Looking for a new broker after fxcm let me down

I am looking for a new forex broker, I was addicted to fxcm for the last 6 month but I feel
like I need a change… trading with fxcm is like being a Barcelona fan - everyone loves them
and they considered the best :slight_smile:

To make long story short I found this review of broker calls markets which I never heard of…
Markets Review
but for some reason I felt interested… do you know this broker? any experiences? bad or good :slight_smile:


How did fxcm let you down exactly? By being the best?

You feel like you need a change? What are you looking to get out of a change?

Read that little article, and markets offers what that is better than fxcm? Are you demoing and just looking to try out a new interface? I swear if you didnt have more than 10 posts this would just seem like you were advertising a new service.

Make this make sense; to me.

Ok, I know you’re tired of Barcelona, ​​you want to change team. But I don’t think it is profitable to invest money in another team when Barcellona wins every game! By the way, have you ever taken a look at this? Forex Brokers Guide - BabyPips.com

Good luck :41:

If you are doing it for money so I thing you have to stick with the best.
I am not saying that fxcm is the best but - stick with the best for you.

Yeah! Thats why the NFA called them out on slippage mal-practices.

But yeah! The best!

What’s the saying fool me once shame on me?

Fool me twice shame on ???

If you want to change your broker then AVAFX, ONADA or eToro may be another good option for you.

Look all of you, I don’t know why you are trading for but I’m not trading forex for the money, I have a job and trading forex is really not my source to feed my children.

I trading for fun and for the excitement of trading and that is why I feel like I need a change when I feel other broker is maybe not as good as mine - but feels more reliable…

In my way of trading it means more.

Jay said to me many times, trading is a [B][U]BUSINESS[/U][/B]. Not a hobby, not a pass time, and nothing to take lightly.

From the statement you made above you might as well buy lottery tickets because you aren’t taking it serious and thats why you barely got any serious answers and seem to have had disappointment with your current broker.

If you chose FXCM in the first place it probably meant you either lacked in the research department or you saw many ads and did a simple google without researching properly and saw that they were acclaimed as number 1 or top 10.

I guess your wife and kids are pretty happy (and damn lucky) you don’t trade forex to feed them.
First choosing FXCM cough and then wanting to change brokers, ‘[I]because mine is too good, and that’s no challenge[/I]’ (lmao) is … ummm … interesting, to say the least.

Maybe you should try amusing yourself by placing sports bets rather than dabbling at forex trading … that’s exciting, too, and way easier.
And make sure you pick the worst sports bets website you can find, offering the lowest possible odds … it’s more challenging that way.


That’s funny, my goal is to make forex as boring and profitable as possible. Maybe I should switch over to FXCM

Look big guy, you can’t tell me what excites me :slight_smile:
some are getting excited by placing sports bets,
some are like you, getting excited by eating paper or something…
I get excited by trading forex, and I want to try another broker and not fxcm.
I guess you never tried markets so… you don’t really know them.

Hi Tom Frank,

Sorry to hear that. If there’s anything I can help with please feel free to let me know, and we would appreciate any feedback.


The best times in forex trading are those when you’re really bored, coz price moves exactly as predicted.
And I’ll be perfectly content with being bored for three hours or so every day for the rest of my life, if these three hours net me three or four grand a day. (And no, I’m not trading micro or mini lots ‘for the kick’, as you may have guessed.)


Well for what it’s worth: I’ve read many times where it has been said that when trading becomes boring then you’ve actually FINALLY ‘arrived’. The theory being REALLY that once it gets boring: by definition you’ve become emotionless about it. And APPARENTLY that’s ‘a good place to be’ (I wouldn’t know because I’m not there yet i.e. emotionless)!!! LOL!!!



Haha, neither have I, and I somehow doubt I’ll ever get there … I like money too much for that. :smiley:

I think the thing about being ‘emotionless’ means that, once you have devised your strategy and have opened trades in accordance with it, you should not mess with stop-losses or targets out of fear or greed.
Not being happy about gains and not being unhappy about losses is just unrealistic or not human (and no fun).


of cource but gaining is not the only purpose of me… just having fun.
Like gambling :slight_smile: it is fun even when you lose all you money in some sinking huge ship because
some Italian guy wanted to show of with his ship :slight_smile:

Loosing too much money won’t be that fun. I don’t know, maybe its just me. Fun+gaining is always the right formula.

I agree man, more money will never become a problem.
what broker do you use by the way?


I see I wasn’t on my ‘usual form’ when this thread was started.

Look: there IS ONLY ONE broker and that’s Deltastock. Alright???

How much do you think it would cost me to have a post like this made a ‘Sticky Thread’??? I mean MAN: it sure would save me and others a LOT of time and money!!! LOL!!!



dpaterso…you always keep cracking me up…“I see I wasn’t on my ‘usual form’ when this thread was started”.

You always seize the opportunity to campaign for Deltastock… even with the slightest opportunity…I suggest here is the wrong time to do so as Tom Frank would also fall in love with it for 6 months and then get bored and give negative publicity about Deltastock…LMAO…please take caution:18: