Live forex journal

I thought this was probably not a great trade, but it looks like it might turn around, still, i think the general direction will be favoring the up side, so i’m a little cautious here.

Intuition told me to get out at a modest gain of 7 pips and so far it looks like it was the right move.

Just in case anyone is wondering, my total tally since starting this thread is -8 pips. Not great, but not terrible either. I’m aiming for about 30+ pips per week.

I might also point out that if i didn’t leave those four orders unattended last week I would be at +30. Should’a would’a could’a.

I had this long order hit just now, I’m afraid that it might be a continuation pattern forming. but it is good that the 82.1 support has held strong. it was also last thursdays high which became intraday low on friday. Also the trend is up so unless AUDJPY is about to face a reversal i think this will hold up well.

I just closed this trade for no real reason other than I’m going to sleep now and I didn’t want to leave it. but 13.3 pips isn’t bad. However as I type I’m watching all the pips I could of had, it was going pretty well.

this order was just hit, but I decided to hit the abort on it. mainly because I think this would be a better pair to hold for a bit longer than I usually do and I will wait for a larger pullback to get in i think. Went from 2 pips to .3 pips while i was taking the screen shot dammit. wont do that anymore.

This long order was place just before an intraday low from Friday, which it still hasn’t broken through yet, I’m hope for a pull-back at this point but so far nothing. Momentum seems to be strong which is worrying however on the 1m chart it looks like a possible reversal forming. Will just have to wait it out. I’m aiming for about 15 pips on this one.

lost 15.5 pips on that last one. Fuming. JUST touched my stop before charging back up.

I’m having another go at the JPY crosses here, will update in a moment.

The CHFJPY is going well so far, on a bounce at the moment but I’m hoping that the 87.77 level will hold as it has been a strong pivot point since earlier today, if it breaks through there i would be looking at the next minor resistance at 87.82 which is lined up with my 288 period MA on the 1 minute chart. If it broke that level I may consider getting out early. But I’m hoping to just let this one run and catch around 50 or 60 pips.

This is struggling to go anywhere, but it’s squeezing into a nice descending triangle so hopefully it continues its descent. Otherwise I’m thinking about putting my stop down to 87.84 because a break of that level would see the price move back up to my BE and since there is reasonable resistance there I would just as soon get out with a tiny profit and use that as a buffer to try to get back in at 87.9.

As predicted a drop in the price did eventually follow the earlier descending triangle, and hit the intraday high from wednesday at around 87.5 which seemed to be a good place to exit. I’m quite happy since the price is now retracing.

I saw this little head & shoulders pattern forming and jumped in, not quite sure about the exit, I’ll probably be a little conservative and shoot for yesterdays low at 1.6312.

I decided to jump out at the neck line. Nice and quick, if the price heads south again I’ll probably get back in. but it will probably continue to rally.

I’ve taken this trade in the hope that the poor Japanese GDP data will continue to impact on a weaker Yen. I decided to get in here because it looked like this congestion may be a continuation pattern on the first strong move upwards, but it already seems to have broken to the downside of the tight range it was in. i’ve got my stop quite close and if i get stopped out here i’ll give it another shot at 88.20.

I kept hanging on to that trade for some reason and i Just got out at a loss of 17.5 pips. poor effort. I have to learn to stick to my stops.

Trying to take advantage of AUD crosses volatility here, so far so good, have to try to not screw this one up.

I could have gotten a lot more out of this i think, but given how choppy this cross is I decided that anything could happen from here so I’m out at 21.4 pips. I’m just happy to have made up for the previous bad trade.

Hey everyone, I’d appreciate any feedback from anyone who actually reads this thread. If there’s anything you like or don’t like, want more of or less of, or have any questions let me know. Cheers