Live Forex Competitions?

Does anyone know where and when some of the bigger live forex competitions happen with real money? Can we get one going here? Seems like there is already a few people that want to play…

not quite sure how it would work but if you can sort it im game :slight_smile:

Excellent, we can get one arranged for sure…

I know that phil838, sweet pip and thephoenix are probably very eager… arn’t you fellows?

No I arn’t…(try the feminine version)…lol

What makes you think that??? Just being in competition with the market is enough for me, anything else is just pure ego to prove something…count me out :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t say that, they are quite fun… and a good way to see how you stack up … I just finished a 3 month one… finished 3rd… started with 70 people, only 5 finished with positive gains… thats crazy!! But not all unexpected…

Stack up?…Like I said, whether my account increases or decreases already tells me how well I “stack up”, and I don’t think the 65 losers thought it was all that fun in the end…they probably took reckless risks just for the sake of the competition, or had impaired judgement from the stress of it. No thanks.


Ok, anyone else? phil838, thephoenix?

You’ve already lost. You say you make single digit gains per month. I do more than that in a week with a few methods I don’t even consider completed yet.

I believe phil and the other do too.

Seriously single digit per month and you think you are guru? The only way you could ever make money on that is if you already had a very, very large account.

I wouldn’t consider doing a contest because it would just distract me from actually trading.

Seriously dude you are busted. We already know you sell something.

P.S. Besides I trade for one thing and one thing only. [B]Profit.[/B] Not for fun, not for my ego and not to prove anything to anyone.

I’m starting to see a trend here… I gotta hand it to profitforextrader…


what did i do lol?

lee :slight_smile:

You have nothing to hide… and thats a great quality, keep it up…

Seriously we have something to hide because we won’t do your constest? [B](which is probably going to be lead to your sales pitch page anyway)[/B]

If I really wanted to mess with you I could just photo shop jpegs of my live account, that no would be able to refute, and make myself out to be a bazilllionaire.

Seriously, go back under a bridge troll.

i wouldn’t imply the others have something to hide, but as phoenix said some trade purely for profit and are not interested in competitiveness, proving any points or having fun trading

where as others like myself enjoy a little healthy competition every now and then whether its forex or sport, it adds a certain fun factor to it

just personal preference i guess, it may also have something to do with the length of time someone has traded, a senior trader who has traded 20 years + wont find the same excitement in trading as they did in their first year or two

Exactly! Jezz dude, we should go for a beer or something… sounds like you have a level head… ok, phoneix kid dude, we know your not interested, you can stop talking and let others express their interest… its just a way to have a little fun, we know where you stand…

how about we go for a pint of coke lol?

i dont drink :stuck_out_tongue:

lee :slight_smile:

First I’m not a kid, boy. YOU, don’t tell me when to stop talking.

Secondly, no one should be surprised when this contest and it’s results somehow lead to a site selling this guys junk.

Anyone that’s wise to scammers knows that, “contests,” are one of the ways they generate bogus results of beating other traders, in order to sell their product.

Just like brokers post contest results, because they know people are going to read them, ignore the long list of losers and dream about being the head honchos at the top.

LOL not trying to sell anything, just trying to have a little fun … you know? FUN … don’t take everything so seriously… relax there …breath dude… those kind of emotions can’t be good for your trading.

Sounds refreshing :slight_smile:

and i havent got a beard yet so i stil get ID’d…ordering a coke saves the embarassment lol :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL awww :wink: