Luminous Déjà vu

Why the statement is big deal for u??? because you cant trade like me??? As I said before people want result…How good is your system?? Whats ur % profit? …all these questions are common…

No values??? Sorry to say but u will never understand VALUES…My system come in a package…NOT ONLY ENTRY OR EXIT RULES…

I only posted in kreslik twice, 1 on a thread posted by my friend CSBUENO (2006) and 1 is my own thread (2011)…and the 3rd thread is here…2 forum is not many but wit this experience of being insulted by a guy like u in 2 forum board is enough for me…I wont look for others…I graduated school of pipsology in 2001 and only posted here in 2011…Im not a person who like to post thread which has no values…it took me 10 years of experience to post here…as I said, I started here n will contribute here…

Btw…you never answer my question…why??? Because I was right abaout you…hehehe

Bannned?? Im not afraid…you can ask them to ban me…I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE…

Let me explain here…LUMINOUS NEO is ONE…I will have my charts…dont worry…but not now…Let me make my self clear…I HAVE MY OWN STYLE…so u have to be patient…

If u want to show ur chart or ur own system, go open your new thread…and btw WHO ARE STUPID HERE??? and who ask u to read this thread if u r not interested…

lol…is he actually arguing with himself? omg, man…you need to get some help.

U r nut…check my IP…


My suggestion to you is to post the forex strategy. There is no need to debate anything with anyone in this thread. Simply post the strategy and answer questions about it.

Best regards,


That has always been the same excuse you’ve always used. There are three different ip’s in my house alone due to the various secured ways my wife and I access the Internet due to our professions. Five, if you include our respective offices.

I’ve send an email to pipcrawler…let him decide…n btw ur house is not my house…

Its exactly 10 days after I posted my post on 11th May 2011 and its time to continue…I’m hoping for a good discussion but within 10 days I received a WONDERFUL replies by the members…GOD BLESS YOU ALL…Its a total harassment to me but I won’t stop…No more debating…I will only answer relevant questions…those who don’t like just close your eyes or don’t even open click this thread. I will post more statements or my trade result to PROVE how good the system is to me…

What is virtual pips? For me those are pips who is LIKELY or UNLIKELY to happen example breakout. I used to see this before, hoping to get more pips but sometime it happen and sometime not…and sometime I’ve to skip trading for a few days just to wait for it to happen…

Look at the photo below :

This is example of lovely breakout but I have to wait for days to make it happen…

…and this example for another breakout…the 1st is a false breakout and 2nd was happening but again I have to wait for a few days…

I know some look breakout in different way but again its uncertain. We never know…Why I don’t trade on rejections instead of breakout?? Again its uncertain…We never know it will reject or break…But what I’m trying to say is due to this HUMAN NATURE which called GREEDY, I tend to look for bigger pips…Watch the photo below :

It’s nice to see it happened…hit 161.8 fibo level n I might get 180 pips from my entry…but trust me it won’t be that easy…it’s nice to see past chart…only God knows how difficult to handle this trade…Imagine we are taking that trade…while waiting for it to hit TP we probably come across the feeling to close the trade earlier because we afraid it wont hit our TP. If this happen, it will be a waste…or sometime we close earlier and open another trade and it may hit TP or hit SL…that’s also a waste…The most important thing is for me having a single trade with nearly 200 pips profit is chance of a lifetime…we will never get it often…that’s fact…opps sorry…maybe others can get it…but I’ve to admit hard for me to get that big…

So in order to overcome these uncertain things, I asked myself why I don’t look for pips that 80%-90% likely to hit TP??? Yes, I think the same way as you before…its impossible…but it’s not…and it happens not one, not twice…but it’s Deja vu…

Let me show you this : (the photos are based on GBPUSD on 3rd May 2011)

I look for market direction and this case its heading downward. So I will only look for SHORT setup. When market drop, it will form wave. I will start looking for a good setup. My 1st setup is to find my TP.

Then I will look for possible STOP LOSS. Candle B show a sign for another drop. When this happen I will look for smaller TF.

