Looking for advise on west coast trading

Hi All,
I live in Canada on the west coast and I would like to trade maximum 2 hours per day.
What should I trade and when? What timeframe should I use?
Any advise is really appreciated.
Thank you!

Great questions for a beginner. Have you done much reading of the Learn Forex section above? A lot of your questions are answered there.

I’d suggest demo trading the 1hr or 4hr.

I think what you trade isn’t as important as your trade strategy and risk management rules (Stop loss size, position sizing, account size, max risk per trade, max risk per day, etc).

You could easily stick with the major pairs and even minors, but that might be too much as a beginner.

Find a strategy you can trade frequently, meaning getting several trade signals in your 2 hour window. That could happen on the daily, 4hr or 1 hr. It all depends on the strategy. I think I traded the daily far too long, and didn’t experience the markets enough early on. 1 or 2 trades on the daily might feel too slow for you, so you really need to figure out what kind of trading personality you have.

There’s also a free trading systems section here with plenty of strategies to try.

Hi, a picture will better explain what I want to say :wink: