Perhaps you should consider a demo account. In case you’re not familiar, a demo account is trading the real market with FAKE money. You can trade, make mistakes, revenge trade, bet the farm, etc; and there are NO consequences because it’s imaginary money. It’s a great account for practicing and studying. Most brokers offer them.
A number of individuals find they can trade profitably on demo but not in real life. Hence demo success means little in the real world. However if you cant make it in demo then you have no chance with real money. Demo is about nailing down every aspect of your approach so that you can do it in your sleep and in my view is a critical part of trader development. Do you think surgeons go into the operating room for the first time without any prior practical experience under safe and supervised…
I found demo accounts and live accounts exactly the same technically to use. The difficulties are with your head once real money is on the line. In my opinion using a demo for 3-6 months to get used to the technical side of trading and then opening up a small micro account is the way to go. It’s probably a good idea to get some practice in real money management before too long so you don’t pick up some bad habits (like I did originally).
Because of the psychological differences which are incurred due to risking ones
own money people tend to start to invent reasons why they are now losing which
can manifest itself as slippage, stop hunting, lag, etc.