List Of Best High Leverage Brokers

@johnathanneal Same here, I have only heard of bonuses offered by brokers on making a certain deposit. Received a 100% bonus from fxview on depositing 200 bucks. How do credits work I wonder?:thinking:

Yeah, is there any broker that allows bonuses to be withdrawn? I have scoured the web but couldn’t find any broker that does that.

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It creates impression you have more margin what makes you able to open larger positions. Another definition of leverage. I use this stuff for trading news to get max from a price outbreak.

One good and relatively safe reason to use leverage is to trade like your account is 20x than your deposit amount. For example, let’s say my goal is to trade like I have a $100,000 account and want to risk $250 per trade (0.25%) until I build up some gains, in which case I can then safely ramp that up to $500 per trade (0.5%), but I only want to put $5k into an account.
Leverage allows me to trade like I have that $100,000 account using my risk parameters, but I don’t have to tie up $100k to do it, even though I might have $100k sitting in Treasury Direct earning interest.
I hope you realize that trading with a $250 risk is very low risk… if you know what you are doing. So the leverage in this case is about maximizing capital safety vs. moar gains, Lambo! baby!

Please i am looking for a broker that offers 1,:2000 leverage and above, who can recommend me one

I can’t vouch for any specific brokers, it might be worth checking out some well-known ones in the industry and seeing if they offer what you’re looking for. Make sure the broker is reputable and regulated.

A broker offering 1:2,000 leverage can’t possibly be regulated by anything better than a pretend or fake regulator. Real regulators don’t allow such leverage, and for good reasons!

Brokers offering leverage of that level are very good at taking deposits but no good at all at paying out profits, of course. That’s why they’re not regulated and are often based in small island countries most people have barely heard of.

The person you call the “broker” is actually the counterparty.

If you win big, with 1:2,000 leverage, what do you think are the chances of being paid out, given that the broker has chosen to be unregulated?

They’re not too high, are they? :wink:

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I’ve been using FXGlory, which offers leverage up to 1:3000. You might want to check it out and see if it fits what you’re looking for. Just a heads up, though—high leverage can be pretty risky, so make sure you’ve got a solid strategy before diving in!

But not as risky as the “brokers” offering it: brokers offering high leverage can’t possibly be regulated by anything better than a pretend or fake regulator, because proper regulators don’t allow that, and for good reasons!


It’s wise to be cautious and do thorough research before choosing a broker. However, I believe that the most practical approach is to start trading with small amounts to see how the platform performs and if it aligns with your trading strategy. For me personally, I’ve been trading with FXGlory and haven’t encountered any problems so far. We all have different priorities and risk tolerances, so the decision about which broker to use is best made by us as individual traders.


Long may that continue!

Some people really do encounter pretty big problems there, though, Amy, and the problem is that when they do, there isn’t a proper regulator to protect or help them. That’s actually apparent, by definition, of course, from the leverage they were offered when they opened their accounts.

Certainly, but for many people (especially anyone who might not be aware of it :open_mouth: ) the “high leverage excluding proper regulation” point is very important and fundamental. It really can’t be stressed enough in a beginners’ forum where some people may know no better.


This is absolutely right: we do, and it is.

But the most important and relevant thing for people to know in this context, Amy, is that a broker who is giving you 1:3,000 leverage is one who has deliberately decided to prevent their customers’ accounts from being regulated by a real regulator with any realistic power or influence.

From that starting position, we can then each decide for ourselves whether or not that matters to us.

If it doesn’t, then fair enough: it doesn’t, but I hope we can all agree, whatever our overall perspective on the subject, that the big mistake for people to avoid is making the decision without first being aware of that reality. Unfortunately, many (perhaps even “most”) beginners tend not to be aware of it until it’s too late. So the more regularly it’s stressed, the better. :wink:


Absolutely! New traders need to understand these aspects fully before diving in. Thanks for highlighting such a critical issue here, especially for those who might be new to this and unaware. Safety first, always :wink:


Totally agree with you on this. We need to make sure newcomers are aware of this before they jump in. Thanks for bringing this up :slight_smile: It’s definitely something that can’t be mentioned enough, especially for those just starting.


Having bigger leverage is always a positive… and as a choice… is a good thing to have.
That doesnt mean that the trader max’s out his leverage with big position sizes on each trade.
Risk mitigation is a trader’s choice.

… unless you want to use a broker that’s properly regulated! :roll_eyes: :grimacing:

(Sometimes it helps to read the thread before replying.)

yes i agree… it definitely helps to read the thread before replying.
Please read the post i am responding to… and then read my post.
Perhaps use your basic common sense next time…before responding to a random post without any context.
All the best… Cheers.