Looking for audiobooks/lessons for when im at work

hi, i would like to know if there are any good audio teachings on subjects such as forex, money management(uk preferably as this is where im from and i need teachings relevant to the ways our system works) and trader psychology.

i ask this because i work outside for a few hours per day and i am looking to supplement my study by listening in this period.

thanks for any replies in advance


After doing a little research for you (I myself am sure I wouldn’t think of such a notion, great idea!), here are some useful resources:

  1. Trading psychology management - tradingpsychology1.com/trading-psychology-plan-training-session.html

  2. a free weekly podcast which focuses on the psychological aspects of trading - tradingpostfinancial.com/#podcasts

  3. There is always the option to download from YOUTUBE one of the forex videos (there are tons of it there) and just use it for audio.

Hope it would be helpful for you :slight_smile:

Mirror Man