Looking out for trading buddies

Hello people. :wave:
I’m Parssa and I’ve been in trading world quite a long time like 4 years from when i was 17.
During this time i have met so fantastic people in babypips and so many other platforms.

I feel i have been so isolated in trading although i have read in books like daily trading coach that it’s such a bane in trading.

My question for you is do you think having trading friends to set goals and have meet ups can help you ?
And lastly would you like to be with me on my journey to become profitable (I’m a price action trader and also a day trader).

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yes I think so… it’s important to have community with the good mindset and clear purpose. ‘bird with same feather flock together’ :+1:

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. ”― Jim Rohn

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Great to meet you, Parssa! :wave: I definitely think having trading friends to share goals can make a huge difference. :wink: it keeps you motivated and helps you learn faster.

Hi Parssa, you are 4 years ahead of me. :slight_smile:

It’s a powerful thought. Is it true even virtually, from the people you spend online time with?

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Yes… of course great people at the ancient time did it with letter :grin:. Now days, unfortunately it’s more easy for random entity to sorounding us. They can play a role (real one or imaginary). We have independence to use our consciousness to chose, otherwise we’ll be eaten unconsciousnessly by the social algorithm

I am all in buddy! Let’s do it

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Hey Parssa! I get it what mean about feeling isolated. Having few friends in trading do help which keep you motivated. How’d you find price action trading so far?

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Welcoooome! :blush:

As a very social person :sweat_smile: I think it does help. :smiley: Having people you can talk to about your forex milestones can get you excited to achieve even more. :blush:

Of couuurse! :blush: I’ll be cheering for you until you get there! :blush:

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Hey Dear Growin
I love Jim Rohn quotes :heart:
so What’s up with your trading so far? any plans you like to share for future?

Hey Dear Maybe Anna :sweat_smile:
I would barely say ahead, actually I have talked to some guys lately that have become profitable like in less than a year so i guess everyone is on a different journey.
how do you plan to start trading by the way?

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Hey buddy
sure! let’s do it
how is your trading journey so far and what do you plan for near future??

Hey Dear Trevor
thank you for understanding i appreciate that.
well i have developed setups based on price compression on 1m chart and i use higher time frame cycles and trends to trade according to them when i have a valid breakout from 1m compression.
so i have a breakout philosophy towards markets
how about you? what is you philosophy towards market ?

Hey Rose
you are actually the best, i remember talking to you like a year ago and you are still are bright and energetic as i remember.
so nice to see you around
well I would enjoy you cheering that’s so sweet of you, would you like to share a glimpse of your journey with me? like are you profitable and like where you are in trading and what was your main obstacle so far

I like the approach. I usually focus on catching the trends & reversals with indicators. Do you use volume to confirm breakouts?

Yes, my friend is also profitable in a little less than a year. He was not working, had much time available, learned to trade pretty quickly, and passed in October the test of a prop firm to trade with their money, and now he is paid! :sunglasses:

So it’s possible, I know.

Yes, very good point!

I am helped by my friend, and I ask questions here, and I have 7 trading books which I read slowly!

I also like breakouts.

Nice to meet you, and good wishes.

Everyone told me (and my books, also) that forex retail has no volume to see, because its market is not centralized. I think this must be right? :confused:


Actually it’s not quite as simple as that, @AnnaProbably .

What you’re saying is obviously true of retail spot forex, and forex CFD’s, but it isn’t true of forex futures, which retail traders also trade.

Those are centralized, on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange or CME, so volume is actually available for them. Among retail traders who become successful, the availability of volume is one of the five or six usual and well-known reasons for people to switch to futures.

Many CFD brokers pretend to be able to give their clients volume figures and charts, but as you already understand, it isn’t market volume.

It’s only the volume of their own customers: obviously they have no other figures to offer. Nobody could. To be very polite indeed about how useful those figures are, let’s just say that they’re of “limited value” and of course that they vary enormously between different brokers.

For two reasons, it’s important for retail forex customers to understand this, as you already do.

Firstly, nobody should be basing their trading decisions around it.

Secondly, nobody should be looking at or relying on any indicators that are volume-based, either. An example would be the Money Flow Index, or MFI, which is a volume-weighted RSI.

If you see forex trading systems, usually on Youtube or in forums, which use indicators like that, you can be pretty sure that their creators have not - unlike yourself! - quite understood what’s going on, and what “volume“ really measures. :wink:


So retail Forex is not centralized, hence no real volume data. But have do you use tick vol. as a proxy? It’s not prefect but can be helpful!

Actually very correct statement.
although it depends on ones strategy, how much do you think volume is actually effective in win rate ratio.
let’s be honest i have followed volume trading for a while with futures market and paid applications but it is like volume trading is a holy grail on the other side, Every successful trader (except price action traders on instagram) use volume some how.

Dear Trevor
I actually don’t use volume at all I can tell i’m a pure price action trader I even don’t use any indicators because I have learnt it that way from my mentor.
is it effective? Probably I still hit very good trades but you have to look out for fake signals a lot and maybe if you combine it with volume confirmation it is an extra layer

It isn’t a proxy at all, Trevor, and it couldn’t be, if you think about it! :smiley: For exactly the same reason.

The only tick-count your broker can ever have, just like the only volume they can ever have, is the tick-count of their own customers.

There isn’t any other figure for them to “have,” is there, in a decentralized market. Nobody can possibly count “ticks” that aren‘t recorded anywhere.

That’s why the figure couldn’t possibly be of any realistic use, as every broker has a completely different one anyway. :grin: