Let's talk about forex questions!

:white_check_mark:To begin with , I prefer to answer the questions that Baby Pips asks for starting a new conversation!
:question:Who would be interested in this?
In my opinion , everyone in the financial markets is interested in what emotions traders experience!
The reasons for this interest can be curiosity about others and finding commonalities , as well as talking and sharing experiences about the solutions!
:question:Why Why does it matter?
Because we have feelings and these feelings are constantly being aroused , even if we don’t notice this arousal.I also think that financial activity based on emotions and away from logic can lead to failure!
:question:What kind of responses do I want?
I ask everyone to contribute to this thread , regardless of their background , because it will help us find a solution and grow and be successful together. :heart_eyes:


I don’t understand. Can you explain the purpose of this thread, please?


Emotional responses are prevalent in all humans. Fear of losing out and pain. It is important to accept that would never go away. Therefore, learn to detach your mind set from what happens in the market.

That’s why many traders use Bots.

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Thank you for your attention. :heart_eyes:
Of course, I will explain more. :heart_eyes:
If you agree, I will share the first topic that I am interested in, so that we can better understand the purpose of this topic. :grinning:
Before that, I would like to mention that the interactivity of these topics is what makes them valuable, I am looking for other people’s opinions and especially opposing opinions by presenting my personal opinion! :nerd_face:
Because we can grow with these different and opposing opinions. :ok_hand:

Exactly. :ok_hand:
But if a newbie doesn’t have access to bots or doesn’t have the competence to know which bots work for him, this is where we get to the question of how to not let emotions interfere with decision-making. :nerd_face:
For me it came through seeing and touching the damage caused by emotional decisions. :expressionless:
Let me explain more. :nerd_face:
:white_check_mark:I could not convince myself to have a solid risk management until I experienced the pain of losing capital.
:white_check_mark:I couldn’t convince myself to stick to my strategy until I tasted the pain of changing strategy and that with every change in my strategy I find myself in a new unknown world.
:white_check_mark:Even about being patient, I didn’t believe in patience until I tasted the damage of being hasty.
I want to reach operational solutions in this matter together, and in my opinion, suffering in this process is a sign of growth and everyone in painful situations reaches two states.
The first case is to leave this job and the second case is to bear the pain and find a solution to prevent recurrence in the future.
what is your opinion?

:writing_hand:One of the repeated sayings for everyone who works in forex is to stick to your strategy!
In the next step, there may be a problem in the strategy , a contradiction is formed here, if I am going to stick to the strategy and be with him in the loss of the account, how far? :thinking:
One person buys a sedan car and another person buys an SUV car , each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses , but does that mean it’s a problem? :thinking:
Does it mean that it is necessary to make changes in each of the cars to make them closer and similar to each other? :thinking:
For me , long-term strategy testing on a demo account is the most appropriate method. :ok_hand:
First of all , it is true that we do not involve capital , but when we do involve time , emotions flows , but not to the extent of trading in a real account! :slightly_smiling_face:
Another issue is that I think we can only find out on the demo account where not to trade and what the executors of this strategy should not do, there is no other way. This was one of the most key discoveries for me.
Where should I not use my strategy and be a spectator!
The practice of being a spectator, which was one of the hardest things for me, only came about with long-term practice in the demo account. :slightly_smiling_face:
Waiting until trading conditions are reached according to the strategy and the hard part is that after this patience , the result of that trade will be a loss.
Anger and frustration were pouring into my psyche , because I had planned a profit reward for being patient in my mind!
For example , I waited for three days and avoided emotional trades, but now I have a profitable trade and lost , so what is the point of waiting?
These are created in the demo account!
The answers to these questions are only within us , and we have no choice but to measure ourselves and expose ourselves , and with a demo account, we can do this at the cost of time.
If we want to understand these in real account , we lose both time and money together.
There is no way to know , except demo account and long-term testing of the strategy. :nerd_face:
This part defines one of the important boundaries between a successful trader and a losing trader. :wink:
what is your opinion? :heart_eyes:

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Its totally okay to fall into the madness of forex trading. But most importantly, learn the art of discipline and master it as well, it determines your success and failures. And also it’s essential to formulate a rigid trading strategy and stick to it, as well as keeping track of past deals with a trading log.
Master your emotions really well. In all walks of life, it’s easy to allow your emotions to influence your decision making (and not always in a good way), but when it comes to forex trading, it’s imperative that you leave your emotions at the door. this will help in avoiding the forex madness.


Everything that I’m reading from you says that you are going to succeed… have you ever considered taking a challenge from ftmo? It’s a good solid company and they will fund you if you’re able to trade.

Let me give you a tip… Play their biggest challenge don’t worry about how much it costs because you’re going to get it all back in the end.

Just tell Bernie that I sent you.


I agree with all your points.
We should not make impulsive decisions based on emotions or market noise.

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Over the past year, I’ve stuck to one strategy.
This work had many challenges for me, which I will write about later.
I tried to find a time frame that is compatible with my personality, and for this, I inevitably started from the lowest time frames and tried.
Also, when I reviewed all the transactions of the past year in one week, I realized that the main thing I did last year was making a journal and nothing else.
This journal allows me to examine strengths and weaknesses, and one of the things I learned was how to minimize losses by identifying multi-segment gains.
In the beginning, I had a problem with this and I preferred that the transactions be one part and either profit or loss.

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So, how is the progress so far? Did the strategy worked out? If not, are you still sticking to it? If yes, what’s your reason?

So it is a kind of demo challenge? No deposit required but they have prizes, right? Well I take part in something similiar, it is demo contest from Hotforex that is held monthly. Biggest prize is 1K USD credited on live account. I guess it is very similar to prop trading offers lol