Made in China 2025

Hi guys.
I find this article very interesting.

Ok. That’s nice. Interesting.
But, these are my thoughts about how it would affect me. (The currency market).
–I will take seriously the trade war that’s begun.
–The Commodity currencies will be affected by what happens the the CNY (China’s currency).
–So, if things go well for their currency, then that translates to a higher Comm’s currency value.
–Always need a sense of the value of the USD.

Anyway, in 2015, this is what they have embarked on that program. So, they have said that in 10 years from that time (2025), apparently they want some serious domination on the world stage. And surely, someway, this will be making a statement in the currency market.

I don’t know. Just some of my thoughts here.
Any other thoughts?


Interesting read Mike. The trouble with politicians is, well they are politicians and most things they say are presented to make them look good and their opponents look bad.
I found this list of patents lodged by country a bit of an eye opener, China lodging 50% more new patents than the USA, which does suggest China is serious about its claimed intention.

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