This photo is from 5 minutes TF. The 1st vertical red line is the OPEN for 1hr candle and the 2nd vertical red line is the CLOSE of 1hr candle. On this picture you can see price formed a new high and that probably will be a good SL.

Since price heading down in 5 minutes chart, it almost certain SL is a good setup.

Once I see my TP and SL then I will ready to enter. Entry is somewhere in between SL and TP.

In this case, my TP hit…

…and it drop further. Why didn’t I hold that trade??? Those beyond my TP is virtual pips…it may happen or may not…and the most important thing is my TP hit.

Here is the example of Deja Vu… It always happen but we just don’t realize it…TP is 80%-90% likely to hit…

Can you see what happen after TP hit???

This is the answer for the question on my previous post…

The 1st trade is a waste because it drop further and I only took possible 50 pips. The 2nd trade is only 40 pips and what if I hold??? The 3rd trade is less, 20 pips, and what if I hold???

It’s a matter of sticking to the rules…I found this system is the safest system for me…I didn’t mention the entry yet because I just want you to see if dejavu is really happen or I’m just talking nonsense. Tho’ I posted all trade with profit BUT REMEMBER, not all trade will give you profit…It’s your job to check it out and do your homework…

get a life man… grow up…

hey lum… wht next???

great info LUM… wht time frame u r using??? i mean ur prefered t.f? we all kno higher the t.f the credible it is… but iw ud like to kno ur opinion?? 1Hr???
great piece of info… i like it…

about my own thread… sure i wud like to open one once i get to kno HOW I CAN DO IT…
n is there any restriction about posting my own charts here?? it can be a gud thread for all of us… helpin each other…
any how…
have a great weekend…

I use 1hr…its better for u to open new thread so members wont confuse…there is no restriction for u to post chart here if its discussion on deja vu. If its different u better start your own…when members confuse im sure it wont help…

yea 1HR is gud, i use daily , 4Hr , 1 hr, 5 min t.f , multipule t.f analysis r always gud, it is gud system i like it, we all can use this info in our won benefit,
im a techical analyist… but i keep a close loook at fundies too,
but my style n system is different, i use moving averages n RSi n macd n stoch as my indocators n fix n pivot levels too…
yea i understand its ur thread n u r running the show here…:slight_smile: so i wont confuse anyone , i will open my thread…

i ve a question r u able to post real time trades based on ur system analysis???
u r doin a gud job, u r not just talkin in the air but u ve some logics behind ur posts… n i like them…
happy trading…

I would otherwise be fairly impressed that someone new to this forum would be able to single out Pipcrawler as the go-to moderator, if it wasn’t for the fact that you’ve already dealt with him half a dozen times. Did not I predict you would in fact do that?

Its easy…just see the forum rule…n see who wrote it…its pipcrawler…thats the best I can do…I know him since day 1 I join baby pips…its better to read the rule first before posting anything rite??? hehehe I like u…u always come with new idea…God Bless U…

Time to talk on the entry…Once you know how to look at SL and TP, now you can look for entry. To make my life easy I use Fibonacci to set my entry…

Fibo setting :

SL - 0.00
Entry - 38.2
TP - 100.00

Construct Fibo from your TP to your SL…and once you draw your Fibo you can either have market order or pending order…

Look at the example below…

Entry triggered and TP hit…

…always happen after TP hit


Hi luminousneo,

I have been following your thread with great interest and thanks for sharing.

Refer to your post #69, 70 & 71; My understanding on the Theory of Deja Vu:-

  1. Identify the market trend, down trend - short only, up trend - long only.
  2. Then we identify our TP and SL as per the wave formed.
  3. Stick to the rules and exit when TP hit regardless of what happen.

Correct me if I am wrong.

My question on your Post#78 - Entry.

Refer to your example screen shot; you enter long and TP hit.

What I can see from the scree shot it is a side way movement, is that correct? and your example show that u long, would like to know what make you decide to go LONG?

Thank you


Thank you for spelling everything out on Deja Vu method.

Could you please explain, in a few written steps, without charts, if possible, the entry rules again?

I looked over your entry finding posts, but I am not understanding it. I apologize for not understanding it.

Thank you for sharing this with us.