Live forex journal

This was in and out for a quick 13 pip loss again. I’ll try again at 1.5950.

Impatience is driving my trades today, this is another order that should have been placed at 1.6835. In any even, the price seems to be heading back towards my BE so lets hope it continues.

Closed at $8.47 yee haw! I’ll consider re-entry at 1.6835 when the time comes.

Another trade today, this time got in at the top of the range, hopefully we’ll see a rejection. will update soon.

well the price squeezed into a little triangle so i moved my stop to break even and the price broke out to the upside so i’m out at BE. wasn’t my day today, but looking forward to tomorrow!

if the .8968 level holds on this one i think this trade will go wuite we’ll and i’ll have my initial stop down near the Nov 17 low.

Hey looks like you are doing quite well at this :slight_smile:
Thought I’d try and answer some of the points and questions you raised earlier in your thread.

The first step in changing your attitude is to acknowledge your faults and write them down, just like you have there. The tricky bit is to then do something about it and there is no easy way to do that except mentally scold yourself whenever you think about moving a stop. As long as you put your stop in the right place to start with then when it comes to feeling you need to move it you can remind yourself that it’s there for a reason - because your criteria for entering the market is no longer valid - and so you gain nothing by moving it.

When it comes to orders, I think most of us have made that mistake in the past and again the only solution is discipline. Every time you leave your computer or shut down your trading platform note what pending orders you have. Check their charts and confirm that your criteria is still valid - if it isn’t, then remove them. Also consider how long they’ve been pending. Some signals lose their validity after several bars have passed.

I guess you can set alerts in your trading platform if you wanted for the big news events. Alternatively set yourself a trading schedule - for instance, every hour on the hour check the calendar to see what events are up and coming and what pairs they will affect. Personally I use the Forex Factory calendar (which is much like BPs) and mentally note at the start of each trading day what major news releases there are on the currencies I’m currently interested in. If I start to look at another currency, I’ll check the news before placing an order.

This is another one of those where self-discipline is the only way. To be honest once you’ve made the mistake a few times you will probably become a lot more determined to not give any more back. Every time you take a trade treat it as an independent event - because it is. The outcome of your next trade is not related to your previous outcomes. If you’ve had a loss the next one is no more likely to be a loser and likewise if you’ve had a string of winners the next one is no more likely to be a winner than any other trade. Using this knowledge always approach the trade with the same care and attention you would normally - determine the best place for your stop, set your normal risk (don’t up the risk because the last few have won) and allow the trade time to prove itself before cutting losses / taking profit. Always fully do your analysis and pre-trade checks - never put a trade on ‘just to see what happens’ otherwise how would you manage such a trade? Identify your stops and take profits before you enter the market and stick to them.

Hope some of that helps :smiley:

If you’re using Metatrader I’ve seen people using indicators that display upcoming news and the countdown to the release.

If you search around you should be able to find something like that.

ya if youd like a good news indicator just say so ill post it shows next 2 upcoming news forcasts, impact, and last reports forecast, also has alarms before news comes out :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Matt, sound advice there. I’ve started using the method for placing stops that you talked about in your thread. Really good stuff, I don’t know why I haven’t thought of it!
As for orders, I decided it’s not worth it for now, I close all my orders if i’m leaving my computer for more than 5-10 minutes. But… I’m getting a new computer this week which is NOT a mac, so i’ll be able to take advantage of charting software that can notify me via my mobile phone when my orders are hit.
The news issue is tricky for me, because i do make mental notes of when news is coming out every morning, but I get sucked into analyzing/doing other things that I just totally forget until both my order and stop is wiped out in an instant:( But your right i may have to just keep looking at whats going on. Thanks again!

Yes please! That would be great, probably won’t work on my mac, so good thing I’m getting a PC.

this one is going quite well, I was going to jump out at 0.8935 but looks like i missed out on that, no matter, I’m going to sit tight and hopefully see a break through 0.8935.

ok well here it is youll need a mt4 broker as this is a mt4 indicator.
also i did not make this, this indicator is part of another trading system found at forexfactory

THV3 (31.4 KB)

Thanks a lot!:slight_smile:

np :stuck_out_tongue:
just remember this indicator does not show all the news reports (idk y it doesnt) but it does show almost all major reports

Well this didn’t pay as much as I was hoping, but hey, if hopes were reality I’d be a millionaire, and so would everyone else. still a quality trade. got out with 23.3 pips.

Looking for a continuation of the strong move from earlier here.

After being in profit for a while i got stopped out, probably should have moved to break even. -10 pips. total of -.11.7 this week

Hello everyone, I have been on holidays, well actually I still am, currently in Switzerland. But I’ll be easing back into trading, I will still post every trade that I make. although I won’t be making quite as many trades as I was in november/december just yet. good news is I have a brand new dell, so
I will start to take advantage of a couple of benefits of PCs, e.g. the news indicator posted here earlier. I am currently in the process of demoing new brokers with MT4 charts. however I will most likely stay with Oanda, for execution purposes due to their low spreads and continuous interest which I like. However I hope some time this year to set up a far more mobile operation where I can do my research and plan my trades, then have alerts sent to me wherever I am and trade as necessary from a mobile device, which Oanda does not support unfortunately.
If anyone knows a good option for this kind of a set up I would love to here some suggestions?
Anyway, Good luck everyone for 2010!

well, this is my first trade in over a month so I’m a little shaky, starting out very conservative. I move to BE on this almost straight away, and I was already stopped out, so, not much to write about.