M2P Contra-Swing Strategy

For example, at what price did you buy your lowest one and what price your highest one and how many positions did you own overall (at most)?

Yes it did. Not all the way back up, but pretty close. Look at the wicks. The ones you sold to ease the load were your money makers.

I would probably be at b/e or little profit if I kept scalping.

I got in around 9990. I figured there would be a rally at 2.0000 but that was ok. I knew it wouldn’t hold and it didn’t because usd was already at a great discount.

correction 9956. I just checked my account history.

I had 16 open orders including the scalps. Whew, that is the most ever.

The ones I sold to ease the load were the ones I purchased first, at the lowest prices. None of them have been money makers as I did not purchase enough at the higher levels to average it out. By that time I was too scared to buy more :smiley:
I started purchasing around 9898 to 9940 is where most were purchased … then some up in the 9990’s, and maybe one or two above 2.00 … when it took off like a rocket after 2.00, I just sat there, frozen :eek:
So as of now, it has not come low enough to get out with my remaining positions at b/e, the others I sold on the way down as after it hit 2.0155 on that news spike, the lesser loss looked pretty good! By then I had no idea what had happened to cause the cable to move like that, nor what it would do next, but I needed to bail on some positions due to margin.
And it’s a learning experience … a very interesting one for my first try! I’ve never seen the cable behave like that before.
Down 10% of account, but I’ll make it back soon :slight_smile:

Anyway, to continue with understanding the strategy … something kept you out of the trade below 9950 … yet when I entered, price was above the 50 and 50 well above 200 and moving up … so what kept you out until the more opportune time? That is the missing link for me.
Checking back, I got in around 10 am yesterday, first entry … it looked like your setup at the time, but clearly it wasn’t as you waited until the second b/o to enter (after that longish consolidation)

Start buying smaller. Your fear is what kept you from profiting. You also bought at too close of a pip increment in the beginning.

Look for a trend to start exhuasting, not just starting. Now most of this summer we have had an easy time picking tops and bottoms at the beginning of a trend because all we had was chop. That might be over now and we will have to be more discretionary and cautious. We will have to go back to being patient and waiting for trades to come to us.

OK, got it … looking back on the cable-$ chart, now I see how I was in too early, not giving the trend time to prove itself … and then also to space the additions better, I was adding too randomly so got too many too low (for a short)!

Now … when you have a moment, explain this 1:1 leverage thing please.

I’m off to see if anything else is setting up :smiley: Gotta get me pips back :cool:


If you have $10,000.00 in your account, you will buy one mini lot per order. Because one mini lot is equal to controlling $10,000.00 worth of currency.

If you have $1,000.00 in your account, you will buy one micro lot per order. Because one micro lot is equal to controlling $1,000.00 worth of currency.

Since I use IBFX I can set my lots to the penny.

So if I was to have $3,400.00 in my account I would trade
.34 mini lots per order. If I picked up 10 of these .34 mini lots for the series, I am [B][U]now[/U][/B] at 10:1 true leverage. Because with each lot pickup your leverage increases by 1.

First buy 1:1
Second buy 2:1
Third buy 3:1
and so on.

Very important… The word now is in bold and underlined because I typo’ed it and it said “not”. A very confusing mistake.

If you have already read my last post, please go back an re-read it. A very important edit was made.

OK, now I get it … thanks.
I always make that same mistake, ‘not’ for ‘now’ … and strange because the letters are not even next to each other!

Just for practice … it looks like there was a nice short setup on the AUD/USD earlier today … right?

And what about the EUR/JPY … setting up for a long right here?

Ram sure called that short, but I wasn’t paying attention :frowning:

Yeah e/j looks like a long and I just took it. Thanks…
Elijah was right on the money with that short call.

Take a/u if you want. I don’t like to mess with it when it shows no ranges. It can be a stubborn one track mind pair at times. Other times in will be more volatile. Also price is below 50 not above.

Also the U-J is setting up … I’d prefer if she dips one more time, makes a double bottom for confirmation …

Do you also use candlesticks to help decide on whether to take the trade, or for entry?

No, I meant it was setup earlier today … not now. But around 10 am looked like a good entry … I’m just practicing spotting them :slight_smile:

I will take the E-J as well … that was a spectacular drop…

I will take a peak at the 4h or daily normal view chart every now and then. Candles on a 15m normal view don’t mean didly squat.

M2P, how are you handling the EUR/JPY trade you took last night? Like all the yen crosses, these pairs have obviously not finished their downtrends.

EDIT: Never mind, I went back to page 1 and you answered this in How to Manage the Trade … once committed to a trade, if it goes against you, you just add positions at set intervals.
The idea being that sooner or later price will meet its 200 ema on a 15’ chart … usually in profit, but sometimes at a loss.

I wonder … if you bought 2 positions at a time and closed one every time it was x pips in profit … like Elijah does with the guppy … I wonder how that would work? In a trading range market, it could do well but if the trend was a significant one, maybe not.

I just picked up one more. I was busy and didn’t get the best price.

Then if both positions keep going the wrong way you’re stuck.

True … but in that case you could ditch one at a tight stop loss, like -20 and then proceed as normal with the other (adding to position every set # of pips of reversal).

I may have come up with a killer way to trade a trading range like the recent one guppy went through … need to work on it a bit, then will let you know.