Little about me

My name is Justin, from Alberta, Canada! I am new to trading, my only experience is the books I have read and the YouTube channels I follow. I stumbled upon this website from a youtuber named Christie and she highly recommended it. My goal with learning forex is to have financial freedom. I work in the oil field and my shifts are 13 hours long and for 14 days in a month I am not home. My goal is to change that!


Hi Justin

Welcome to BP

Financial freedom is the top of Mount Everest. Not many traders succeed.

The FX market’s job is to make money, your job is not to lose your capital.

I cannot stress enough FX trading is a highly speculative negative sum venture and you will lose money on trades as does every trader on the planet.

That is the reality, not social media marketing hype, which is mostly fantasyland.

Oil fields sounds like a tough job!

Oh my. :open_mouth: Those shifts are crazy :confused: I hope forex works for you in the future so you can really adjust your work-life balance. :open_mouth: But anyway, have you tried the school here? :smiley: I think it’s pretty good when it comes to helping you out with the basics! :smiley: Or maybe you’re already demo trading?

Hello and welcome, Justin!
That job sounds rough - I can definitely see why you’re considering a career change. I’ve spent a lot of time looking at various forums and have to say this one seems to be the most active and helpful of the bunch. Wishing you all the luck!

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Hi there! yeah I’m doing the school right now actually, just started it the day that I signed up. I have done a bit of paper trading and I bounce back and forth to my PT account while doing the school. Also when I’m watching youtubers that I trust I bounce back and forth between what they are doing and my paper account… seems to be somewhat working, learning a little more everyday!

Hi Justin, forex trading is a great career but surely not an easy one. You will have to work really hard to make the most of the market movements based on your knowledge. Be ready for the risks you will be taking up.

Welcome Justin, Good luck.

Hello and welcome aboard Justin. You can learn a lot from Babypips itself. Take your time to learn and do not rush the process. All the best for your trading journey ahead.

Hello Justin, welcome to the forum! Wishing you good luck and strength to change it and continue to learn new skills!

Hi and welcome to babypips! You are starting off with a great mindset but don’t let that convert into unrealistic expectations. Focus on the work you do and you will get results accordingly.

I’m also trading forex to become financially independent. But it is important to remember that the road to success is not easy. You must work extremely hard to obtain success; do not expect to get wealthy suddenly.