Made 200 pips today

Demo Account:

Buy @ 1.6389
SL @ 1.6380
TP @ 1.6409

Held for 59 minutes, hit TP.

Wich pair is it? Correct me if I’m wrong but I guess it’s 20 pips and no 200.

What’s your strategy anyway.

REgards :slight_smile:

My pair was GBPUSD, since we are in the GBPUSD section :slight_smile:

Yes, it was 200 pips. It was quite a profit of fake money. I had no strategy other than knowing GBPUSD has been trending up. I was just playing around with SL and TP really.

Lol, I’m sorry I catched your post on the “New posts” section, so I didn’t see where it belongs.

As for the pips I still think it was 20 and not 200.

What I think is that your broker shows you price moves in pippettes and not in pips, since your quotes are in 5 digits and not in 4.

Your platform shows 1.63890
while mine shows 1.6389.

1 Pips equals 10 pippettes so that’s where maybe the confussion relies.

Take a look at it, the pair has movel a little bit more than 200 pips today, but it took the pair 15 hours to make that move, not 59 minutes.


Well that makes more sense - since a 200 pip swing in 1 hour would be quite impressive! Thanks.

You’re most welcome.

I don’t know about your trading style, and if you’re scalping I have nothing to say in here since I’m not a scalper, but a stop loss of only 9 pips looks too narrow to me.

Anyway nice move you catched there for the 20 pips :slight_smile:

This time around I actually set my TP and SL based on how the numbers were swinging when I looked at the chart and based on previous candles. I would not typically be scalping and I expected to hold for longer than an hour.

I am glad to hear that some people are taking profit, especially the 20 pips guy who posted earlier. I took profit today on the same trade, my entry and my TP were definitely different from the other post but they can easily be seen. Take a look at my blog, it’s free to look at. this shows the ending result and what it looked like when I started the trade. Forex Lagi

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I wish you all the best though in the upcoming trades.

Looking at the daily trend, decided to go short on Fri at 1.66341, the currency then started ranging between support 1.6437 and resistance at approx 1.651 by the end of the day.
Plan to stay in for a break lower on monday with SL at 20 pips profit. Not good timing on a Fri and news due on Tue so will have to keep a close eye on things tommorow. Would not be surprised to see a retrace to 1.656 ish. Will wimp out if there is momentum approaching this level.

I guess you wimped out then??

Shame if you did - missed a good multi-week move (that now appears to be over!)

thank you for sharing information!

My gbp analysis for the week: