Looking for a broker (Mac)

Hi all, I’m actually looking for my future broker.
I’m working on Mac OS X, and I’d like preferably not use parallel desktop or other similar software.
Do you have any ideas ?
I searched on the forum but didn’t find any result.
I’d like that my future broker’s software offer me many possibilities to trade, I mean I don’t want something like eToro. :rolleyes:
And the must will be to keep the same broker for the real account after my demo period.
Excuse my poor English, and I hope you understand me ! :o
And thx for your help !

Salut tfd, je ne pense pas que ça existe encore, soit on met windows sur le Mac (je n’en vois pas l’intérêt) ou on trade avec un system ‘web based’. Sinon achete un PC :eek: … je sais … mais bon… :rolleyes:

try Oanda.

Java based works on all platforms.

try FxPro…they seem to tick all the boxes for me, also the site is in French so I recommend taking a look.

Good luck!

the best brokers are IB an mb

You can also look at website fxgm.eu they do not have web in French yet, but don’t worry, I can see that your English is good:)

i would say also try fxopen.

Hi there French dude,

I think you seem to have underestimated the trading possibilities that eToro gives you. First of all, we enable you to choose from many various instruments to trade: currencies, commodities and indices. Secondly, we have just about the widest leverage range you can find and we also offer micro lot, mini lot and standard lot trading. Many platforms only enable you to trade standard lots, thereby forcing you to maintain a huge margin. At eToro you can place orders, keep up with latest news, and best of all use eToro OpenBook to get trading ideas from the thousands of other traders using eToro.

I really think you should give it a shot, especially since not many platforms work with Macs, and eToro’s WebTrader platform will work on any flash equiped browser.

We wish you profitable and enjoyable trading experience,
The eToro Team

I’m using FXSolutions’ web based platform on my Mac. It’s fast and doesn’t feel sluggish.

I also know that IG Markets provides a web based platform as well.

I found Oanda.com to be very good. It’s fast and responsive java-based web platform.

fxopen supports mac?

Yes if course. If you use WINE you can install MT4 just like installing it under linux.

  1. Go to MacOSX - The Official Wine Wiki and install WINE
  2. Using Winetricks (included in the install) install mfc40 and mfc42 along with corefonts
  3. Download MT4
  4. Run the installer (using WINE)
    Then you are done.

My only issue now being an OSX noob is being able to stick a working icon on the desktop or Dock to run it without having to navigate manually to the installed folder to run terminal.exe every time. Apart from that, running MT4 under WINE in OSX is fairly painless.

hey fxfrench, you’re with fxopen?

Yes I am and since I just nabbed one of the old IMacs from FXOpen’s design team to play with I am exploring things like running mt4 on the Mac. OSX reminds me so much of Linux, I am not having much trouble adapting at all.

i am looking for broker

I would prefer etoro for newbies. Minimum deposit of $50 and their OpenBook system is really useful learning how real traders trade in real time. Good luck.

You’re never a loser until you quit trying.