Market hours


does anybody know of a good market that is worth trading and volotile enough outside of the London working hours 9am - 5pm GMT time.


Do you mean “market” like stocks, commodities, etc. or are you actually asking witch forex pair or pairs trade actively outside the London trading day?


Its probabily better if i explain myself a little better, i work 8 - 5.30 gmt time. London. ideally i`m after a pair that is volotile enough to be worth trading either before or after these times.

Say for instance the eur/usd and gpbusd move the most in london times.

so i`m after a pair in effect that moves a similar amount but in a different timeframe.


If you’re looking for a market environment to day trade and make small, quick profits you may be out of luck with your work schedule. The Euro session pretty much provides the best time for that style of trading, especially during the overlap with the US trading session. With the lack of any significant data releases or reports after 1700 GMT, the market definitely slows down.

You may want to take a look at trading longer time frames (4hr, daily) with reduced position sizes and wider entry/exit points. This can be a profitable way to trade as well…

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I hope this helps! Take care, good luck and good trading!

You’re probably out of luck for when you get home from the office, as Pipcrawler said as the US afternoon trading is usually the slowest time of day. Might be worth taking a look at trading before you start work, though. You’ve got early European action with some Asian overlap (I believe) that sometimes produces action. Check out USD/JPY and the JPY crosses. They might offer your something.

i`m going to try my system on a larger timeframe see if i can get it working on either daily or 4 hour charts.

I was asking a similar question to yours further up… I think the time limits for trading are confining…

What time limits? There are none in forex. You can trade whenever you want. Heck, you can even trade on the weekend with at least one broker.

I think everybody knows that its a 24 hour market, the original questions was asking for a pair that was volotile enough to trade outside of the london hours, for people who live in the uk and have day jobs.

Depends on how much volatility you need. All the major pairs and crosses are actively traded outside UK market hours. It’s just that most of the main data releases and news events take place then.

I see that most people list the London session times as 8AM to 3PM GMT.
However, investopedia says: "Official business hours in London run between 7:30am and 3:30pm GMT. Once again though, this trading period is expanded due to other capital markets’ presence (including Germany and France) before the official open in the U.K.; while the end of the session is pushed back as volatility holds until the London fix after the close. Therefore, European hours are typically seen as running from 7am to 4pm GMT."
So which is correct: 8AM to 3PM or 7AM to 4PM?

The forex 3-session system The Forex Three-Session System