Losing hope, forex doesn't seems legit

Trading is not for everyone. If you think it’s not for you, don’t.


i m not trying to hurt feelings, but i think u guys should go back to the drawing board or just quit all together. trading isn t for every1 and this is why 80% or more fail. u d be better off playing lotto cards… before making some statements u should really try to understand what s price, what drives price, what are the catalysts and so on…the market isn t random cos it s run by humans, even the algos are still made by humans, with specific patterns or areas to buy or sell, only the time efficiency changes in which a trade is executed…if u d go to the grocery store and u d see that the price for let s say coffe is dropping(sale) u d be hurrying on buying untill the price comes up again, right? is the same thing here, smart people buy low and sell high and viceversa in order to make a profit. but u are led by fear of losing money, and ofc u ll never think about buying when prices are falling. there s so much misconception around that it s hard to know the BS from the real deal. if u d wanna become a lawyer u d expect a degree after a few months or a year? if the markets were random would be quit difficult to achieve consistency, i can assure u that much. heard another saying few days back, oh prices dropped cos suleimani was killed, like the market sells of on it s own knowing some tragedy happened…again, try to put some effort in if u really want to achieve something, and a lot of effort if u wanna become a consistent trader. again, not trying to offend, just saying it is possible to achieve consistency, but u gotta work hard and keep at it, and make sure ur learning the right things, cos if u spend time trying to learn crossovers and stochastics no wonder u ll be frustrated and think it s all a scam. Peace

I am just being real and realistic. The vast majority of people who try online trading lose money. Your own broker will tell you / warn you of this before you try to open an account with them.

Any person who attempts trading online can succeed - if they are good enough at predicting where price will move to, consistently, which is the extremely difficult part.


totally agree, that doesn t mean it s a scam. people are different, have different views, oppinions, ways of seeing things, learning and so on… i think this is where the difference liees

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A metaphor.

If people want to escape from a certain territory. but there is a big wall keeping them inside. And it is known that 80% of people who try to climb over the wall fall and at least badly hurt themselves. Knowing this, is it a good idea to attempt the climb over?

always, rather then live contained inside walls :smile: but silly methaphors aside, i see it just an excuse to hide the fact that some just can t grasp market concepts. or adapt to them. anyways, i ain t trying to disect why others fail where others succeed, but some are more poor then others and that s a fact. u wanna place that on personal capabilities and or IQ s or u can t just blame the state etc…

Chart based online trading is or would be simple in that -

From on any candlestick or bar, based on the price movement that followed, It’s easy to say - I would have liked to have entered there, and exited or stop and reversed there for a profit.
So all chart users are capable of easily seeing what should have been done after it has happened.

But being able to do this in live trading by predicting future price movement accurately often and consistently enough, is EXTREMELY difficult. All within the confines of a necessary (as we do not know where price will move to or when) stop loss to prevent an account balance wipe out.

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there u go, predicting :smile:
i ain t got nothing to sell nor do i gain anything makin u believe that it is possible to be consistent in the market, but i just don t share ur view. cheers

I’m not sure what you mean.

that simply means trading isn t for every1 and is difficult to grasp, not that is a scam. try and study volume, that s my main indicator. if u d bother to look and really search what really works and what doesn t rather then focus on the statement on brokers site, u d probably think differently by now. there are quite a few good threads even here on BBPS, that cost nothing to go thro and are pact with usefull info u could use to atleast start breaking even. but ofc labeling something rather then put some effort in it s way easier. no offence mate, but i think trading isn t for u. cheers

good points 1odi.

in my humble opinion, most quit and don t have the patience to stick with it after a few trials and errors. most will label it as scam and move on, gives closure i guess. since ur posting still on babypips i d assume u still have hope and are looking for a way to succeed in trading.(pls correct me if i m wrong). anyhow, i can direct u to the material that i ve learned and that has helped me to get pass all these hurdles if ur interested in learning. there are 2 other threads that deal with volume right here on babypips that have tremendous value imo, and once u grasp the concepts(not that difficult) all u need is a lot of screening time and practice day in day out. u can post questions about what u do not understand and off u go. that is ofc if ur interested in achieving consistancy in trading.

u can start with these 2 threads. i learned about volume on my own reading books and trying to figure out how exactly to read volume in regard to the candles on the chart, but the real breakthro happened when i saw others doing theyr own analysis using volume. anyways, u can always ask if u have questions etc. u also might want to read master the markets by tom williams just to grasp the technical terms and later on apply them on the chart. hope this helps.

This business is not for anybody
If your strategy is not working on demo and with all pairs and in anytime and sessions then keep your money in the bank and spend it on your famillie


Well said zrr.

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Trading is a bit of guessing game.

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That is your opinion and your entitled to it. Even if I tell you I took a trade because the stars aligned does it matter? Simply put only 2 things can happen when you enter the markets and start trading. Either your winning or your losing it is very simple like flipping a coin and waiting for either heads or tails. Now the reason we are losing/winning can come down to a plethora of things. Again that’s only going to be important to the individual whose trading and more importantly why he/she opened/closed a trade. Instead of wasting your energy in beating a dead horse saying that 75% are unsuccessful in trading which is information that’s readily available to the public how about you try to figure out how you can end up on the winning side.

At the end of the day are you trying to make money via trading or not? Are you going to complain about the system and how we are underfunded in comparison to the big dogs? They don’t care for you or me and they’ll still be making money while your complaining about the injustices of the markets. Don’t fight the markets or try to reason or understand the markets. Just simply take advantage of signs the market is throwing and use that to your advantage in your own respective trading. I’m less worried with why the trade went the way it did as long as I’m on the side the trade is going if you catch my drift.


Good points momoisync.

A lot of dead vibes here. My post really triggered a lot of attention. And it was unexpected.

Thank you for all your answer.

Never expected to make other people feel like me aswell. Some people are clearly turned down by this thread.

I will go into further details about the trades I took and went bad. But seeing so much attention, I don’t know if I should detail them here or start another post.

@insane19, Plenty feel like you… https://confessionsofatrader.com/… you’re not alone.

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Well said. There is info out there that can help, you just need to find it. The Commitment Of Traders weekly reports can give you an idea of price direction. Pay attention to what’s happening around the world. For example, the CAD is strengthening and with the new pipeline expansion this will allow for the transport of more oil to the US which benefits the CA economy (at what cost to the environment, which is another discussion) strengthening the CAD even further against the USD. It’s even been said that you COULD see CAD on par with the USD in the next 3 years. So keep your eye on the strengthening CAD. However, IF (big if) this did happen obviously it would be gradual, so you would look for short opportunities along the way.

This is just one example of some of the crucial events that could shape a country’s economy well into the future.

It’s certainly not easy, not your typical 9-5 but like any successful businesses, any successful career it takes blood, sweat and tears…and a lot of dedication.