MarketMilk for phone?

Hello, i want to know when MarketMilk is going to be availble for phone(ios) cause i mostly use it when trading and use MM a lot to setup my trades and exit points!


The ability to use MarketMilkā„¢ in a mobile browser is currently in the works. :+1:

Thank you for your patience. :pray:

How long does it take to be available on the phone, thank you!

MarketMilkā„¢ should be viewable in mobile browers before the end of May. :grinning:

Thank you so much for this good news. I will wait until that date &, God willing

I will wait impatiently because I am only using a mobile phone I have not yet purchased a computer

Hereā€™s a sneak preview of MarketMilkā„¢ on a mobile browser. :smile:


Thank you, We hope soon

MarketMilkā„¢ is now mobile-friendly! :partying_face:

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Thank you :heart:

I would love to use this new feature.