Link Your MetaTrader to Twitter

Link Your MetaTrader to Twitter - Expert Advisor


  1. Open file run.bat with any text editor

  2. In the first line type your real Twitter username (not e-mail) and password instead of “UserName” and “Password” accordingly

  3. Apply changes and close the file

  4. Double click on run.bat and follow the instructions.

  5. Visit the link for authorization of application(this link will be also created in file auth_link.txt). By following the link you will get the pin provided by twitter.

  6. Enter pin from twitter to the application. You will get 2 files(not zero sized!) in the current directory: twitterClient_token_key.txt and twitterClient_token_secret.txt. Copy them to the “expertsfiles” folder of your’s Metatrader terminal.

  7. Copy libcurl.dll to the System32 library

  8. Copy post_to_twitter.dll to the “expertslibraries” folder of your’s Metatrader terminal.

  9. Copy TwitterSignalizer.mq4 to the “experts” folder of your’s Metatrader terminal.

  10. Put the expert TwitterSignalizer to any chart.

TimeIntervalForStatusUpdate =10 variable stores time in seconds for order events checking and twitter status update.

When you want to post information about profit from your MT4 account:

Feel free to post any questions, comments and recommendations.

I cannot reach to work!

Guys i am curious, why do you guys want to display your trades on twitter?

To make this clear i am not against this, just curious :slight_smile:


I visit the link, but it’s no authorization.

username is @mynameontwitter or mynameontwitter? Any of them seems not to work

Please, I’d like to use this.
