Master Price Action

How can I learn to master price action, and could you share some resources?

Best place to start:-

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Thank you so much

You can also get Laurentiu Damir’s books on price action.

Follow these books, “Trading Price Action Trends” by Al Brooks and “Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques” by Steve Nison.

The Al Brooks book is totally unsuitable for beginners.

The Steve Nison book, IMO, is dreadful, full of cherry-picked examples.

Just a question, and no rudeness intended at all, but since you said only a week or so ago that you know nothing about forex trading and have no experience of it, how is it that you’re now trying to “teach” us?!

I know that you work for prop firms, Merry, but I respectfully suggest that posting like this, trying to teach people here, really isn’t going to help your credibility or marketing at all?!