Okay, there is one, right here
Even Babypips, however, will never be like a real school,
where you are surrounded by peers learning the same
things and where you can ask questions AS AND WHEN
you need answers for them…
What a lot of us newbie retail traders would like, really,
is a place where you could go and interact with other
people at the start of this journey, while being taught
by experienced traders, discussing live trades as they
happen, getting told what we did right and what we
did wrong, there and then…
The wasted time and effort, and the lack of confidence
that comes from this, is majorly due to us having to learn
everything by ourselves on this journey… As much as I
talk online with people on Babypips, I would love to discuss
trades with them sitting next to each other, computers on,
same charts on our individual screens, so that we would be
exchanging ideas on the same trades…
How can you be a judge of your learning quality without
a teacher? Can you imagine a school where pupils only
learnt individually, without a classroom, without a teacher,
only from books and websites? It would not work, and it
would not work for a reason…
Learning is intellectual and fact based, but it is also greatly
a social activity, where validation and exchange of ideas
take place with a mentor/teacher/leader and learning peers
around you.
For this reason, retail traders trading without this support
are at the mercy of their own fears, of panic, of greed, of
irrational tendencies, of grandeur, of paranoia, and really
feel quite lonely both in their triumphs as in their downfalls.
Just my thoughts…