Letting Winners Run

Something related:

3. You are too risk averse.

While knowing how to manage risk is a critical trading skill, there is such a thing as being too risk averse. Remember, you cannot completely avoid risk, but you can manage it. The trick is to know when a risk is worth taking.

Could that point be true for you?


This may be totally true. I really need to do more back testing so I can feel comfortable that I will be successful over time.

What time frame are you trading on? 5min 15min?

Good advice. Thank you sir!

I only make my overall decisions based on the daily but i’ll look at the 4 hr to make sure its going the same direction and i’ll look at the one minute also to make sure its heading in the trend I want just for extra confirmation but daily overall

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Stop looking at the money value of the trade. Instead, focus on the charts. My holding ability got way better after I did that.


never ever let your winner turn into loser ,that’s all

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