Local Broker


New to FX and looking for a broker. My initial thought was to use a UK broker regulated by the FSA as I live in the UK. I have been demo-ing with Alpari but I am concerned about the spreads, they advertise a minimum of 1.6 but running the demo the sread on EUR/USD is usually above 5, I have also had disconnections from the server at busy times. Are these things common and should I be concerned about a UK broker?

Thanks in advance

Hi Steve,

Thanks for signing up with us.

Our Demo spreads are variable, reflecting the price feed of our Pro accounts. However, in times of extremely low liquidity such as Boxing Day, spreads understandably widen. Ultimately our prices reflect those that we receive from our liquidity providers.

With regards to disconnections, there are very rare instances when this may happen. Should you believe this to be the case, please email us ([email protected]) your MT4 logs with your account number. We shall be happy to help.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Alpari (UK) Ltd