and god bless you and your family.
Still Beginer.

Kudos to all the feel good moments, but what’s the bottom line? Genuinely interested if the thanks is for the education or the successful implementation of what is learned that resulted in a consistently profitable trading methodology.

For me its the education. What you do with it is up to you, consistency is the end result from putting the time in to really understand the price action theory ICT presents.

Great answer to the age old question - the measurement of Knowledge (education).

For many that measurement is guaged in ‘the bottom line’ - ( I’m not being disrepectful of a very good question) - but for me Knowledge cannot be measured in the bottom line.

For me Knowledge is measured by exactly what Jonnycab says 'what I do with it ’ - thus my thanks to ICT - he’s passing it on.

You can check out some journals of ICT students…tycoon83, pipmart, sanj, puremuscle, IyaJenkei, pipjoker, piphanger…probably more. Unfortunately they’ve all gone into hiding.

I guess I’m just echoing everyone else. I’ve been following ICT for the last 15 months. I am a profitable trader, and believe that somewhere between the next 6-18 months I will be trading professionally. I truly enjoy the process ICT, and I am very grateful for your incredible generosity. Imagine Tiger Woods putting out one-hundred videos and starting a community (not to mention all of the live group sessions) aimed at getting people to be able to play golf professionally, and asking for nothing in return.

Great idea. When i first started learning, I thought to myself how if I figured it out, I wouldn’t share it with anyone. You know how stupid ICT has made that look? What was I thinking?

Come on now. This is a high risk market we are waging war against. It’s all about the bottom line.

This isn’t philanthropic in nature.

Difference being we can see the measurable results from Tiger Woods. We don’t have to take his word for it.

There is probably a conclusion that can be drawn from that…

Conclusion ICT’s the Man!

Some of the things said here make one think about the nature of evidence, what is the right evidence to support my opinion, your opinion. There may not be great merit in proving points, especially with trading, where personality plays such effect on measurable outcome. However, in trying to evaluate the merits of some method, it is perhaps significant to see a few examples of that which we try to figure out.

With a fresh demo end of last week, I entered a few trades yesterday and today. It’s a 5k demo, broker didn’t let me do 1k. While they may not look like ICT weekly range 200 pip trades, I assure you that each one is based on ICT principles on some time frame. For instance Monday blues, with slow markets in fiber and cable and a bit more activity in the yen. Those trades used the principles of: tradind the Asia open, inside the range, ote’s inside the range, Judas on smaller frames, smt divergence and trinity lines. Was a bit more work.

Today was the NYO fiber trade just as described in his video, and esentially the same trade a bit later in cable, seen with MM profile and usdx divergence.

The one thing not ICT-based was money management, sometimes i overlap early positions if the move seems right to more than 1% risk, like NYO today. In such case i monitor the total position drawdown and establish a stop based on that.

It’s easy to notice some of the mistakes i made, stops that I forgot to fill, TP closed too early, and a bunch of other things in there. I’m very far from being a good trader. But, here it is, an example, if just that, of applied ICT principles in some measurable form.

statement.pdf (85.4 KB)

Pay my dues where they’re due!

Michael - thanks for the education of which I’ve still got a long way to go but I’ll get there one day and it’ll be thanks to you! OK maybe a little myself in keeping disciplined but the point I make is the markets make some sense to me at this early stage that I know with time they’ll make a lot more and that’s due to your insight time and dedication to pass on your knowledge.

I can say now that if I do make this work I’ll do my best to show my family and friends. Before then I’d have been too scared in case the concepts stopped working. But as you point out some people will not take the time to learn and apply the concepts correctly.

Patience is mentioned a lot but without this and money management the concepts are wasted. I appreciate how much time you spent early on ensuring we understand this.

I hope to one day email the photos of my success to give you the satisfaction I know it delivers.

Thanks isn’t really enough but its all I got at the minute!

Your the most generous person I ever met. (Cyber met anyway)



Michael - a big thank you from me. I never thought that so many three letter acronyms like ICT, PTC, OTE would have such a positive impact on my trading. Can we all raise our glasses to Michael … THANK YOU …

Just logging off for the night, but also: COT, SMT, ROE…

BIG Thanks to Michael for sharing his vast wealth of knowledge with us! Caught the Full range Friday all with concepts learned in these very threads. Thanks again!!

Awesome! :57:

Thanks Michael for everything you do for us. Have a wonderful holiday season.

I haven’t really followed ICT much but big thumbs up on his Fibonacci video(I was a bit selective on what I was focusing on learning). It was worth the 40 minutes, I am looking forward to trying a few Fibonacchi spirals methods later on down the track too. Cheers.

I can’t thank Michael enough for everything he has done in terms of transforming the way I view the forex markets and the way I trade. I have even found that I apply aspects of his teachings (eg, discipline and patience) into facets of my personal life and it’s been paying off in a positive way. His indefatigable efforts must also be lauded - it’s not easy doing what Michael does for us, plus he manages his fund and has a family to spend time with. He not only teaches consistency, but he lives it. I believe that God led me to Michael because prior to that I was almost about to throw the towel in on forex trading. He revived my interest in trading and so far I haven’t turned back, and i’ve developed so much as a trader that i’ll probably go full time in the next 2 years or so.
PipNRoll spoke about Michael living his life’s purpose, and I agree. He is living the purpose driven life and I can’t wait to experience that life. I know that when I get to that stage, that Michael will have played an instrumental role, so Michael, please do know that you’re not only impacting people’s trading, but ultimately their lives, and we thank you so much for all you do! May God continue to bless you and your family!