Looking for a website for displaying the charts

Hi every one
I’m looking for a website that it give me an image from a real time 1h or 4h charts like eur/usd and … .

I’ve founded some website that displaying the charts with flash , Flash charts are not useful for me .

Any Idea ? How can I get real time images from charts , not meta trader , no phone , …


Take a look at dailyfx. They seem to have what you’re looking for, but in the form of Java. Just click on “charts” in the top banner when you’re on the site.

Forex Charts | Currency Charts

Try fxstreet.com and the charts they got there.
Heres one of my favorites fxstreet.com/rates-charts/live-charts/

Here: Forex Charts | Currency Charts - free
The charts are Java based, from 1 minute up to 1 month.