Margin call *price* mathematical equation

The margin call is at 70%.
Leverage: 400
Position size: 10,000

Can someone please tell me how to calculate the PRICE at which margin call would likely happen.

A general mathematical equation for the margin call price would be great.

Appreciate it!

Margin call will be activated when the margin level is close to 100% or below. Margin level is shown in MT4 trading station.

The broker defines when it will close and which order will be closed.

If the margin call will be activated on 70% it will be when the margin level is on 70%.

What price will be the level where the margin call is activated I cannot calculate without knowing more details.

But here you can find more details about all Margin levels you will encounter in Metrader 4:
Margin Levels in Metatrader 4

Okay, thank you. For the calculation, you expressed that you would like additional details, what would that be, perhaps I can provide that so that there’s clarity on how to calculate the margin call price or maybe just inventing an example would suffice. Thanks again!


Well, the question you asked looked like a challenge, so I developed the formula.
I’m not sure it was worth the time it took, but here it is.

The price, Pb, at which a margin call is triggered is given by the following formula –

For a margin call in a LONG position in a non-yen pair –

Pb = Pa - [B - (0.7 x Mp x Vn)] / [10,000 x Vp]


  • Pb = the current BID price of the pair traded, when the margin call is triggered
  • Pa = the ASK price of the pair at entry
  • B = the initial account balance prior to opening this trade
  • Mp = the margin (percentage) required to open this trade
  • Vn = the notional value (in USD) of this trade
  • Vp = the value of one pip for the position size (in lots)


Account balance: $3,000
Position size: one standard lot (100,000 units of EUR)
Entry price: 1.1102 ASK
Maximum allowable leverage (broker leverage): 50:1

From these metrics, we know immediately that –

Mp = 2% (that is, 0.02)
Vp = $10

And we calculate that –

Vn = 100,000 EUR x 1.1102 = $111,020

Therefore, the price Pb at which a margin call is triggered will be –

Pb = Pa - [B - (0.7 x Mp x Vn)] / [10,000 x Vp]

 = 1.1102 - [$3,000 - (0.7 x 0.02 x $111,020] / [10,000 x $10]

 = 1.1102 - [$3,000 - $1,554.28] / $100,000

 = 1.1102 - 0.0145 (rounded off) --  a loss of 145 pips results in a margin call

Pb = 1.0957 – this is the price at which a margin call is triggered in this example

For a margin call in a LONG position in a yen-pair, the term [10,000 x Vp] changes to [100 x Vp].
In this case, Vp (in USD) will have to be calculated using the current USD/JPY price.

For SHORT positions, Pa and Pb change roles.

  • Pb becomes the (SHORT) entry (BID) price.
  • Pa becomes the current (ASK) price (above the entry price) when the margin call is triggered.
    Therefore, for SHORT positions, it is Pa that must be solved for.

For a SHORT position in a non-yen pair –

Pa = Pb + [B - (0.7 x Mp x Vn)] / [10,000 x Vp]

For a SHORT position in a yen-pair,

Pa = Pb + [B - (0.7 x Mp x Vn)] / [100 x Vp]


thank you very much

Thanks a lot, it’s important to know.