Madness, Passion or Addiction

Well hello everyone… in case you were wondering what kind of topic is this “Madness, Passion or Addiction” in a “Introduce Yourself” section… You may stop wondering now, I’ll tell you well… Those three words describe me, or should I say has been used to describe me. Which in all honesty they are correct lol
Okay now a little about me. I’m not too old not too young… just somewhere in the age group where… You’re a bit too old to hang out with certain groups, and a bit too young to hang around some… what a confusing age to be in, if only I could rewind some years off my age or perhaps fast forward some to it, ha Madness I know…
So I started learning Forex trading from a friend mid 2018… He thought me the BBMA, yeah I was in Malaysia, and BBMA Oma Ally trading strategy is big there!, and rightly so, it’s such a detailed and reliable trading strategy, that can give you lot of confidence as most often you can pretty much point with good accuracy using the BBMA and multiple TF analysis, to predict where the market is going to next or at the very least you will be able to tell where it must go do a breakout or create a reentry.
So after understanding the BBMA a bit, I couldn’t wait to dive into trading using the BBMA along with the setup guidelines from my good friend.
He was mainly using but I watched a video warning about using same lot size for pairs, because really its not reasonable to say you have as much confidence on a pair that it’s ATR is for example about 40pips, versus the one the ATR is like 10pips, but when you put 0.1 in all order size no matter the pair, that’s exactly what you’re saying.
My experience in Demo was very good because I edited the lot size based on the targeted range of pips… although I didn’t do my calculation well… I didn’t feel it, because the trades was successful, using a $100 demo acct on a 1:1000 acct, I quickly turned the $100 to $300 same day, and by the end of the week, was about $500, I thought to myself, It’s pretty easy and straight forward, let me not waste time on Demo anymore, so I quickly dived into a live account, very first trade I turned the $100 to $200, moved $100 out to leave just $100 there, because the strategy didn’t use stop loss. The very second trade, my account wiped so fasted I was asking myself, what just happened lol
Just like the story of that guy on the Babypips margin education lessons story. I even messaged the broker to ask what nonsense is this, I just placed order and account wiped in no time lol. Till I realized I was the one that calculated wrongly my position size and risk.
Well you’re probably saying good thing you moved out $100, yes good thing, but I went and moved that back in… to another broker of course because I wary of the first one… still lost that one, and couple others I later deposited. 1 by 1 they came and go $100 at a time lol.
So I went back to demo, determined to learn and understand how to calculate the risk margin and position size better, along with mastering thee BBMA strategy better, so after some weeks, days, and countless hours of looking at charts.This is where the Madness came in lol.
What could have caused the madness… countless hours with chart or the sleepless nights or what I really can’t tell. In the madness I became so certain I found a hidden secret, that all the big banks were using among each other, and only they knew it and was using it to control price and send “fake” death/golden(200/50ema) cross to go appear on people’s chart, to lure them into a trade and lose their money, and some crazy edit I have done on an indicator was showing me the true but invisible cross, that will always win, yes madness I know, but not then… I even felt there were coming for me to come kill me, lol
Went out then walking to try to want to escape them, and seeing chart patterns on hills and avoiding to go anywhere that went low, looking to climb the hills, to not be buried by the chart down there lol.
This was real madness and I’m not kidding lol, God had mercy and restore my mental state , and cause me to remember most of the rubbish I did while insane. I know most of you don’t believe in God, believe whatever you want, but once you have tasted first hand His goodness and mercy like I have, you can’t deny His existence anymore…
So after the madness and the ordeal that followed it took a couple of months before I could be online again… With all my good friends warning please no more forex trading, madness can return, one of my good friend with Medical background even said it’s scientifically proven that madness always returns to people who return to what may have triggered.
But it was not more than a month after I could be online again, I was already looking again at charts, trying to remember all I had learned on BBMA, and the setup exactly as I was thought… but I realized from my demo performance that most of those precious lessons were gone.
So went to learn more about the BBMA again from watching videos and pictures, and reading about it, then decided to find my own setup using the the BB. A friend was surprise I went back and said, men this is addiction lol, I guess it’s better to be addicted to forex trading that if you can master will be a great addition to your life, than to be addicted to alcohol, or drugs or womanizing lol
I don’t call it addiction, I call it passion, and I like reading online and researching and seeing thousands of strategies people are using in different ways to try snatch some pips off the market, some so complicated, some not so complicated…it’s very interesting, it’s like a video game… but one where the rules are any rules are welcomed, just grab some pips and and try to keep’em.
And there are many confusing teachings out there for newbies, some people will tell you “You found a profitable strategy, good, stick to it like glue and be disciplined” while some others will tell you “You have to keep growing, and modifying stuff as market is changing”, and some will tell you “You can have consistently winning scalping strategy, with ratio of 6:1 and still be loosing money”.hmmmm
So many experts it seems, yet only 10-15% of forex traders they say only make money consistently lol, so it seems to me that the one that said stick to your strategy like glue , and the one that say keep changing it and the one that say 6 win to 1 loss is nothing, are all right… yes that’s how crazy the forex market is, everyone is right, one look at the chat even a newbie can guess this thing is going to go down, and he will be right… so why all the complications of things… seems to me the heart of the matter is the money management.
Yes I have found a very simple and easy to follow BB strategy, where you don’t have to wait for ages to get entry, you will get atleast 1 entry every day, except for friday of course, Friday is for gambling with no odds on your side, anything can happen lol. with this strategy I developed with BB, I noticed we don’t have to over complicate things to spot an entry. But there is a catch in this strategy or maybe it applies to the whole forex market… Here is the catch, how much money do you want to make per trade, is almost directly equivalent to how much you are ready to lose on that trade should it go against you.
I’ve tested this on demo, every time with a targeted amount to lose or gain, no matter the pips range, I calculate it into that certain amount bracket… and at the end of the week even if it’s just 3:2 win, you have a profit balance from 1 win to add to your balance, although my weekly test was actually around 3:1.
Now you still think the guy with the consistent winning strategy of 6:1 have nothing? They just have to apply this strategy determining how much they want to win or risk per trade, even if it’s $5, or $10, or more $ on the line for every trade…
Ha I have written too much… alright I am happy to be in this forum, and of course will be spending much time here reading, and learning BUT not changing my strategy unless I can find another simple one with 6:1 winning ratio… I like simple things , no stress please, can’t afford to go crazy again lol

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Fx is not just an addiction , its also a passion , we lose from here again and again , at last come back after that not quit completely at all.

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i took Forex as a passion , bit i am not addicted, i don’t like addiction.

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True, and I don’t think anyone without the passion for forex can remain and survive through the hard beginnings… Before the sunny days in the future

Replace forex in that sentence with any industry and it will work! :slight_smile:

passion is a word which result is same for any kinds of profession.

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heya dude, how are you doing right now? I’m a bbma beginner myself and was wondering about you, even though it has been like 5 years.