Leverage and Margin Demystified

As a request I am going to try to explain leverage and margin in a
simple and clear form. If you are already confused about this concept, I
ask you to clear your head and make a blank canvas because the
subject is not as hard as many make it out to be.

If you are already confused about it, it�s probably because you
learned leverage from a write up that contained fancy rhetoric that
was trying to impress you with their over complication of a simple
subject instead of trying to teach you.

First, we are for the sake of being simple, going to assume all
standard lots control $100,000 worth of currency, all mini lots
control $10,000 worth of currency, and all micro lots control
$1,000 worth of currency. We all know this is not exactly accurate, but
it will keep the examples simple.

Now on to the lesson:

When you sign up for a brokerage account you choose your [B]account
leverage[/B]. If you chose 100:1 that means you are able to control up to
100 times the available equity in your account by only putting down
1/100th the value of the contract value as margin.

[B]Margin[/B] is what your broker wants you to secure the position with. If you
bought a mini lot ($10,000 worth of currency) with an account leverage
of 100:1, your broker would want you to secure the position with $100. If
your account equity ever fell below this $100 you could face a margin call.

Now here�s where I think people get confused. There�s another kind
of leverage called [B]true leverage[/B] or [B]real leverage[/B]. We are going to
call it true leverage in this lesson. There�s a big misunderstanding
that I have seen by people thinking that if their account leverage
is 100:1 that every trade they take is at 100:1 leverage. That is
wrong and I can see why you would be confused thinking that

When your broker gives you your account leverage ( lets assume
100:1 is what you chose), you are allowed to use your leverage up
to 100 times your equity amount. That doesn�t mean you are.
Leverage lets you control a greater value of contract sizes without
having to secure the whole contract amount with your account
equity. So if you have $1,000 in your account, you can control
a contract size on a currency pair worth up to $100,000. Divide
$100,000 by 100 and your margin requirement is $1,000. ( Your
whole account!)

So now you may be asking �Whoa! I don�t want to put up my
whole account as margin on each trade I take. That sounds
very very risky and dumb�.

Well this is where [B]true leverage[/B] comes in. Lest say you have
$1,000 in your account and want to buy a mini lot ( a contract
worth $10,000 ). So lets do the math 10000/1000 = 10.
Your true leverage is now 10:1 but your account leverage
is 100:1. So you will need to put up (lets do the math
10000/100 = 100) $100 dollars as margin to secure
the position.

So a conclusion is [B]account leverage[/B] decides your margin
requirements and how much leverage you are allowed
to use. [B]True Leverage[/B] is how you actually choose to trade using
your risk and money management.

A hope this helped out. If not, I tried.:slight_smile:

Senior members, if I screwed this up, please point
it out.;):stuck_out_tongue:

Nice work there Mytwopips!! :slight_smile:

These are not the easiest concepts to explain and you have done a fine job!! :slight_smile:

I am sure Rhodytrader would be pleased with you. :slight_smile:

how does it feel to have wasted 15 minutes of your life,

you do realize this stuff has been covered in the school, plus people have posted this stuff time after time after time, enough with these repeat posts.


This is Abner isn’t it?

Anyway, good job!

Thank you for that post. It may have been a topic covered, but I hadn’t personally seen it in such a clear way. It sure helped me and I am sure it did others as well. Thanks and great work, Raven


That is amazing insight!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Yes, It’s him.

Thanks, that helped me get closer to understanding leverage and margin, I think. Though I still can’t quite get my head around why the trader ‘deserves’ the profit he might gain from levered amounts of money that he played with.
I’m not sure how it can be that a trader is granted 100x his real money to play with, and can keep all of his profits from it… and then where does the broker’s commision (from spreads) actually come from?
I need to think about it more

or maybe less

Don’t look at it as “deserves” because leverage, as the Babypips school explains, is a double edge sword. The more you risk by increasing your leverage on a position, the more you can gain or lose.

Your margin is what the broker wants to secure the trade to make sure [B]they don’t lose money[/B]. There will always be someone else on the other side of your trade who loses when you win and wins when you lose. That is how the market works.

To give you an example, right now 4xstar (another user around here) has a lot of my pips. Right now my job is to get them back from her.:smiley:

but whether I use 0 leverage or 100:1 leverage, surely the amount of real money I’m risking is exactly the same?
Oh, except that I suppose $100 can vanish from a $100,000 position a lot quicker than it would from a $1000 position, right? Becuause the % fluctuations are the same in either case, just causing bigger actual waves in the $100,000 position.

But still, I can’t really see where the broker’s profit comes from, or rather, how their profit is increased by offering me leverage?

Yes, that’s correct.

The broker keeps the spread. That’s how they make money.

You use their liquidity and they only take their whole order imbalance of all trades to the real market to hedge against that imbalance.

They offer it to stay competitive against other brokers wanting their business.

Let’s try hard to keep this thread about leverage and not brokers. We don’t want it to turn into the same ole worn out brokers cheat you thread. I can already feel the posts coming to ruin this thing.

mytwopips great explainations on leverage and margin.

To give you an example, right now 4xstar (another user around here) has a lot of my pips. Right now my job is to get them back from her.

how does it feel to have wasted 15 minutes of your life,

hey dammustang is that all a 100% winning system will earn you a dammustang??? Get a life loser.

seeing that i’ve seen and heard this a hundred times i feel that i’m right and thats that.

and by the way, my system works just fine. thats why i have time to come on here and piss people off. :slight_smile:

Just go back under your bridge!

Banned twice, probably more under other names,
and he says he has time? That’s an understatement.
Clearly, he lives off of forums. Please, let’s live off
of FX trading earnings. And this bears mentioning
to newbies.

Do not use your trading account as a savings
account or a piggy bank in the hopes of
non-stop compounding your profits to the
tune of $1 Million balance. That is just foolish
notion. Pre-determine what amount you want
to keep and maintain in your FX account and
take out the surplus every single month religiously.

The goal isn’t to compound and squirrel away like
some ADHD hamster! The goal is to quit your
job and trade full-time and be independent right?
I should hope so.

bumped out of the dead… first post neads to be read.:slight_smile:

Excellent post!